318 research outputs found


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    Objective: To study the drug utilization pattern in patients suffering from primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) in a tertiary care teaching hospital.Methods: It is a prospective study done on 50 patients of POAG (comprising of individuals belonging to any age group). This study was carried for a period of 2-month, and the data included patient's demographic details and the drugs prescribed. Data were analyzed for drug use pattern.Results: After screening the prescriptions of patients, it was found out that out of total 50 prescriptions, 30 were males, and 20 were females. Out of50 prescriptions, prostaglandins (58%) were most commonly prescribed. β-blockers (16%) were also prescribed. Fixed dose combination constituted60% of the prescriptions. Instructions about the route, frequency, and duration of treatment were present in all prescriptions. Drugs prescribed by their generic names were 18.75% and about 81.25% of the drugs were prescribed by their brand names.Conclusions: Fixed drug combination of timolol and dorzolamide was the most frequently prescribed combination. Prescribers must be aware ofimportance of prescribing drugs with generic names.Keywords: Primary open-angle glaucoma, Intraocular pressure, Fixed dose combination

    The Edinburgh variant of a talar body fracture: a case report

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    We describe a novel closed pantalar dislocation with an associated sagittal medial talar body and medial malleolus fractures. Closed reduction was attempted unsuccessfully. Open reduction was performed, revealing a disrupted talonavicular joint with instability of the calcaneocuboid joint. This configuration required stabilisation with an external fixator. There were no signs of avascular necrosis, or arthrosis at 15 months follow but is currently using a stick to mobilise

    Performance Exploration of Uncertain RF MEMS Switch Design with Uniform Meanders

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    The design of RF-MEMS Switch is useful for future artificial intelligence applications. Radio detection and range estimation has been employed with RF MEMS technology. Attenuators, limiters, phase shifters, T/R switches, and adjustable matching networks are components of RF MEMS. The proposed RF MEMS technology has been introduced in T/R modules, lenses, reflect arrays, sub arrays and switching beam formers. The uncertain RF MEMS switches have been faced many issues like switching and voltage alterations. This study aims in the direction of design, simulation, model along with RF MEMS switching analysis including consistent curving or meandering. The proposed RF MEMS Switch is a flexure form of the Meanders that attain minimal power in nominal voltage. Moreover, this research work highlights the materials assortment in case of beam along with signal-based dielectric. The performance analysis is demonstrated for various materials that have been utilized in the design purpose. Further, better isolation is accomplished at the range of -31dB necessary regarding 8.06V pull-in voltage through a spring constant valued at 3.588N/m, switching capacitance analysis has been found to be 103 fF at ON state and 7.03pF at OFF state and the proposed switch is optimized to work at 38GHz. The designed RF MEMS switch is giving 30% voltage improvement; switching frequency is improved by 21.32% had been attained, which are outperformance the methodology and compete with present technology

    O combate à desertificação nas cumeadas do baixo Guadiana

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Gestão Sustentável em Espaços Rurais, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015A cultura rural e agrícola passou, em Portugal, por uma enorme evolução, principalmente a partir dos anos sessenta do século passado. O presente estudo começa por abordar essa evolução, tentando perceber de que forma a vida rural evoluiu, quais os fatores humanos e físicos que intervieram sobre a mesma – o êxodo rural progressivo e a evolução da tecnologia – e quais as consequências que os mesmos trouxeram ao desenvolvimento do território. Uma vez contextualizada a realidade que afeta as regiões rurais, este estudo irá debruçar-se sobre uma delas - a zona da Serra do Caldeirão, onde está inserido o caso de estudo. Procurar-se-á identificar as transformações físicas e culturais que a mesma sofreu, as suas condições edafo-climáticas e os aspetos socioeconómicos, que conduziram a um processo de desertificação que tornou esta região uma região “altamente suscetível à desertificação”. Tentar-se-á portanto perceber, numa primeira fase, quais as razões que levaram ao processo da desertificação e quais as consequências que a mesma provocou essencialmente nos meios rurais. Seguidamente, numa segunda fase, que será o foco desta pesquisa, iremos procurar conhecer que ações de combate à desertificação foram levadas a cabo, pelos privados e pelas entidades oficiais, e de que modo as recomendações do Plano de Ação Nacional de Combate à Desertificação (PANCD) foram tidas em conta na elaboração de projetos ou em ações-piloto desenvolvidas, designadamente na Área Piloto da Serra do Baixo Guadiana, pelo setor público ou por agentes privados

    Applied Meteorology Unit (AMU) Quarterly Report Second Quarter FY-14

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    This report summarizes the Applied Meteorology Unit (AMU) activities for the second quarter of Fiscal Year 2014 January - March 2014)

    Applied Meteorology Unit (AMU) Quarterly Report First Quarter FY-14

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    NASA's LSP and other programs at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) use wind forecasts issued by the 30th Operational Support Squadron (30 OSS) to determine if they need to limit activities or protect property such as a launch vehicle due to the occurrence of warning level winds at VAFB in California. The 30 OSS tasked the AMU to provide a wind forecasting capability to improve wind warning forecasts and enhance the safety of their customers' operations. This would allow 30 OSS forecasters to evaluate pressure gradient thresholds between pairs of regional observing stations to help determine the onset and duration of warning category winds. Development of such a tool will require that solid relationships exist between wind speed and the pressure gradient of one or more station pairs. As part of this task, the AMU will also create a statistical climatology of meteorological observations from the VAFB wind towers


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    The purpose of this project is to monitoring and controlling electrical devices in home remotely using Wi-Fi and get the status alert through SMS by using GSM modem whenever Required. The GSM modem provides the communication mechanism between the user and the microcontroller system by means of SMS. User can monitor the status and also control multiple electrical devices by sending suitably formatted SMS to the microcontroller based control system. These SMS commands are interpreted by microcontroller system and are validated. If the SMS command received is valid that means if password is matched then it takes the necessary action on the said devices and also it always monitors the home, if any one crosses the fencing then alerts will be sent to owners mobile in the form of SMS

    Quality profile of ginger under different management systems

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    Field experiments were conducted to find out the variation in yield, and quality profile of ginger under organic, inorganic and integrated management systems for three consecutive years (2007–2009). Ginger varieties, IISR Varada, IISR Mahima and IISR Rejatha were used for the experiment. Results showed that among the treatments, the yield was on par in organic and integrated management system. The oil content was significantly higher in integrated and inorganic management systems and oleoresin in inorganic system. The essential oil constituents viz., zingiberene, farnesene, α-pinene, citral, 1, 8 cineole, z-citral and camphene contents were highest in integrated management system. β-Sesquiphellandrene content was highest under inorganic management and ar-curcumene content was highest under organic management system. Among the three varieties, IISR Mahima recorded significantly higher yield, oleoresin, β-Sesquiphellandrene and ar-curcumene contents. In the case of oil and zingiberene content, there was no significant difference among the varieties. IISR Varada recorded maximum oleoresin, α-pinene, citral, 1,8 cineole, z-citral and camphene content while IISR Rejatha recorded the highest farnesene and ar-curcumene content. &nbsp

    Molecular Basis and Differentiation-Associated Alterations of Anion Secretion in Human Duodenal Enteroid Monolayers

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    Background & Aims: Human enteroids present a novel tool to study human intestinal ion transport physiology and pathophysiology. The present study describes the contributions of Cl- and HCO3 - secretion to total cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-stimulated electrogenic anion secretion in human duodenal enteroid monolayers and the relevant changes after differentiation. Methods: Human duodenal enteroids derived from 4 donors were grown as monolayers and differentiated by a protocol that includes the removal of Wnt3A, R-spondin1, and SB202190 for 5 days. The messenger RNA level and protein expression of selected ion transporters and carbonic anhydrase isoforms were determined by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunoblotting, respectively. Undifferentiated and differentiated enteroid monolayers were mounted in the Ussing chamber/voltage-current clamp apparatus, using solutions that contained as well as lacked Cl- and HCO3 -/CO2, to determine the magnitude of forskolin-induced short-circuit current change and its sensitivity to specific inhibitors that target selected ion transporters and carbonic anhydrase(s). Results: Differentiation resulted in a significant reduction in the messenger RNA level and protein expression of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, (CFTR) Na+/K+/2Cl- co-transporter 1 (NKCC1), and potassium channel, voltage gated, subfamily E, regulatory subunit 3 (KCNE3); and, conversely, increase of down-regulated-in-adenoma (DRA), electrogenic Na+/HCO3 - co-transporter 1 (NBCe1), carbonic anhydrase 2 (CA2), and carbonic anhydrase 4 (CA4). Both undifferentiated and differentiated enteroids showed active cAMP-stimulated anion secretion that included both Cl- and HCO3 - secretion as th