13 research outputs found

    Tying up the Loose Ends : A Mathematically Knotted Protein

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    Knots have attracted scientists in mathematics, physics, biology, and engineering. Long flexible thin strings easily knot and tangle as experienced in our daily life. Similarly, long polymer chains inevitably tend to get trapped into knots. Little is known about their formation or function in proteins despite >1,000 knotted proteins identified in nature. However, these protein knots are not mathematical knots with their backbone polypeptide chains because of their open termini, and the presence of a "knot" depends on the algorithm used to create path closure. Furthermore, it is generally not possible to control the topology of the unfolded states of proteins, therefore making it challenging to characterize functional and physicochemical properties of knotting in any polymer. Covalently linking the amino and carboxyl termini of the deeply trefoil-knotted YibK from Pseudomonas aeruginosa allowed us to create the truly backbone knotted protein by enzymatic peptide ligation. Moreover, we produced and investigated backbone cyclized YibK without any knotted structure. Thus, we could directly probe the effect of the backbone knot and the decrease in conformational entropy on protein folding. The backbone cyclization did not perturb the native structure and its cofactor binding affinity, but it substantially increased the thermal stability and reduced the aggregation propensity. The enhanced stability of a backbone knotted YibK could be mainly originated from an increased ruggedness of its free energy landscape and the destabilization of the denatured state by backbone cyclization with little contribution from a knot structure. Despite the heterogeneity in the side-chain compositions, the chemically unfolded cyclized YibK exhibited several macroscopic physico-chemical attributes that agree with theoretical predictions derived from polymer physics.Peer reviewe

    Predicted CP probabilities (CPred scores) for <i>Npu</i> DnaE (NpuInt), <i>Ssp</i> DnaE and <i>Ssp</i> DnaB inteins (<i>Npu: Nostoc punctiforme</i> and <i>Ssp: Synechchotcystis sp.</i>) plotted <i>versus</i> residue number.

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    <p>The coordinates of NpuInt (PDB code: 2KEQ) <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0043820#pone.0043820-Oeemig1" target="_blank">[23]</a>, <i>Ssp</i> DnaE (PDB code: 1ZD7) <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0043820#pone.0043820-Sun1" target="_blank">[25]</a> and <i>Ssp</i> DnaB (PDB code: 1MI8) <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0043820#pone.0043820-Ding1" target="_blank">[24]</a> were submitted to CPred to estimate the CP probability as a function of residue number. The locations of reported functional split sites (efficiency >50%) are indicated by closed black triangles, and asterisks indicate the naturally occurring split sites. The reported non-functional split sites in <i>Ssp</i> DnaE and <i>Ssp</i> DnaB are marked by closed red triangles. Two newly predicted <i>Npu</i> DnaE intein CP sites at residues 12 and 36 are indicated by open black triangles.</p

    Correspondence of reported split sites and CPred scores.

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    a<p>The PDB coordinates used for prediction were as follows: GFP, 1GFL <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0043820#pone.0043820-Yang1" target="_blank">[45]</a>; β-lactamase, 1BTL <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0043820#pone.0043820-Jelsch1" target="_blank">[46]</a>; DHFR, 1HFR <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0043820#pone.0043820-Cody1" target="_blank">[47]</a>; ubiquitin, 1UBQ <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0043820#pone.0043820-VijayKumar1" target="_blank">[48]</a>; firefly luciferase, 2D1S <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0043820#pone.0043820-Nakatsu1" target="_blank">[49]</a>; RNase, 1FS3 <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0043820#pone.0043820-Chatani1" target="_blank">[50]</a>.</p

    Thermodynamics and stability of protein unfolding of single-chain and split NpuInts.

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    <p>Thermodynamics and stability of protein unfolding of single-chain and split NpuInts.</p

    <i>In vitro</i> protein <i>trans</i>-splicing (PTS) assay.

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    <p>Time course of the protein ligation of GB1 and GB1 by (A) the naturally occurring split intein SP102 and (B) the engineered split intein SP36. (C) PTS kinetic analysis of the ligated product of GB1 duplication from SDS-PAGE after reaction using SP102 (blue line), SP36 (red line) and SP12 (green line). The schematic plot of the PTS reactions is depicted at the side.</p

    Thermal stability of intein variants monitored by CD ellipticity at 224 nm.

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    <p>(A) Far-UV CD spectra of NpuInt variants at 25°C. (B) The two-state thermal denaturation profiles of NpuInt variants. (C) Temperature dependence of the denaturation thermodynamics using van’t Hoff analysis.</p

    Secondary structure of the CP variants (A) CP36 and (B) CP102, evaluated according to the parameter Δδ<sub>Cα</sub>−Δδ<sub>Cβ</sub>.

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    <p>The chemical shift values for <sup>13</sup>C<sub>α</sub> and <sup>13</sup>C<sub>β</sub> of CP36 and CP102 were obtained, and Δδ<sub>Cα</sub> and Δδ<sub>Cβ</sub> were calculated from the differences between the experimental values and random coil values. The value of Δδ<sub>Cα</sub>−Δδ<sub>Cβ</sub> for each residue represents the average of three consecutive residues, centered at the particular residue. The Δδ<sub>Cα</sub>−Δδ<sub>Cβ</sub> value derived from native NpuInt C1G (indicated by closed circles) is overlaid onto the CP results for comparison. The corresponding secondary structure of C1G is depicted at the top. The difference (ΔΔδ) in (Δδ<sub>Cα</sub>−Δδ<sub>Cβ</sub>) between each CP variant and C1G was calculated and is indicated at the bottom of the figure.</p

    Circular Permutation Prediction Reveals a Viable Backbone Disconnection for Split Proteins: An Approach in Identifying a New Functional Split Intein

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    <div><p>Split-protein systems have emerged as a powerful tool for detecting biomolecular interactions and reporting biological reactions. However, reliable methods for identifying viable split sites are still unavailable. In this study, we demonstrated the feasibility that valid circular permutation (CP) sites in proteins have the potential to act as split sites and that CP prediction can be used to search for internal permissive sites for creating new split proteins. Using a protein ligase, intein, as a model, CP predictor facilitated the creation of circular permutants in which backbone opening imposes the least detrimental effects on intein folding. We screened a series of predicted intein CPs and identified stable and native-fold CPs. When the valid CP sites were introduced as split sites, there was a reduction in folding enthalpy caused by the new backbone opening; however, the coincident loss in entropy was sufficient to be compensated, yielding a favorable free energy for self-association. Since split intein is exploited in protein semi-synthesis, we tested the related protein <em>trans</em>-splicing (PTS) activities of the corresponding split inteins. Notably, a novel functional split intein composed of the N-terminal 36 residues combined with the remaining C-terminal fragment was identified. Its PTS activity was shown to be better than current reported two-piece intein with a short N-terminal segment. Thus, the incorporation of <em>in silico</em> CP prediction facilitated the design of split intein as well as circular permutants.</p> </div