11 research outputs found

    A Stable Clock Error Model Using Coupled First and Second Order Gauss-Markov Processes

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    Long data outages may occur in applications of global navigation satellite system technology to orbit determination for missions that spend significant fractions of their orbits above the navigation satellite constellation(s). Current clock error models based on the random walk idealization may not be suitable in these circumstances, since the covariance of the clock errors may become large enough to overflow flight computer arithmetic. A model that is stable, but which approximates the existing models over short time horizons is desirable. A coupled first- and second-order Gauss-Markov process is such a model

    Maneuver Recovery Analysis for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission

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    The use of spacecraft formations creates new and more demanding requirements for orbit determination accuracy. In addition to absolute navigation requirements, there are typically relative navigation requirements that are based on the size or shape of the formation. The difficulty in meeting these requirements is related to the relative dynamics of the spacecraft orbits and the frequency of the formation maintenance maneuvers. This paper examines the effects of bi-weekly formation maintenance maneuvers on the absolute and relative orbit determination accuracy for the four-spacecraft Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) formation. Results are presented from high fidelity simulations that include the effects of realistic orbit determination errors in the maneuver planning process. Solutions are determined using a high accuracy extended Kalman filter designed for onboard navigation. Three different solutions are examined, considering the effects of process noise and measurement rate on the solutions

    Navigating the Return Trip from the Moon Using Earth-Based Ground Tracking and GPS

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    NASA s Constellation Program is planning a human return to the Moon late in the next decade. From a navigation perspective, one of the most critical phases of a lunar mission is the series of burns performed to leave lunar orbit, insert onto a trans-Earth trajectory, and target a precise re-entry corridor in the Earth s atmosphere. A study was conducted to examine sensitivity of the navigation performance during this phase of the mission to the type and availability of tracking data from Earth-based ground stations, and the sensitivity to key error sources. This study also investigated whether GPS measurements could be used to augment Earth-based tracking data, and how far from the Earth GPS measurements would be useful. The ability to track and utilize weak GPS signals transmitted across the limb of the Earth is highly dependent on the configuration and sensitivity of the GPS receiver being used. For this study three GPS configurations were considered: a "standard" GPS receiver with zero dB antenna gain, a "weak signal" GPS receiver with zero dB antenna gain, and a "weak signal" GPS receiver with an Earth-pointing direction antenna (providing 10 dB additional gain). The analysis indicates that with proper selection and configuration of the GPS receiver on the Orion spacecraft, GPS can potentially improve navigation performance during the critical final phases of flight prior to Earth atmospheric entry interface, and may reduce reliance on two-way range tracking from Earth-based ground stations

    Maneuver Recovery Analysis for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission

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    The use of spacecraft formations creates new and more demanding requirements for orbit determination accuracy. In addition to absolute navigation requirements, there are typically relative navigation requirements that are based on the size or shape of the formation. The difficulty in meeting these requirements is related to the relative dynamics of the spacecraft orbits and the frequency of the formation maintenance maneuvers. This paper examines the effects of bi-weekly formation maintenance maneuvers on the absolute and relative orbit determination accuracy for the four-spacecraft Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) formation. Results are presented from high fidelity simulations that include the effects of realistic orbit determination errors in the maneuver planning process. Solutions are determined using a high accuracy extended Kalman filter designed for onboard navigation. Three different solutions are examined, considering the effects of process noise and measurement rate on the solutions

    Relative navigation for spacecraft formation flying

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    The Goddard Space Flight Center Guidance, Navigation, and Control Center (GNCC) is currently developing and implementing advanced satellite systems to provide autonomous control of formation flyers. The initial formation maintenance capability will be flight-demonstrated on the Earth-Orbiter-1 (EO-1) satellite, which is planned under the National Aeronautics and Space Administration New Millennium Program to be a coflight with the Landsat-7 (L-7) satellite. Formation flying imposes relative navigation accuracy requirements in addition to the orbit accuracy requirements for the individual satellites. In the case of EO-1 and L-7, the two satellites are in nearly coplanar orbits, with a small difference in the longitude of the ascending node to compensate for the Earth's rotation. The GNCC has performed trajectory error analysis for the relative navigation of the EO-1/L-7 formation, as well as for a more advanced tracking configuration using cross-link satellite communications. This paper discusses the orbit determination and prediction accuracy achievable for EO-1 and L-7 under various tracking and orbit determination scenarios and discusses the expected relative separation errors in their formation flying configuration

    Relative Navigation Strategies for the Magnetopheric Multiscale Mission

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    This paper evaluates several navigation approaches for the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, which consists of a tetrahedral formation of satellites flying in highly eccentric Earth orbits. For this investigation, inter-satellite separations of approximately 10 kilometers near apogee are used for the first two phases of the MMS mission. Navigation approaches were studied using ground station two-way Doppler measurements, Global Positioning System (GPS) pseudorange measurements, and cross-link range measurements between the members of the formation. An absolute position accuracy of 15 kilometers or better can be achieved with most of the approaches studied, and a relative position accuracy of 100 meters or better can be achieved at apogee in several cases

    Relative Navigation Algorithms for Phase 1 of the MMS Formation

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    This paper evaluates several navigation approaches for the first phase of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, which consists of a tetrahedral formation of four satellites in highly eccentric Earth orbits of approximately 1.2 by 12 Earth radii at an inclination of 10 degrees. The inter-satellite separation is approximately 10 kilometers near apogees. Navigation approaches were studied using ground station m g e =d two-way Doppler measurements, Global Positioning System (GPS) pseudorange measurements, crosslink range measurements among the members flying in formation, and various combinations of these measurement types. An absolute position accuracy of 10 kilometers or better can be achieved with most of the approaches studied and a relative position accuracy of 100 meters or better can be achieved at apogee in some cases. Among the various approaches studied, the approaches that use a combination of GPS and crosslink measurements were found to be more reliable in terms of absolute and relative navigation accuracies and operational flexibility

    Evaluation of Relative Navigation Algorithms for Formation-Flying Satellites

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    Goddard Space Flight Center is currently developing advanced spacecraft systems to provide autonomous navigation and control of formation flyers. This paper discusses autonomous relative navigation performance for formations in eccentric, medium, and high-altitude Earth orbits using Global Positioning System (GPS) Standard Positioning Service (SPS) and intersatellite range measurements. The performance of several candidate relative navigation approaches is evaluated. These analyses indicate that the relative navigation accuracy is primarily a function of the frequency of acquisition and tracking of the GPS signals. A relative navigation position accuracy of 0.5 meters root-mean-square (RMS) can be achieved for formations in medium-attitude eccentric orbits that can continuously track at least one GPS signal. A relative navigation position accuracy of better than 75 meters RMS can be achieved for formations in high-altitude eccentric orbits that have sparse tracking of the GPS signals. The addition of round-trip intersatellite range measurements can significantly improve relative navigation accuracy for formations with sparse tracking of the GPS signals

    Autonomous Navigation Improvements for High-Earth Orbiters Using GPS

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    The Goddard Space Flight Center is currently developing autonomous navigation systems for satellites in high-Earth orbits where acquisition of the GPS signals is severely limited This paper discusses autonomous navigation improvements for high-Earth orbiters and assesses projected navigation performance for these satellites using Global Positioning System (GPS) Standard Positioning Service (SPS) measurements. Navigation performance is evaluated as a function of signal acquisition threshold, measurement errors, and dynamic modeling errors using realistic GPS signal strength and user antenna models. These analyses indicate that an autonomous navigation position accuracy of better than 30 meters root-mean-square (RMS) can be achieved for high-Earth orbiting satellites using a GPS receiver with a very stable oscillator. This accuracy improves to better than 15 meters RMS if the GPS receiver's signal acquisition threshold can be reduced by 5 dB-Hertz to track weaker signals

    Relative Navigation of Formation Flying Satellites

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    The Guidance, Navigation, and Control Center (GNCC) at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) has successfully developed high-accuracy autonomous satellite navigation systems using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) space and ground communications systems and the Global Positioning System (GPS). In addition, an autonomous navigation system that uses celestial object sensor measurements is currently under development and has been successfully tested using real Sun and Earth horizon measurements.The GNCC has developed advanced spacecraft systems that provide autonomous navigation and control of formation flyers in near-Earth, high-Earth, and libration point orbits. To support this effort, the GNCC is assessing the relative navigation accuracy achievable for proposed formations using GPS, intersatellite crosslink, ground-to-satellite Doppler, and celestial object sensor measurements. This paper evaluates the performance of these relative navigation approaches for three proposed missions with two or more vehicles maintaining relatively tight formations. High-fidelity simulations were performed to quantify the absolute and relative navigation accuracy as a function of navigation algorithm and measurement type. Realistically-simulated measurements were processed using the extended Kalman filter implemented in the GPS Enhanced Inboard Navigation System (GEONS) flight software developed by GSFC GNCC. Solutions obtained by simultaneously estimating all satellites in the formation were compared with the results obtained using a simpler approach based on differencing independently estimated state vectors