102 research outputs found

    Comparison of experts in the non-additive case

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    We adapt the model of comparisons of experts initiated by Lehrer («Comparison of experts JME 98») to a context of uncertainty which cannot be modelised by expected utility. We examine the robustness of Lehrer in this new context. Unlike expected utility, there exist several ways to define the strategies allowing to compare the experts, we propose some of them which guarantee a positive value of information.Non-additive preferences, experts

    Some Fubini theorems on product sigma-algebras for non-additive measures

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    We give some Fubini's theorems (interversion of the order of integration and product capacities) in the framework of the Choquet integral for product sigma-algebras. Following Ghirardato this is performed by considering slice-comonotonic functions. Our results can be easily interpreted for belief functions, in the Dempster and Shafer setting.Choquet integral, product capacity.

    Unambiguous events and dynamic Choquet preferences.

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    This paper explores the relationship between dynamic consistency and existing notions of unambiguous events for Choquet expected utility preferences. A decision maker is faced with an information structure represented by a ïŹltration. We show that the decision maker’s preferences respect dynamic consistency on a ïŹxed ïŹltration if and only if the last stage of the ïŹltration is composed of unambiguous events in the sense of Nehring (Math Social Sci 38:197–213, 1999). Adopting two axioms, conditional certainty equivalence consistency and constrained dynamic consistency to ïŹltration measurable acts, it is shown that the decision maker respects these two axioms on a ïŹxed ïŹltration if and only if the last stage of the ïŹltration is made up of unambiguous events in the sense of Zhang (Econ Theory 20:159–181, 2002).Choquet expected utility; Unambiguous events; Filtration; Updating; Dynamic consistency; Consequentialism;

    Comparison of experts in the non-additive case

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    URL des Cahiers : https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/CAHIERS-MSECahiers de la MSE n° 2006.88 - Série bleue (CERMSEM) - ISSN 1624-0340We adapt the model of comparisons of experts initiated by Lehrer («Comparison of experts JME 98») to a context of uncertainty which cannot be modelised by expected utility. We examine the robustness of Lehrer in this new context. Unlike expected utility, there exist several ways to define the strategies allowing to compare the experts, we propose some of them which guarantee a positive value of information.Le modÚle de comparaison d'experts proposés par E. Lehrer («Comparison of experts JME 98» est adapté dans un contexte d'incertain non modélisable par l'espérance d'utilité. Nous examinons ce que deviennent les résultats de Lehrer dans ce nouveau contexte. Contrairement à l'espérance d'utilité, il y a plusieurs maniÚres de définir les stratégies qui permettent de comparer les experts, nous en proposons quelques une qui assurent une valeur positive à l'information

    Unambiguous Events and Dynamic Choquet Preferences

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    This paper explores the relationship between dynamic consistency and the existing notions of unambiguous events for Choquet expected utility preferences. A decision maker is faced with an information structure represented by a filtration. We show that the decision maker's preferences respect dynamic consistency on a fixed filtration if and only if the last stage of the filtration is composed of unambiguous events in the sense of Nehring (1999). Adopting two axioms, conditional certainty equivalence consistency and constrained dynamic consistency to filtration measurable acts, it is shown that the decision maker respects these two axioms on a fixed filtration if and only if the last stage of the filtration is made up of unambiguous events the sense of Zhang (2002)

    Drainage hyperlent

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    L’étude prĂ©sentĂ©e ici est dĂ©veloppĂ©e en liaison avec le problĂšme du stockage profond des dĂ©chets nuclĂ©aires. En raison notamment de mĂ©canismes de corrosion, on s’attend Ă  la formation d’une quantitĂ© importante d’hydrogĂšne au sein du stockage. La roche-hĂŽte, Ă©tant resaturĂ©e par l’eau quand intervient cette production d’hydrogĂšne, l’hydrogĂšne est susceptible de pĂ©nĂ©trer dans l’espace des pores en phase gaz en dĂ©plaçant l’eau prĂ©sente dans les pores. Ce dĂ©placement gaz –liquide se distingue des dĂ©placements usuels en raison de son caractĂšre trĂšs lent (qui est liĂ© au taux de production trĂšs faible du gaz). On s'attend ainsi Ă  une trĂšs faible dĂ©saturation de la roche hĂŽte. Ceci rend le calcul de ce dĂ©placement Ă  partir du modĂšle diphasique classique basĂ© sur les Ă©quations de Darcy gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es difficile du fait du comportement particulier (voisinage d'un seuil de percolation) des paramĂštres phĂ©nomĂ©nologiques (courbe de rĂ©tention et permĂ©abilitĂ© relative au gaz) dans la gamme des trĂšs grandes saturations. Par ailleurs, le fluide injectĂ© Ă©tant beaucoup moins visqueux que le fluide dĂ©placĂ© (de l’eau), la question de la stabilitĂ© de l’écoulement se pose, l’apparition d’éventuelles digitations visqueuses pouvant remettre en cause l’utilisation du modĂšle biphasique classique. Cette question est Ă©tudiĂ©e dans le cadre de la thĂ©orie du drainage, cf. [1], qui indique que le dĂ©placement est de type IPSG (percolation d’invasion dans un gradient stabilisant) et donc compatible avec le modĂšle diphasique classique. L'Ă©tude peut alors se focaliser sur l'Ă©tude de la courbe de rĂ©tention et des permĂ©abilitĂ©s relative

    A Dynamic Ellsberg Urn Experiment

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    Two rationality arguments are used to justify the link between conditional and unconditional preferences in decision theory: dynamic consistency and consequentialism. Dynamic consistency requires that ex ante contingent choices are respected by updated preferences. Consequentialism states that only those outcomes which are still possible can matter for updated preferences. We test the descriptive validity of these rationality arguments with a dynamic version of Ellsberg's three color experiment and find that subjects act more often in line with consequentialism than with dynamic consistency

    Neo-additive capacities and updating

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    This note shows that capacities satisfying the axioms consquentialism, state independence and conditional certainty equivalent consistency under updating are a generalised version of neoadditive capacities as axiomatised in Chateauneuf, Eichberger, and Grant (2007)

    drainage hyperlent

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    Dans ce travail, le processus de drainage hyper lent est Ă©tudiĂ© d'une part Ă  travers une approche thĂ©orique issue de la thĂ©orie de la percolation, et d'autre part par l'intermĂ©diaire de simulations sur rĂ©seau de pores. En utilisant des rĂ©seaux modĂšles, une Ă©tude sera prĂ©sentĂ©e montrant comment les courbes de rĂ©tention capillaire et de permĂ©abilitĂ© relative au gaz doivent ĂȘtre spĂ©cifiĂ©es dans la gamme des trĂšs fortes saturations en eau de façon Ă  obtenir une prĂ©diction optimale Ă  l'aide du modĂšle diphasique classique
