1,824 research outputs found

    Topological censorship for Kaluza-Klein space-times

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    The standard topological censorship theorems require asymptotic hypotheses which are too restrictive for several situations of interest. In this paper we prove a version of topological censorship under significantly weaker conditions, compatible e.g. with solutions with Kaluza-Klein asymptotic behavior. In particular we prove simple connectedness of the quotient of the domain of outer communications by the group of symmetries for models which are asymptotically flat, or asymptotically anti-de Sitter, in a Kaluza-Klein sense. This allows one, e.g., to define the twist potentials needed for the reduction of the field equations in uniqueness theorems. Finally, the methods used to prove the above are used to show that weakly trapped compact surfaces cannot be seen from Scri.Comment: minor correction

    Resting respiratory tract dendritic cells preferentially stimulate T helper cell Type 2(Th2) responses and require obligatory cytokine signals for induction of Th1 immunity

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    Consistent with their role in host defense, mature dendritic cells (DCs) from central lymphoid organs preferentially prime for T helper cell type 1 (Th1)-polarized immunity. However, the “default” T helper response at mucosal surfaces demonstrates Th2 polarity, which is reflected in the cytokine profiles of activated T cells from mucosal lymph nodes. This study on rat respiratory tract DCs (RTDCs) provides an explanation for this paradox. We demonstrate that freshly isolated RTDCs are functionally immature as defined in vitro, being surface major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II lo, endocytosishi, and mixed lymphocyte reactionlo, and these cells produce mRNA encoding interleukin (IL)-10. After ovalbumin (OVA)-pulsing and adoptive transfer, freshly isolated RTDCs preferentially stimulated Th2-dependent OVA-specific immunoglobulin (Ig)G1 responses, and antigen-stimulated splenocytes from recipient animals produced IL-4 in vitro. However, preculture with granulocyte/macrophage colony stimulating factor increased their in vivo IgG priming capacity by 2–3 logs, inducing production of both Th1- and Th2-dependent IgG subclasses and high levels of IFN-Îł by antigen-stimulated splenocytes. Associated phenotypic changes included upregulation of surface MHC II and B7 expression and IL-12 p35 mRNA, and downregulation of endocytosis, MHC II processing– associated genes, and IL-10 mRNA expression. Full expression of IL-12 p40 required additional signals, such as tumor necrosis factor α or CD40 ligand. These results suggest that the observed Th2 polarity of the resting mucosal immune system may be an inherent property of the resident DC population, and furthermore that mobilization of Th1 immunity relies absolutely on the provision of appropriate microenvironmental costimuli

    On the thermal broadening of a quantum critical phase transition

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    The temperature dependence of an integer Quantum Hall effect transition is studied in a sample where the disorder is dominated by short-ranged potential scattering. At low temperatures the results are consistent with a (T/T0)Îș(T/T_0)^{\kappa} scaling behaviour and at higher temperatures by a linear dependence similar to that reported in other material systems. It is shown that the linear behaviour results from thermal broadening produced by the Fermi-Dirac distribution function and that the temperature dependence over the whole range depends only on the scaling parameter T0Îș_0^{\kappa}

    Asymptotic gluing of asymptotically hyperbolic solutions to the Einstein constraint equations

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    We show that asymptotically hyperbolic solutions of the Einstein constraint equations with constant mean curvature can be glued in such a way that their asymptotic regions are connected.Comment: 37 pages; 2 figure

    Universal Behaviour of Metal-Insulator Transitions in the p-SiGe System

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    Magnetoresistance measurements are presented for a strained p-SiGe quantum well sample where the density is varied through the B=0 metal-insulator transition. The close relationship between this transition, the high field Hall insulator transition and the filling factor Μ\nu=3/2 insulating state is demonstrated.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to EP2DS XIII conference 199

    Asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds with small mass

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    For asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds of dimension nn with scalar curvature at least equal to −n(n−1)-n(n-1) the conjectured positive mass theorem states that the mass is non-negative, and vanishes only if the manifold is isometric to hyperbolic space. In this paper we study asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds which are also conformally hyperbolic outside a ball of fixed radius, and for which the positive mass theorem holds. For such manifolds we show that the conformal factor tends to one as the mass tends to zero

    Duality and Non-linear Response for Quantum Hall Systems

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    We derive the implications of particle-vortex duality for the electromagnetic response of Quantum Hall systems beyond the linear-response regime. This provides a first theoretical explanation of the remarkable duality which has been observed in the nonlinear regime for the electromagnetic response of Quantum Hall systems.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, typeset in LaTe

    Teleportation-based number state manipulation with number sum measurement

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    We examine various manipulations of photon number states which can be implemented by teleportation technique with number sum measurement. The preparations of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen resources as well as the number sum measurement resulting in projection to certain Bell state may be done conditionally with linear optical elements, i.e., beam splitters, phase shifters and zero-one-photon detectors. Squeezed vacuum states are used as primary entanglement resource, while single-photon sources are not required.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Misprints are corrected. 3 figures for number sum measurement are added. Discussion on manipulations are expanded. Calculations for success probabilities are added. Fig.4 is adde

    Extreme Active Molecular Jets in L1448C

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    The protostellar jet driven by L1448C was observed in the SiO J=8-7 and CO J=3-2 lines and 350 GHz dust continuum at ~1" resolution with the Submillimeter Array (SMA). A narrow jet from the northern source L1448C(N) was observed in the SiO and the high-velocity CO. The jet consists of a chain of emission knots with an inter-knot spacing of ~2" (500 AU) and a semi-periodic velocity variation. The innermost pair of knots, which are significant in the SiO map but barely seen in the CO, are located at ~1" (250 AU) from the central source, L1448C(N). Since the dynamical time scale for the innermost pair is only ~10 yr, SiO may have been formed in the protostellar wind through the gas-phase reaction, or been formed on the dust grain and directly released into the gas phase by means of shocks. It is found that the jet is extremely active with a mechanical luminosity of ~7 L_sun, which is comparable to the bolometric luminosity of the central source (7.5 L_sun). The mass accretion rate onto the protostar derived from the mass-loss rate is ~10^{-5} M_sun/yr. Such a high mass accretion rate suggests that the mass and the age of the central star are 0.03-0.09 M_sun and (4-12)x10^3 yr, respectively, implying that the central star is in the very early stage of protostellar evolution. The low-velocity CO emission delineates two V-shaped shells with a common apex at L1448C(N). The kinematics of these shells are reproduced by the model of a wide opening angle wind. The co-existence of the highly-collimated jets and the wide-opening angle shells can be explained by the unified X-wind model" in which highly-collimated jet components correspond to the on-axis density enhancement of the wide-opening angle wind. The CO JJ=3--2 map also revealed the second outflow driven by the southern source L1448C(S) located at ~8.3" (2000 AU) from L1448C(N).Comment: 45 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for the publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Observations of the post shock break-out emission of SN 2011dh with XMM-Newton

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    After the occurrence of the type cIIb SN 2011dh in the nearby spiral galaxy M 51 numerous observations were performed with different telescopes in various bands ranging from radio to gamma-rays. We analysed the XMM-Newton and Swift observations taken 3 to 30 days after the SN explosion to study the X-ray spectrum of SN 2011dh. We extracted spectra from the XMM-Newton observations, which took place ~7 and 11 days after the SN. In addition, we created integrated Swift/XRT spectra of 3 to 10 days and 11 to 30 days. The spectra are well fitted with a power-law spectrum absorbed with Galactic foreground absorption. In addition, we find a harder spectral component in the first XMM-Newton spectrum taken at t ~ 7 d. This component is also detected in the first Swift spectrum of t = 3 - 10 d. While the persistent power-law component can be explained as inverse Compton emission from radio synchrotron emitting electrons, the harder component is most likely bremsstrahlung emission from the shocked stellar wind. Therefore, the harder X-ray emission that fades away after t ~ 10 d can be interpreted as emission from the shocked circumstellar wind of SN 2011dh.Comment: Accepted for publication as a Research Note in Astronomy and Astrophysic
