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    ANALISIS KEMENANGAN LEE CHONG WEI DALAM PERTANDINGAN MELAWAN CHEN LONG Fajar Ahsani ABSTRAK Olahraga Bulutangkis merupakan olahraga yang paling digemari di Indonesia setelah sepakbola. Bulutangkis adalah olahraga yang dimainkan oleh dua orang (untuk tunggal) atau dua pasang (untuk ganda), untuk memainkan olahraga ini kita harus mengetahui teknik-teknik dasar seperti servisforehand pendek, servisforehand tinggi, underhand, lob, smash, dropshot, netting dan juga backhand. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis deskriptif untuk mengetahui teknik yang digunakan Lee Chong Wei dan Chen Long dalam Pertandingan Yonex sunrise Hongkong Open 20 November 2015, Celcom Axiata Malaysia Open 10 April 2016, dan Dong Feng Citroen Badminton Asia Championships 1 Mei 2016. Dari hasil penelitian analisis kemenangan Lee Chong Wei dalam pertandingan melawan Chen Long menunjukkan bahwa dalam 3 pertemun Lee Chong Wei mendominasi jalannya permainan. Serangan Lee Chong Wei lebih tersusun rapi daripada serangan Chen Long, serangan Lee Chong Wei dimulai dengan teknik servisforehand pendek, netting, dan smash. Chen Long sering kehilangan konsentrasi jika sudah terkena serangan Lee Chong Wei. Kata kunci: Analisis, Bulutangkis, Pertandingan Bulutangkis, Teknik bulutangkis. ANALYSIS LEE CHONG WEI’S GLORY IN A GAMES AGAINST CHEN LONG FajarAhsani ABSTRACT Badminton is a sport that is most popular in Indonesia after football.Badminton is played by two people (for a single) or two pairs (for a double), to play this sport we need to know the basic techniques such asshort fore hand service, high forehand service, underhand, lob, smash, dropshot, netting, and also backhand. This research is a descriptive analysis to know about Lee Chong Wei’s technique and Chen Long’s technique in the gameYonex sunrise Hong Kong Open November 20th 2015,Celcom Axiata Malaysia Open April 10th2016,andDong Feng Citroen Badminton Asia Championships May 1th, 2016. From the analysis research Lee Chong Wei’s glory in the games against Chen Long showed that within 3 during the meeting, Lee Chong Wei dominated the games. Lee Chong Wei attack more neatly than Chen Long’s attack, Lee Chong Wei’s attack began with a short forehand service techniques, netting, and smash. Chen Long often lose concentration if it had been hit by Lee Chong Wei. Keywords: Analysis, Badminton, Badminton Games, Badminton Techniques


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    In the badminton match analysis, there unforced error be weapon in the match to get a winner point, and there forced error be one factor to be lose. The purpose of this study to analysis unforced error and forced error of Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan, includes service, lob, dropshot, smash, drive, backhand, and netting. Types of study makes qualitative approach and simple quantitative approach if possible with descriptive method, while this study is document analys form secondary data. Data analysis result analyzed a number by percentage formula, while analyzed a picture by sorftware Dartfish. Data analysis result show unforced error the percentage of Lee Chong Wei by 46,73% and the forced error by 53,27%. Dominated forced error percentage of Lee Chong Wei is return smash by 14%. In contrast to Lin Dan had unforced error the percentage by 53,27% and the forced error by 46,7386%. Dominated forced error percentage of Lin Dan is lob by 13,08%.    The conclution of this study is that badminton match was won by Lin Dan with a score 2-1 over Lee Chong Wei. Stroke technique that dominated unforced error both smash by 15-18%, while dominated forced error of Lee Chong Wei was  return smash and dominated forced error of Lin Dan was lob. It is because improper body position to hit the ball so that the roght of return or not widen(out), and the ball movement in difficult position to return the opposite area.        Key Word : Analysis, Badminton matc


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    In the badminton match analysis, there unforced error be weapon in the match to get a winner point, and there forced error be one factor to be lose. The purpose of this study to analysis unforced error and forced error of Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan, includes service, lob, dropshot, smash, drive, backhand, and netting. Types of study makes qualitative approach and simple quantitative approach if possible with descriptive method, while this study is document analys form secondary data. Data analysis result analyzed a number by percentage formula, while analyzed a picture by sorftware Dartfish. Data analysis result show unforced error the percentage of Lee Chong Wei by 46,73% and the forced error by 53,27%. Dominated forced error percentage of Lee Chong Wei is return smash by 14%. In contrast to Lin Dan had unforced error the percentage by 53,27% and the forced error by 46,7386%. Dominated forced error percentage of Lin Dan is lob by 13,08%. The conclution of this study is that badminton match was won by Lin Dan with a score 2-1 over Lee Chong Wei. Stroke technique that dominated unforced error both smash by 15-18%, while dominated forced error of Lee Chong Wei was  return smash and dominated forced error of Lin Dan was lob. It is because improper body position to hit the ball so that the roght of return or not widen(out), and the ball movement in difficult position to return the opposite area. Key Word : Analysis, Badminton matc

    Analysis of shot, unforced error, number of shot and duration of the match between Shi Yuqi and Lee Chong Wei in All England 2017 / Muhamad Fitri Adnan

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    This study was conducted in order to analysis of shot, unforced error, number Of shot and duration of the match between Shi Yuqi and Lee Chong Wei in All England 2017. Five match starts from quarter final to final match were selected to be observed. The indicator include for this analysis were the shot, unforced error, number of shot and duration of the match. Mann Whitney test used to see the significant of this study. For shot, first type of shot which is forehand Lee Chong Wei (Mean ± SD), (30.33±8.083) and Shi Yuqi forehand (17.67±11.7l9). Next, for backhand shot, based on the analysis for Lee Chong Wei (Mean± SD), (16.33±11.150) and Shi Yuqi (Mean ± SD), (14.33±6.658). For Lee Chong Wei drop is (Mean ± SD), (31.00±7.211) and Shi Yuqi drop (Mean ± SD), (52.67±34.962). Last for number of shot is jumping smash. Lee Chong Wei (Mean ± SD), (25.00±3.606) and Shi Yuqi (Mean ± SD), (24.33±.577). The second indicator is unforced error. Based on the results Lee Chong Wei out is (Mean ± SD), (6.33± 3.055) and Shi Yuqi out (9.67± 2.082). Next is Lee Chong Wei long (Mean ± SD), (.OO±.OOO) and Shi Yuqi long (Mean ± SD), (.OO±.OOO). For short and wrong court Lee Chong Wei and Shi Yuqi also same like long which is long (Mean ± SD), (.OO±.OOO). Lastly for unforced error is net. Lee Chong Wei is (Mean ± SD), (7.33±5.508) and Shi Yuqi (Mean ± SD), (8.67±4.04l). Next indicator is number of shot, Lee Chong Wei (Mean ± SD), (259.33±34.078) and Shi Yuqi (Mean ± SD), (2l5.67±75.745). Lastly indicator is duration of the match, Lee Chong Wei (Mean ± SD), (49.33±8.386) and Shi Yuqi (Mean ± SD), (43.33±7.024)

    Lee-Yang Property and Gaussian multiplicative chaos

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    The Lee-Yang property of certain moment generating functions having only pure imaginary zeros is valid for Ising type models with one-component spins and XY models with two-component spins. Villain models and complex Gaussian multiplicative chaos are two-component systems analogous to XY models and related to Gaussian free fields. Although the Lee-Yang property is known to be valid generally in the first case, we show that is not so in the second. Our proof is based on two theorems of general interest relating the Lee-Yang property to distribution tail behavior.Comment: We changed the title to emphasize Gaussian multiplicative chaos. Theorem 11, giving criteria for when some zeros are not purely imaginary, has been considerably strengthened. This yields a correspondingly improved result for continuum complex Gaussian multiplicative chaos in Proposition 1
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