164 research outputs found

    Attitude Takeover Control for Noncooperative Space Targets Based on Gaussian Processes with Online Model Learning

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    One major challenge for autonomous attitude takeover control for on-orbit servicing of spacecraft is that an accurate dynamic motion model of the combined vehicles is highly nonlinear, complex and often costly to identify online, which makes traditional model-based control impractical for this task. To address this issue, a recursive online sparse Gaussian Process (GP)-based learning strategy for attitude takeover control of noncooperative targets with maneuverability is proposed, where the unknown dynamics are online compensated based on the learnt GP model in a semi-feedforward manner. The method enables the continuous use of on-orbit data to successively improve the learnt model during online operation and has reduced computational load compared to standard GP regression. Next to the GP-based feedforward, a feedback controller is proposed that varies its gains based on the predicted model confidence, ensuring robustness of the overall scheme. Moreover, rigorous theoretical proofs of Lyapunov stability and boundedness guarantees of the proposed method-driven closed-loop system are provided in the probabilistic sense. A simulation study based on a high-fidelity simulator is used to show the effectiveness of the proposed strategy and demonstrate its high performance.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic System

    Attitude Takeover Control for Noncooperative Space Targets Based on Gaussian Processes with Online Model Learning

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    One major challenge for autonomous attitude takeover control for on-orbit servicing of spacecraft is that an accurate dynamic motion model of the combined vehicles is highly nonlinear, complex and often costly to identify online, which makes traditional model-based control impractical for this task. To address this issue, a recursive online sparse Gaussian Process (GP)-based learning strategy for attitude takeover control of noncooperative targets with maneuverability is proposed, where the unknown dynamics are online compensated based on the learnt GP model in a semi-feedforward manner. The method enables the continuous use of on-orbit data to successively improve the learnt model during online operation and has reduced computational load compared to standard GP regression. Next to the GP-based feedforward, a feedback controller is proposed that varies its gains based on the predicted model confidence, ensuring robustness of the overall scheme. Moreover, rigorous theoretical proofs of Lyapunov stability and boundedness guarantees of the proposed method-driven closed-loop system are provided in the probabilistic sense. A simulation study based on a high-fidelity simulator is used to show the effectiveness of the proposed strategy and demonstrate its high performance

    Holistic resource allocation for multicore real-time systems

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    This paper presents CaM, a holistic cache and memory bandwidth resource allocation strategy for multicore real-time systems. CaM is designed for partitioned scheduling, where tasks are mapped onto cores, and the shared cache and memory bandwidth resources are partitioned among cores to reduce resource interferences due to concurrent accesses. Based on our extension of LITMUSRT with Intel’s Cache Allocation Technology and MemGuard, we present an experimental evaluation of the relationship between the allocation of cache and memory bandwidth resources and a task’s WCET. Our resource allocation strategy exploits this relationship to map tasks onto cores, and to compute the resource allocation for each core. By grouping tasks with similar characteristics (in terms of resource demands) to the same core, it enables tasks on each core to fully utilize the assigned resources. In addition, based on the tasks’ execution time behaviors with respect to their assigned resources, we can determine a desirable allocation that maximizes schedulability under resource constraints. Extensive evaluations using real-world benchmarks show that CaM offers near optimal schedulability performance while being highly efficient, and that it substantially outperforms existing solutions

    Uncertainty in the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on air quality in Hong Kong, China

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    Strict social distancing rules are being implemented to stop the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in many cities globally, causing a sudden and extreme change in the transport activities. This offers a unique opportunity to assess the effect of anthropogenic activities on air quality and provides a valuable reference to the policymakers in developing air quality control measures and projecting their effectiveness. In this study, we evaluated the effect of the COVID-19 lockdown on the roadside and ambient air quality in Hong Kong, China, by comparing the air quality monitoring data collected in January-April 2020 with those in 2017-2019. The results showed that the roadside and ambient NO2, PM10, PM2.5, CO and SO2 were generally reduced in 2020 when comparing with the historical data in 2017-2019, while O3 was increased. However, the reductions during COVID-19 period (i.e., February-April) were not always higher than that during pre-COVID-19 period (i.e., January). In addition, there were large seasonal variations in the monthly mean pollutant concentrations in every year. This study implies that one air pollution control measure may not generate obvious immediate improvements in the air quality monitoring data and its effectiveness should be evaluated carefully to eliminate the effect of seasonal variations

    Enhancing visual communication through representation learning

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    IntroductionThis research aims to address the challenges in model construction for the Extended Mind for the Design of the Human Environment. Specifically, we employ the ResNet-50, LSTM, and Object Tracking Algorithms approaches to achieve collaborative construction of high-quality virtual assets, image optimization, and intelligent agents, providing users with a virtual universe experience in the context of visual communication.MethodsFirstly, we utilize ResNet-50 as a convolutional neural network model for generating virtual assets, including objects, characters, and environments. By training and fine-tuning ResNet-50, we can generate virtual elements with high realism and rich diversity. Next, we use LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) for image processing and analysis of the generated virtual assets. LSTM can capture contextual information in image sequences and extract/improve the details and appearance of the images. By applying LSTM, we further enhance the quality and realism of the generated virtual assets. Finally, we adopt Object Tracking Algorithms to track and analyze the movement and behavior of virtual entities within the virtual environment. Object Tracking Algorithms enable us to accurately track the positions and trajectories of objects, characters, and other elements, allowing for realistic interactions and dynamic responses.Results and discussionBy integrating the technologies of ResNet-50, LSTM, and Object Tracking Algorithms, we can generate realistic virtual assets, optimize image details, track and analyze virtual entities, and train intelligent agents, providing users with a more immersive and interactive visual communication-driven metaverse experience. These innovative solutions have important applications in the Extended Mind for the Design of the Human Environment, enabling the creation of more realistic and interactive virtual worlds

    Bioinspired Nanoparticulate Medical Glues for Minimally Invasive Tissue Repair

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    Delivery of tissue glues through small-bore needles or trocars is critical for sealing holes, affixing medical devices, or attaching tissues together during minimally invasive surgeries. Inspired by the granule-packaged glue delivery system of sandcastle worms, a nanoparticulate formulation of a viscous hydrophobic light-activated adhesive based on poly(glycerol sebacate)-acrylate is developed. Negatively charged alginate is used to stabilize the nanoparticulate surface to significantly reduce its viscosity and to maximize injectability through small-bore needles. The nanoparticulate glues can be concentrated to ≈30 w/v% dispersions in water that remain localized following injection. With the trigger of a positively charged polymer (e.g., protamine), the nanoparticulate glues can quickly assemble into a viscous glue that exhibits rheological, mechanical, and adhesive properties resembling the native poly(glycerol sebacate)-acrylate based glues. This platform should be useful to enable the delivery of viscous glues to augment or replace sutures and staples during minimally invasive procedures.United States. National Institutes of Health (GM086433)United States. National Institutes of Health (DE013023

    Scalable high-precision trimming of photonic resonances by polymer exposure to energetic beams

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    Integrated photonic circuits (PICs) have seen an explosion in interest, through to commercialization in the past decade. Most PICs rely on sharp resonances to modulate, steer, and multiplex signals. However, the spectral characteristics of high-quality resonances are highly sensitive to small variations in fabrication and material constants, which limits their applicability. Active tuning mechanisms are commonly employed to account for such deviations, consuming energy and occupying valuable chip real estate. Readily employable, accurate, and highly scalable mechanisms to tailor the modal properties of photonic integrated circuits are urgently required. Here, we present an elegant and powerful solution to achieve this in a scalable manner during the semiconductor fabrication process using existing lithography tools: by exploiting the volume shrinkage exhibited by certain polymers to permanently modulate the waveguide’s effective index. This technique enables broadband and lossless tuning with immediate applicability in wide-ranging applications in optical computing, telecommunications, and free-space optics

    Partial coherence enhances parallelized photonic computing

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    Advancements in optical coherence control1–5 have unlocked many cutting-edge applications, including long-haul communication, light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and optical coherence tomography6–8. Prevailing wisdom suggests that using more coherent light sources leads to enhanced system performance and device functionalities9–11. Our study introduces a photonic convolutional processing system that takes advantage of partially coherent light to boost computing parallelism without substantially sacrificing accuracy, potentially enabling larger-size photonic tensor cores. The reduction of the degree of coherence optimizes bandwidth use in the photonic convolutional processing system. This breakthrough challenges the traditional belief that coherence is essential or even advantageous in integrated photonic accelerators, thereby enabling the use of light sources with less rigorous feedback control and thermal-management requirements for high-throughput photonic computing. Here we demonstrate such a system in two photonic platforms for computing applications: a photonic tensor core using phase-change-material photonic memories that delivers parallel convolution operations to classify the gaits of ten patients with Parkinson’s disease with 92.2% accuracy (92.7% theoretically) and a silicon photonic tensor core with embedded electro-absorption modulators (EAMs) to facilitate 0.108 tera operations per second (TOPS) convolutional processing for classifying the Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) handwritten digits dataset with 92.4% accuracy (95.0% theoretically)

    The Simons Observatory: Development and Optical Evaluation of Achromatic Half-Wave Plates

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    The Simons Observatory (SO) experiment is a cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment located in the Atacama Desert, Chile. The SO' s small aperture telescopes (SATs) consist of three telescopes designed for precise CMB polarimetry at large angular scales. Each SAT uses a cryogenic rotating half-wave plate (HWP) as a polarization modulator to mitigate atmospheric 1/f noise and other systematics. To realize efficient polarization modulation over the observation bands, we fabricated an achromatic HWP (AHWP) consisting of three sapphire plates with anti-reflection coatings. The AHWP is designed to have broadband modulation efficiency and transmittance. This paper reports on the design and the preliminary characterization of the AHWPs for SATs
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