4 research outputs found

    Comparison of ozone profiles measured by the Odin satellite instruments and ground-based, airborne, satellite experiments and model computations

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    The Odin satellite carries two instruments measuring ozone spectra from which strato- spheric ozone profiles are retrieved. Onboard Odin, the Sub-Millimeter Radiometer (SMR) measures an ozone spectral line at 501.4 GHz. Forward model and inversion codes using the Optimal Estimation Method permit the retrieval of vertical profiles in the altitude range 20-65 km. The UV-visible spectrograph of the OSIRIS instru- ment measures ozone absorption limb spectra in the ranges 300-340 and 400-700 nm. A code based on the technique described by Flittner et al. (2000) and McPeters et al. (2000) provides vertical profiles from 20 to 60 km. This work presents a comparison of Odin ozone profiles with those obtained by ground-based measurements from primary or complementary stations of the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC) such as lidars, microwave radiometers and ozonesondes. Some additional comparisons are also performed with ozone profiles obtained by balloon flights, air- craft experiments, other satellite measurements and model computations. These largesets of comparisons is also used to confirm the soundness of the Odin ozone measure- ments