195,455 research outputs found

    On the Profiles and Polarization of Raman Scattered Emission Lines in Symbiotic Stars:II. Numerical Simulations

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    A Monte Carlo method is used to calculate the profiles and the polarization of the Raman scattered O VI lines(lambda lambda 6827,7088) in symbiotic stars. A point-like isotropic UV radiation source is assumed and a simple spherical wind model is adopted for the kinematics of the scattering material from the cool giant. We first investigate the case where the incident line photons are described by a Gaussian profile having a width of 10^4 K. We subsequently investigate the effects of the extended ionized region and non-spherical wind models including a disk-type wind and a bipolar wind. The cases where the emissin source is described by non-Gaussian profiles are briefly studied. Finally, as an additional component for the kinematics of symbiotic stars the orbital motion of the hot component around the cool giant is included and the effect on the spectropolarimetry is investigated. In this case the polarization direction changes around the red part of the Raman-scattered emission lines, when the observer's line of sight is perpendicular to the orbital plane, and no such effect is seen when the line of sight lies in the orbital plane. Furthermore, complex peak structures are seen in the degree of polarization and polarized flux, which have often been observed in several symbiotic systems including RR Tel. Brief observational consequences and preditions are discussed in relation to the present and future spectropolarimetry for symbiotic stars. It is concluded that spectropolarimetry may provide a powerful diagnostic of the physical conditions of symbiotic stars.Comment: 22 pages, Tex, 15 postscript figuer

    Compensated Half-metallicity in the Trigonally Distorted Perovskite-type NiCrO3_3

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    Using first principles calculations, we investigate the electronic and magnetic properties of the trigonally distorted (R-3c) perovskite-derived NiCrO3_3. Within the local spin density approximation (LSDA), our calculations show that this system is an exactly compensated half-metal (CHM). The local spin moments of Cr 2.04, and antialigned Ni -1.41 and three oxygens -0.63 (in the units of μB\mu_B), indicate high spin S=3/2 Cr3+^{3+} and S=3/2 (NiO3_3)3−^{3-} units. Considering reasonable values of the on-site Coulomb repulsion U on both Ni and Cr ions with LDA+U approach, this system becomes an insulator (as reported by Chamberland and Cloud) having a narrow gap in the spin-up channel, whereas the other channel has a large gap of ~3 eV. Although inclusion of U seemingly leads to the transition Ni2+−−>highspinS=3/2Ni^{2+} --> high spin S=3/2 Ni^{3+},consistentwiththeexperimentallyobservedeffectivemoment,thezeronetmomentremainsunchangedduetoeitherreductionofoxygenlocalmomentsorenhancementofCrlocalmoment.Compressionofvolumeby10toCHMevenwhencorrelationeffectsareincluded.TheseresultssuggestthepossibilityofaCHMstateinNiCrO, consistent with the experimentally observed effective moment, the zero net moment remains unchanged due to either reduction of oxygen local moments or enhancement of Cr local moment. Compression of volume by 10% leads to CHM even when correlation effects are included.These results suggest the possibility of a CHM state in NiCrO_3$ and provide another route to search for CHM, which is a property sought by many.Comment: 5 pages, 5 embedded figures, (To be published in PRB rapid Commun.

    Charge and Spin Ordering in Insulating Na0.5_{0.5}CoO2_2: Effects of Correlation and Symmetry

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    Ab initio band theory including correlations due to intra-atomic repulsion is applied to study charge disproportionation and charge- and spin-ordering in insulating Na0.5_{0.5}CoO2_2. Various ordering patterns (zigzag and two striped) for four-Co supercells are analyzed before focusing on the observed "out-of-phase stripe" pattern of antiferromagnetic Co4+^{4+} spins along charge-ordered stripes. This pattern relieves frustration and shows distinct analogies with the cuprate layers: a bipartite lattice of antialigned spins, with axes at 90 degree angles. Substantial distinctions with cuprates are also discussed, including the tiny gap of a new variant of "charge transfer" type within the Co 3d system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Charge Disproportionation and Spin Ordering Tendencies in Na(x)CoO2

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    The strength and effect of Coulomb correlations in the (superconducting when hydrated) x~1/3 and ``enhanced'' x~2/3 regimes of Na(x)CoO2 are evaluated using the correlated band theory LDA+U method. Our results, neglecting quantum fluctuations, are: (1) allowing only ferromagnetic order, there is a critical U_c = 3 eV, above which charge disproportionation occurs for both x=1/3 and x=2/3, (2) allowing antiferromagnetic order at x=1/3, U_c drops to 1 eV for disproportionation, (3) disproportionation and gap opening occur simultaneously, (4) in a Co(3+)-Co(4+) ordered state, antiferromagnetic coupling is favored over ferromagnetic, while below U_c ferromagnetism is favored. Comparison of the calculated Fermi level density of states compared to reported linear specific heat coefficients indicates enhancement of the order of five for x~0.7, but negligible enhancement for x~0.3. This trend is consistent with strong magnetic behavior and local moments (Curie-Weiss susceptibility) for x>0.5 while there no magnetic behavior or local moments reported for x<0.5. We suggest that the phase diagram is characterized by a crossover from effective single-band character with U >> W for x>0.5 into a three-band regime for x U_eff <= U/\sqrt(3) ~ W and correlation effects are substantially reduced.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, corrected a few typos and changed reference

    Chemical Differences between K and Na in Alkali Cobaltates

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    Kx_xCoO2_2 shares many similarities with Nax_xCoO2_2, as well as some important differences (no hydration-induced superconductivity has been reported). At Tc2T_{c2}=20 K, K0.5_{0.5}CoO2_2 becomes an insulator with a tiny optical gap as happens in Na0.5_{0.5}CoO2_2 at 52 K. This similarity, with a known common structure, enables direct comparisons to be made. Using the K-zigzag structure recently reported and the local density approximation, we compare and contrast these cobaltates at x=0.5. Although the electronic structures are quite similar as expected, substantial differences are observed near the Fermi level. These differences are found to be attributable mostly to the chemical, rather than structural difference: although Na is normally considered to be fully ion, K has somewhat more highly ionic character than does Na in these cobaltates.Comment: 5 paper

    Boron Spectral Density and Disorder Broadening in B-doped Diamond

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    Comparison of periodic B dopants with a random alloy of substitional boron in diamond is carried out using several supercells and the coherent potential approximation (CPA) for the random alloy case. The main peak in the B local density of states is shifted to lower binding energy compared to the corresponding C peak in intrinsic diamond. In supercells, this shows up as strongly B-character bands split from bulk C bands away from the zone center,in an energy region around -1 eV. Even for a 4*4*4 supercell (BC127_{127}), effects of the dopant order are evident in the form of primarily B-character bands just below the Fermi level at the supercell zone boundary. The bands resulting from the CPA are of continuous mixed C-B character. They resemble virtual crystal bands, but broadened somewhat reflecting the disorder-induced lifetime, and are consistent with angle-resolved photoemission band maps. The B character is 1.7 times larger than for C (per atom) near the top of the valence bands for CPA, and roughly the same for supercells. CPA results are particularly useful since they characterize the wavevector and energy dependence of disorder broadening.Comment: 8 pages and 9 embedded figures (To appear in PRB

    "Personality and Earnings"

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    This paper studies personality as a potential explanation for wage differentials between apparently similar workers. This follows initial studies by Jencks (1979) that suggest that certain personality traits, such as industriousness and leadership, have an impact on earnings. The paper aims to provide a theoretical framework within which these effects may be analyzed. The study begins by outlining four issues as a backdrop to the model: rationality, the industry, firms, and workers. A crucial factor to the model is the memeÑa mental gene that affects personality. Taking these four factors into consideration, the Contested Exchange model from Bowles and Gintis (1990) is used. Then, it is adapted to study memetic effects on the wage rate. This is followed by an analysis of how memes may affect personality and thus earnings. The issues that require further study and resolution are 1) which traits create wage differentials, and 2) two-way causality: does personality affect the wage, or does a wage premium become an incentive for a person to adopt new memes?

    Upper stage in-flight retargeting to enhance geosynchronous satellite operations

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    Real time utilization of propellant reserves that are not needed is available with the implementation of the in-flight retargeting capability for the Centaur Upper Stage. Application to a performance critical, geosynchronous mission is discussed. The operational duration of the satellite may be increased by selectively choosing the appropriate final orbit injection conditions. During ascent Centaur evaluates the amount of propellant excess available and adjusts the final orbit target to consume the excess. Typical satellite mission requirements are introduced to illustrate the mission analysis process to determine the pre-flight nominal target and the in-flight retarget function
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