2 research outputs found

    Ictiobot-40 a low cost AUV platform for acoustic imaging surveying

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    Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are suitable platforms for a wide type of applications in the oceanic environment. These applications are developed in various fields such as scientific surveying, off-shore industry and defense. The employment of AUVs requires less human support and reduces operation costs. Due to the changing marine environment these vehicles must deal with uncertain and hostile conditions to perform its tasks. In the marine robotics matter, the INTELYMEC group has developed in 2012 an AUV prototype called Ictiobot, a low cost experimental platform for multipurpose missions. In this paper an upgrade of the original prototype is presented, the Ictiobot-40, conceived to perform acoustic imaging surveying missions of up to two hours and maximum depths of 40 meters. The new software and hardware architectures and mechanical structure improvements, are detailed. In addition to these technical details, initial experimental results of the AUV performance in quiet waters will be discussed. Also, the new approaches for systems under development are presented.Trabajo presentado en OCEANS 2019 (Marsella, 17 al 20 de junio de 2019

    MACÁBOT: Prototipo de Vehículo Autónomo de Superficie (ASV)

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    In this article the design and construction decisions of a mobile autonomous robot that navigates in water surface, known as autonomous underwater vehicle (ASV), are presented. It was almost totally developed and assembled in the laboratories of INTELYMEC-CIFICEN, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina in cooperation with a national enterprise interested in its commercialization. This prototype called MACÁBOT has been successfully tested in calm waters. From the standpoint of R+D it will be employed as an experimental platform for new algorithms and underwater technology. Its mechanical construction, the low level electronic designs as well as its software architecture is explained. Wet trials are also presented with further discussion about them.En este artículo se presentan las decisiones de diseño y construcción de un robot móvil autónomo que navega en la superficie acuática, conocido como vehículo autónomo de superficie (ASV por sus siglas en inglés). Fue casi totalmente desarrollado y armado en los laboratorios del Núcleo INTELYMEC-CIFICEN, de la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina en cooperación con una empresa interesada en su comercialización. Este prototipo, llamado MACÁBOT ha sido exitosamente probado en aguas calmas. Desde el punto de vista de I+D, se lo empleará como una plataforma experimental para nuevos algoritmos y tecnología subacuática. Su construcción mecánica, la electrónica de bajo nivel, como también su arquitectura de software es explicada. También se presentan las primeras pruebas acuáticas con una discusión sobre las mismas