6,670 research outputs found

    Tungsten carbide is more oxidation resistant than tungsten when processed to full density

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    AbstractPrevious studies report that WC oxidises in air more readily than W. However, systematic thermogravimetric studies reveal considerably slower oxidation kinetics in WC samples, which outperform previous measurements by 1–2 orders of magnitude. By combining X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy, the enhanced stability in WC is explained by a dense interlayer of sub-stoichiometric WO3, approximately 10μm in thickness, which forms adjacent to the substrate/oxide interface. The faster oxidation kinetics from previous studies are explained by the comparatively low densities of samples used

    A Robust Hand Recognition In Varying Illumination

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    High temperature creep of 20 vol.% SiC-HfB2 UHTCs up to 2000 °C

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    High temperature compressive creep of SiC-HfB2 UHTCs up to 2000 °C has been studied. Microstructural analysis after deformation reveals formation of new phases in the Hf-B-Si and Hf-B-Si-C systems, which are responsible for the poor creep resistance. RE oxide additions have a negative effect reducing the creep resistance of SiC-HfB2 UHTCs. A simplistic analysis for the required creep resistance is described, indicating that only SiC-HfB2 UHTCs could withstand re-entry conditions for 5 min in a single use. However, RE oxide addition to SiC-HfB2 UHTCs does not provide the required creep resistance for them to be candidate materials for hypersonic applications

    Gene expression profiling of mammary gland development reveals putative roles for death receptors and immune mediators in post-lactational regression

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    INTRODUCTION: In order to gain a better understanding of the molecular processes that underlie apoptosis and tissue regression in mammary gland, we undertook a large-scale analysis of transcriptional changes during the mouse mammary pregnancy cycle, with emphasis on the transition from lactation to involution. METHOD: Affymetrix microarrays, representing 8618 genes, were used to compare mammary tissue from 12 time points (one virgin, three gestation, three lactation and five involution stages). Six animals were used for each time point. Common patterns of gene expression across all time points were identified and related to biological function. RESULTS: The majority of significantly induced genes in involution were also differentially regulated at earlier stages in the pregnancy cycle. This included a marked increase in inflammatory mediators during involution and at parturition, which correlated with leukaemia inhibitory factor–Stat3 (signal transducer and activator of signalling-3) signalling. Before involution, expected increases in cell proliferation, biosynthesis and metabolism-related genes were observed. During involution, the first 24 hours after weaning was characterized by a transient increase in expression of components of the death receptor pathways of apoptosis, inflammatory cytokines and acute phase response genes. After 24 hours, regulators of intrinsic apoptosis were induced in conjunction with markers of phagocyte activity, matrix proteases, suppressors of neutrophils and soluble components of specific and innate immunity. CONCLUSION: We provide a resource of mouse mammary gene expression data for download or online analysis. Here we highlight the sequential induction of distinct apoptosis pathways in involution and the stimulation of immunomodulatory signals, which probably suppress the potentially damaging effects of a cellular inflammatory response while maintaining an appropriate antimicrobial and phagocytic environment

    Real-Time Automatic Segmentation of Optical Coherence Tomography Volume Data of the Macular Region.

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a high speed, high resolution and non-invasive imaging modality that enables the capturing of the 3D structure of the retina. The fast and automatic analysis of 3D volume OCT data is crucial taking into account the increased amount of patient-specific 3D imaging data. In this work, we have developed an automatic algorithm, OCTRIMA 3D (OCT Retinal IMage Analysis 3D), that could segment OCT volume data in the macular region fast and accurately. The proposed method is implemented using the shortest-path based graph search, which detects the retinal boundaries by searching the shortest-path between two end nodes using Dijkstra's algorithm. Additional techniques, such as inter-frame flattening, inter-frame search region refinement, masking and biasing were introduced to exploit the spatial dependency between adjacent frames for the reduction of the processing time. Our segmentation algorithm was evaluated by comparing with the manual labelings and three state of the art graph-based segmentation methods. The processing time for the whole OCT volume of 496x644x51 voxels (captured by Spectralis SD-OCT) was 26.15 seconds which is at least a 2-8-fold increase in speed compared to other, similar reference algorithms used in the comparisons. The average unsigned error was about 1 pixel ( approximately 4 microns), which was also lower compared to the reference algorithms. We believe that OCTRIMA 3D is a leap forward towards achieving reliable, real-time analysis of 3D OCT retinal data

    An Artifact Assemblage from the Ancient Shipwreck at Godavaya, Sri Lanka

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    The Godavaya shipwreck, located off Sri Lanka’s southern coast at a depth of approximately 33 m (110 ft), is presently dated to between the second century B.C.E. and the second century C.E., making it the oldest known shipwreck in the Indian Ocean. The focus of this thesis is a selection of diagnostic artifacts, excavated from this site between 2012 and 2014, consisting of a glass ingot, an unknown glass object, a metal ring, an iron spear, a benchstone, a grindstone, and many ceramic sherds, for a total of 31 artifacts. Its purpose is to attempt to contextualize these items within the Indian Ocean maritime network and Sri Lanka’s mercantile past, through artifact parallels, ancient sources, and previous scholarship. By identifying the likely origin, date, and purpose of each piece, the nature of this cargo and its voyage can be theorized. These in turn will address larger questions of economic activity and technological innovation within the history of the region. Primary sources from ancient cultures provide vital information on Indian Ocean trade connectivity, and the role of maritime networks in structuring Indian Ocean connectivity, and the role of maritime networks in structuring Indian Ocean socioeconomic life. Therefore, several literary works will be analyzed in this thesis, including the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea and Pliny’s Natural History from the Mediterranean, the Han Shu and The Sea Route from Guangzhou to Countries in the Indian Ocean from China, and early Sangam poems, the Dīpavaṃsa , and the Mahāvamsa from India and Sri Lanka. Finally, the terrestrial excavations at Godavaya and other relevant research will help provide a more holistic view of how this ship may have been connected to ancient seafaring activity. These 31 artifacts provide specific evidence for ancient maritime activity in the Indian Ocean, and contribute to the rapidly expanding scholarship surrounding seafaring in South Asia

    Flash Spark Plasma Sintering (FSPS) of Pure ZrB2

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    Export Date: 19 August 2014 CODEN: JACTA Correspondence Address: Reece, M.J.; School of Engineering and Material Science, Queen Mary University of London, London E1 4NS, United Kingdom; email: [email protected] Funding Details: EP/K008749/1, EPSRC, European Commission Funding Details: FP7 2007-2013, EC, European Commission References: Cologna, M., Rashkova, B., Raj, R., Flash Sintering of Nanograin Zirconia in <5 s at 850°C (2010) J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93 (11), pp. 3556-3559; Downs, J.A., Sglavo, V.M., Electric Field Assisted Sintering of Cubic Zirconia at 390°C (2013) J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 96 (5), pp. 1342-1344; Muccillo, R., Muccillo, E.N.S., An Experimental Setup for Shrinkage Evaluation during Electric Field-Assisted Flash Sintering: Application to Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (2013) J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 33 (3), pp. 515-520; Muccillo, R., Muccillo, E.N.S., Electric Field-Assisted Flash Sintering of Tin Dioxide (2014) J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 34 (4), pp. 915-923; Jha, S.K., Raj, R., The Effect of Electric Field on Sintering and Electrical Conductivity of Titania (2014) J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 97 (2), pp. 527-534; Zapata-Solvas, E., Bonilla, S., Wilshaw, P.R., Todd, R.I., Preliminary Investigation of Flash Sintering of SiC (2013) J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 33 (1314), pp. 2811-2816; Grasso, S., Sakka, Y., Rendtorff, N., Hu, C., Maizza, G., Borodianska, H., Vasylkiv, O., Modeling of the Temperature Distribution of flash sintered Zirconia (2011) Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai Gakujutsu Ronbunshi/J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 119 (1386), pp. 144-146; Park, J., Chen, I.W., In Situ Thermometry Measuring Temperature Flashes Exceeding 1,700°C in 8 mol% Y2O3-Stablized Zirconia under Constant-Voltage Heating (2013) J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 96 (3), pp. 697-700; Zapata-Solvas, E., Jayaseelan, D.D., Lin, H.T., Brown, P., Lee, W.E., Mechanical Properties of ZrB2- and HfB2-Based Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering (2013) J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 33 (7), pp. 1373-1386; Grasso, S., Sakka, Y., Maizza, G., Electric Current Activated/Assisted Sintering (ECAS): A Review of Patents 1906-2008 (2009) Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater., 10 (5), p. 053001; Mallik, M., Kailath, A.J., Ray, K.K., Mitra, R., Electrical and Thermophysical Properties of ZrB2 and HfB 2 Based Composites (2012) J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 32 (10), pp. 2545-2555; Steil, M.C., Marinha, D., Aman, Y., Gomes, J.R.C., Kleitz, M., From Conventional Ac Flash-Sintering of YSZ to Hyper-Flash and Double Flash (2013) J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 33 (11), pp. 2093-2101; Ortiz, A.L., Zamora, V., Rodríguez-Rojas, F., A Study of the Oxidation of ZrB2 Powders during High-Energy Ball-Milling in Air (2012) Ceram. Int., 38 (4), pp. 2857-2863; Porwal, H., Tatarko, P., Grasso, S., Hu, C., Boccaccini, A.R., Dlouhý, I., Reece, M., Toughened and Machinable Glass Matrix Composites Reinforced with Graphene and Graphene-Oxide Nano Platelets (2013) Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater., 14, p. 055007 Pure ZrB2 powder was Flash sintered in an SPS furnace (FSPS). The samples were densified up to 95.0% in 35 s under an applied pressure of 16 MPa. Compared to Conventional SPS (CSPS), the newly developed FSPS technique resulted in an unprecedented energy and time savings of about 95% and 98% respectively. ZrB2 monoliths obtained by CSPS and FSPS were compared with respect to microstructures, densification behavior, and grain growth. The developed methodology might find application to a wide range of highly conductive ceramics as such refractory borides and carbides. © 2014 The American Ceramic Society.Export Date: 19 August 2014 CODEN: JACTA Correspondence Address: Reece, M.J.; School of Engineering and Material Science, Queen Mary University of London, London E1 4NS, United Kingdom; email: [email protected] Funding Details: EP/K008749/1, EPSRC, European Commission Funding Details: FP7 2007-2013, EC, European Commission References: Cologna, M., Rashkova, B., Raj, R., Flash Sintering of Nanograin Zirconia in <5 s at 850°C (2010) J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93 (11), pp. 3556-3559; Downs, J.A., Sglavo, V.M., Electric Field Assisted Sintering of Cubic Zirconia at 390°C (2013) J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 96 (5), pp. 1342-1344; Muccillo, R., Muccillo, E.N.S., An Experimental Setup for Shrinkage Evaluation during Electric Field-Assisted Flash Sintering: Application to Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (2013) J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 33 (3), pp. 515-520; Muccillo, R., Muccillo, E.N.S., Electric Field-Assisted Flash Sintering of Tin Dioxide (2014) J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 34 (4), pp. 915-923; Jha, S.K., Raj, R., The Effect of Electric Field on Sintering and Electrical Conductivity of Titania (2014) J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 97 (2), pp. 527-534; Zapata-Solvas, E., Bonilla, S., Wilshaw, P.R., Todd, R.I., Preliminary Investigation of Flash Sintering of SiC (2013) J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 33 (1314), pp. 2811-2816; Grasso, S., Sakka, Y., Rendtorff, N., Hu, C., Maizza, G., Borodianska, H., Vasylkiv, O., Modeling of the Temperature Distribution of flash sintered Zirconia (2011) Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai Gakujutsu Ronbunshi/J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 119 (1386), pp. 144-146; Park, J., Chen, I.W., In Situ Thermometry Measuring Temperature Flashes Exceeding 1,700°C in 8 mol% Y2O3-Stablized Zirconia under Constant-Voltage Heating (2013) J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 96 (3), pp. 697-700; Zapata-Solvas, E., Jayaseelan, D.D., Lin, H.T., Brown, P., Lee, W.E., Mechanical Properties of ZrB2- and HfB2-Based Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering (2013) J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 33 (7), pp. 1373-1386; Grasso, S., Sakka, Y., Maizza, G., Electric Current Activated/Assisted Sintering (ECAS): A Review of Patents 1906-2008 (2009) Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater., 10 (5), p. 053001; Mallik, M., Kailath, A.J., Ray, K.K., Mitra, R., Electrical and Thermophysical Properties of ZrB2 and HfB 2 Based Composites (2012) J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 32 (10), pp. 2545-2555; Steil, M.C., Marinha, D., Aman, Y., Gomes, J.R.C., Kleitz, M., From Conventional Ac Flash-Sintering of YSZ to Hyper-Flash and Double Flash (2013) J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 33 (11), pp. 2093-2101; Ortiz, A.L., Zamora, V., Rodríguez-Rojas, F., A Study of the Oxidation of ZrB2 Powders during High-Energy Ball-Milling in Air (2012) Ceram. Int., 38 (4), pp. 2857-2863; Porwal, H., Tatarko, P., Grasso, S., Hu, C., Boccaccini, A.R., Dlouhý, I., Reece, M., Toughened and Machinable Glass Matrix Composites Reinforced with Graphene and Graphene-Oxide Nano Platelets (2013) Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater., 14, p. 055007 Pure ZrB2 powder was Flash sintered in an SPS furnace (FSPS). The samples were densified up to 95.0% in 35 s under an applied pressure of 16 MPa. Compared to Conventional SPS (CSPS), the newly developed FSPS technique resulted in an unprecedented energy and time savings of about 95% and 98% respectively. ZrB2 monoliths obtained by CSPS and FSPS were compared with respect to microstructures, densification behavior, and grain growth. The developed methodology might find application to a wide range of highly conductive ceramics as such refractory borides and carbides. © 2014 The American Ceramic Society.S.G. was supported by EPSRC (EP/K008749/1, XMat). T.S. was supported by EC FP7 2007-2013 (ADMACOM). O.C. was supported by CONACYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, México)