1,971 research outputs found

    The Effect of Dietary Energy and Protein Levels on Production in Breeding Female Ostriches.

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    1. In a study spanning two breeding seasons, we assessed the effect of different dietary energy and protein levels on body mass, body condition, and egg production of female ostriches. 2. During the first breeding season, groups were given diets with energy concentrations of 8.5, 9.5 and 10.5 MJ/kg dry mass (DM) metabolisable energy (ME) and protein concentrations of 135, 150 and 165 g/kg. In the second breeding season, groups were given diets with ME of 7.5, 8.5 and 9.5 MJ/kg and protein contents of 105, 120 and 135 g/kg. 3. Body mass of birds on diets of 7.5 and 8.5 MJ/kg ME decreased significantly in the course of the breeding season compared with birds fed on diets with higher energy contents and body measurements decreased, suggesting a loss of body condition. 4. Females fed on diets containing only 7.5 MJ/kg ME produced significantly fewer eggs at significantly longer intervals, resulting in fewer chicks hatched. 5. There was no significant difference in egg mass, initial chick mass, chick survival to one month of age and body mass of chicks at one month. 6. Dietary protein concentrations had no effect on egg production, egg mass, hatchability, initial chick mass, chick survival or chick mass at one month old. 7. The female ostriches regained their original body mass during the 4-month rest period between breeding seasons, but significant differences in some parameters during the second breeding season suggest that they may not have fully recovered their body condition. 8. A dietary energy content of 7.5 MJ/kg proved to have an adverse effect on egg production by breeding female ostriches, and it may be concluded from this study that a diet containing 8.5MJ ME/kg DM and 105 g/kg protein should be regarded as the minimum that can be used for breeding female ostriches without compromising egg production

    The anatomy of the muscle wall of the human colon : the inter-taenial continuity of the longitudinal muscle coat

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    This report is, in modified form, part of the thesis presented by Dr. Pace for his Ph.D. The work reported was done whilst he was a Commonwealth Scholar in the Department of Anatomy at the Middlesex Medical School, London. Contradictions exist in the literature as to whether the outer muscle coat of the human colon is complete or not. There are conflicting points of view as to the presence and extent of the longitudinal muscle in between the taeniae. The material used consisted of 112 human colons, mainly postmortem, from subjects ranging in age from early fetal to 88 years. Portions from the named regions of the colon fixed in various states of distension were examined. The methods of microdissection were combined with those of histology. Sections, transverse of the whole circumference and longitudinal of the intertaenial wall, were studied. It was found that in the human colon the outer longitudinal coat, though thin in between the toenia, forms a complete and continuous layer. This is so at all ages, in all regions of the colon and in all states of distension except maximal when the muscle fascicles become separated by gaps filled in with connective tissue. Under no circumstances was the outer coat found to consist only of a few scattered longitudinal fibres and isolated bits of muscle, or to be entirely absent.peer-reviewe

    The Debate Widens - Introduction

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    Shortly after Don Patinkin’s initial assault on Milton Friedman, Thomas Humphrey (chapter 14 [1971], 12) highlighted the importance of the contributions (“overlooked by both Patinkin and Friedman”) made to the quantity theory between 1930-50 by four non-Chicagoan economists: Carl Synder, Lionel Edie, Lauchlin Currie and Clark Warburton. There are similarities between Friedman’s version of the Chicago monetary tradition and Currie’s Supply and Control of Money in the United States (1934). Also, Currie’s (1962 [1934]) essay on ‘The Failure of Monetary Policy to Prevent the Depression of 1929-32’ interpreted the Great Depression as a Great Contraction in a manner which foreshadowed the later work by Friedman and Anna Schwartz (1963). Humphrey commented that “oddly enough, however, [Lloyd] Mints and Friedman do not seem to be aware of the extent to which their criticisms were anticipated by Currie, for they cite him infrequently”. In the exchange that followed two further names were added to the list of overlooked quantity theorists: Arthur Marget and James Angell (Patinkin chapter 16 [1974], 28; Humphrey chapter 17 [1973], 462). Both Patinkin and Humphrey expressed curiosity about these omissions. Currie (chapter 15 [1972]) provides an additional perspective on Humphrey’s contribution in a note that is published here for the first time. ISBN: 185196767

    How Unique Was The Chicago Tradition? - Introduction

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    The first part of this chapter describes and elaborates upon the contributions made to this expanding literature by Tom Cate, J. Ronnie Davis, David Laidler, Joseph Aschheim and George Tavlas regarding the claim that inter-war Chicago exhibited unique quantity theory characteristics. The second part examines the so-called “‘Chicago Plan’ of Banking Reform”, described by Albert Hart (1935), a Chicago graduate student of the 1930s. The Chicago Plan was a response to the Great Depression which required all banks to hold 100% reserves against their deposits, thus eliminating the instability caused by fractional reserves. ISBN: 185196767


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    Much of the academic finance theory is based on the assumption that individuals act rationally and behavioral finances treats investorsñ€(tm) choice based by behavioral biases. In contrast, neuro-finance (as a blending of psychology, neurology and finance) attempts to understand behavior by examining the physiological processes in the human brain when exposed to financial risk. Scientists map the mind to learn how fear and greed drive the financial markets. The paper, will briefly present why neurofinance is important and how will be able to provide in the near future a number of effective tools for improved financial decision making.Emotions, Behavioral Finance, Neurofinance, Brain, Risk taking, Affect, Beliefs, Dopamine, fMRI

    Does Modern Econometrics replicate the Phillips Curve?

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    This paper reexamines the existence of a long-run relationship between wages and unemployment in the U.K., with data over the period 1860-1913 used by A.W. Phillips to derive the well-known Phillips Curve. Using Johansen's maximum likelihood method of testing for cointegration, a long-run inverse relationship is indeed depicted between the rate of inflation and the unemployment rate. However, the main impact of deviations from this long-run equilibrium is on the unemployment rate rather than the rate of inflation.Phillips Curve; long-run equilibrium; cointegration

    Evaluation of Varying Digestible Lysine Levels on the Reproductive Parameters of Cobb 500 Broiler Breeders and the Performance of their Progeny

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    The effect of decreasing digestible lysine (dLys) intake by broiler breeder (BB) hens from 35 to 45 wk of age on their reproductive performance and performance of their progeny was evaluated. Two types of diets were fed: a diet from commercially available ingredients consisting of dLys intakes of 1,200 (IDL) and 1,010 mg/hen/day (ID) and a semi-purified diet with dLys intakes of 1,010 (SPL) and 600 mg/hen/day (SP). Hens fed the SPL and SP diets had lower hen-day egg production compared to BB hens fed the IDL and ID diets. Fertility and hatchability of eggs set were lowest (P \u3c0.05) for hens fed the SPL diets. Chick weight at hatch was lower (P\u3c0.05) for those that came from the SP and SPLed hens, but 42 and 56 day body weights (BW) were similar for all treatments. Marginal improvements (P\u3c0.10) in FCR were seen at 42 and 56 days for chicks from IDed hens compared to IDL hens. A decrease in daily intake of dLys appeared to improve BB reproductive performance when hens were fed a semi-purified diet and the same response was not observed in hens fed a diet from commercially available ingredients. Furthermore, the progeny study revealed marginal improvements in some live performance parameters. In a second study, a diet based from corn-soybean meal and formulated to a dLys intake of 1,000 mg/hen/day (CS) and three diets composed primarily of corn, soybean meal, and DDGS with 1,000 (DDGS-1,000), 800 (DDGS-800), and 600 (DDGS-600) mg of dLys/hen/day were fed to evaluate the reproductive performance of BB hens from 24 to 42 wk of age. Feeding diets composed of commercially available ingredients with dLys intake levels below 1,000 mg/hen/day did not impact BB reproductive performance. Reduced BW, carcass and breast weight, and higher (P\u3c0.05) back half weight at 42 days of age was observed from broilers that came from 26 wk old BB hens fed the DDGS-600 diet. Reducing dLys intake in later BB hen ages did not impact progeny performance or carcass characteristics. This suggests that Lys may be in dietary surplus concentrations for commercial breeders under current practical conditions

    Evaluation of Varying Digestible Lysine Levels on the Reproductive Parameters of Cobb 500 Broiler Breeders and the Performance of their Progeny

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    The effect of decreasing digestible lysine (dLys) intake by broiler breeder (BB) hens from 35 to 45 wk of age on their reproductive performance and performance of their progeny was evaluated. Two types of diets were fed: a diet from commercially available ingredients consisting of dLys intakes of 1,200 (IDL) and 1,010 mg/hen/day (ID) and a semi-purified diet with dLys intakes of 1,010 (SPL) and 600 mg/hen/day (SP). Hens fed the SPL and SP diets had lower hen-day egg production compared to BB hens fed the IDL and ID diets. Fertility and hatchability of eggs set were lowest (P \u3c0.05) for hens fed the SPL diets. Chick weight at hatch was lower (P\u3c0.05) for those that came from the SP and SPLed hens, but 42 and 56 day body weights (BW) were similar for all treatments. Marginal improvements (P\u3c0.10) in FCR were seen at 42 and 56 days for chicks from IDed hens compared to IDL hens. A decrease in daily intake of dLys appeared to improve BB reproductive performance when hens were fed a semi-purified diet and the same response was not observed in hens fed a diet from commercially available ingredients. Furthermore, the progeny study revealed marginal improvements in some live performance parameters. In a second study, a diet based from corn-soybean meal and formulated to a dLys intake of 1,000 mg/hen/day (CS) and three diets composed primarily of corn, soybean meal, and DDGS with 1,000 (DDGS-1,000), 800 (DDGS-800), and 600 (DDGS-600) mg of dLys/hen/day were fed to evaluate the reproductive performance of BB hens from 24 to 42 wk of age. Feeding diets composed of commercially available ingredients with dLys intake levels below 1,000 mg/hen/day did not impact BB reproductive performance. Reduced BW, carcass and breast weight, and higher (P\u3c0.05) back half weight at 42 days of age was observed from broilers that came from 26 wk old BB hens fed the DDGS-600 diet. Reducing dLys intake in later BB hen ages did not impact progeny performance or carcass characteristics. This suggests that Lys may be in dietary surplus concentrations for commercial breeders under current practical conditions

    The Chorioallantoic Capillary Plexus of the Chicken Egg: A Microvascular Corrosion Casting Study

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    The chorioallantoic membrane of the avian egg serves as the principal organ of respiratory gaseous exchange for the embryo until close to hatching. It lies closely apposed to the inner shell membrane and contains an extremely dense capillary plexus supplied by the allantoic blood vessels. This study applied the microvascular corrosion casting technique to investigate the three-dimensional arrangement of the plexus at various stages of incubation. Casts were produced between days 6 and 14 of incubation, and their appearances were compared with those obtained from traditionally sectioned material and from freeze-cleaved specimens. By day 6 the capillary network was remarkably profuse but showed considerable regional variation in vessel density. In some areas there were only short capillary buds whereas in other areas fusion had taken place so that a true plexus was formed. By day 10 the capillaries had become confluent to such a degree that the cast consisted of a thin sheet of resin perforated only by an array of small irregularly shaped orifices. These corresponded closely in size to the intervening columns of chorionic epithelial cells seen in the sectioned material. It is clear from the appearances of the casts that the capillary surface density becomes maximal at approximately day 10 of incubation. From then on in incubation any increase in the diffusing capacity of the chorioallantoic membrane must be the result of either an increase in its overall surface area, or a decrease in the thickness of the air-blood barrier

    Ultrastructural investigation on bovine Brunner's glands

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    Brunner\u2019s glands are branched tubulo-acinar glands principally located within the lamina propria and the submucosa of the small intestine of mammals. Previous histochemical studies of Brunner\u2019s glands in cattle have shown that the glandular lobules can be divided into two parts: a peripheral part, corresponding to the terminal tracts of the gland, and a central part, corresponding to the pre-terminal tracts and to secretory duct of the gland. Aim of our study was to perform an ultrastructural investigation to verify whether the histochemical partition of the gland corresponded to the presence of different cell types, as described in other species. Data demonstrated that the glands were formed by two cell types: the tubulo-acinar gland regions consisted of pyramidal cells with large electron-lucent mucous secretory vesicles, while the pre-terminal and secretory ducts were made of sero-mucous cells with variable number of discrete secretory vesicles of different electron-density
