2,413 research outputs found

    Training Car Wash Skills to Chinese Adolescents with Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Community

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of video modeling and visual task analysis on the acquisition, maintenance, and engagement of washing cars for three Chinese adolescents with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder. Video-based training was conducted in the conference room of a university-affiliated autism research center in China, and the hands-on training using visual task analysis took place in a local car wash. Three male adolescents (16-19 years old) participated in this study. A multiple-probe across four tasks design was used. Results indicated that the training was effective in increasing independent and accurate responses of car wash tasks for all participants, and two of the three participants had a relatively high level of task engagement after the training. The acquired skills and improved task engagement were maintained up to 6 months without practice. Implications in vocational skills training for Chinese adolescents in the community are discussed

    City Best Practices to Improve Transit Operations and Safety

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    Public, fixed-route transit services most commonly operate on public streets. In addition, transit passengers must use sidewalks to access transit stops and stations. However, streets and sidewalks are under the jurisdiction of municipalities, not transit agencies. Various municipal policies, practices, and decisions affect transit operations, rider convenience, and passenger safety. Thus, these government entities have an important influence over the quality, safety, and convenience of transit services in their jurisdictions. This research identified municipal policies and practices that affect public transport providers’ ability to deliver transit services. They were found from a comprehensive literature review, interviews and discussions with five local transit agencies in the U.S., five public transportation experts and staff from five California cities. The city policies and practices identified fall into the following five categories: Infrastructure for buses, including bus lanes, signal treatments, curbside access; Infrastructure for pedestrians walking and bicycling to, and waiting at, transit stops and stations; Internal transportation planning policies and practices; Land development review policies; Regional and metropolitan planning organization (MPO) issues. The understanding, acknowledgment, and implementation of policies and practices identified in this report can help municipalities proactively work with local transit providers to more efficiently and effectively operate transit service and improve passenger comfort and safety on city streets

    Characteristics of Effective Metropolitan Areawide Public Transit: A Comparison of European, Canadian, and Australian Case Studies

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    This research project investigates the replicable characteristics, policies, and practices of successful metropolitan areawide public transportation networks that contribute to high usage and make transit an effective competitor to the private motor vehicle. The research method involves the qualitative and quantitative analysis of ten international (non-U.S.) case studies. The principal methods employed were web-based research and data collection, as well as telephone interviews with transit agency staff or regional planners as needed. The case studies were limited to developed western countries with similar metropolitan conditions to those in the United States. This research focuses on key characteristics of highly effective regional transit systems from the perspective of the metropolitan area, not the individual transit operators. These characteristics fall within three broad categories: the setting of the metropolitan area; the customer-apparent transit service features; and the behind-the-scenes or institutional characteristics. Key findings are: (1) all ten case studies have a metropolitan areawide regional transit coordinator (RTC); (2) RTCs yield benefits in terms of ridership and operating efficiencies that are discernable from the effects of high transit funding and subsidies; (3) all case studies had some degree of fare integration, and most had complete regionwide fare integration; and (4) transit service was frequent, abundant, and affordable in all cases. The features of excellent regionwide transit systems that have been identified in this research can be applied to U.S. metropolitan areas with multiple players, yielding effective, efficient, and high mode share public transit at the regional level. The research can help U.S. policy makers and planners begin to improve the appropriate aspects of their own regional transit systems, including by improving coordination and organizational structures

    Two interdependent mechanisms of antimicrobial activity allow for efficient killing in nylon-3-based polymeric mimics of innate immunity peptides

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    AbstractNovel synthetic mimics of antimicrobial peptides have been developed to exhibit structural properties and antimicrobial activity similar to those of natural antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) of the innate immune system. These molecules have a number of potential advantages over conventional antibiotics, including reduced bacterial resistance, cost-effective preparation, and customizable designs. In this study, we investigate a family of nylon-3 polymer-based antimicrobials. By combining vesicle dye leakage, bacterial permeation, and bactericidal assays with small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), we find that these polymers are capable of two interdependent mechanisms of action: permeation of bacterial membranes and binding to intracellular targets such as DNA, with the latter necessarily dependent on the former. We systemically examine polymer-induced membrane deformation modes across a range of lipid compositions that mimic both bacteria and mammalian cell membranes. The results show that the polymers' ability to generate negative Gaussian curvature (NGC), a topological requirement for membrane permeation and cellular entry, in model Escherichia coli membranes correlates with their ability to permeate membranes without complete membrane disruption and kill E. coli cells. Our findings suggest that these polymers operate with a concentration-dependent mechanism of action: at low concentrations permeation and DNA binding occur without membrane disruption, while at high concentrations complete disruption of the membrane occurs. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Interfacially Active Peptides and Proteins. Guest Editors: William C. Wimley and Kalina Hristova

    Stressors, Self-Esteem, Social Activities, and Depression: A Sample of Patients at a Federally Qualified Health Center Who Experienced Homelessness

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    This study examined the relationships between current stressors and depressive symptoms among Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) patients who experienced homelessness, with a particular focus on the role of self-esteem and social activities on these relationships. The sample included patients who visited any clinic site of a FQHC in the southern part of Mississippi and qualified for the Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) Program. Assessments included the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), the DUKE Health Profile, and a checklist of stressors. Results of the multivariate analysis using structural equation modeling revealed that ambulation difficulties were related to depressive symptoms directly and indirectly through social activities. SES-related stressors were related to depressive symptoms directly and indirectly through self-esteem and social activities. Relational and legal/police-related stressors were linked to depressive symptoms only through self-esteem. These results indicate the importance of integrated community healthcare services to address the physical, social, and mental healthcare needs of the homeless population

    Effects of Escherichia coli vaccination in gilts on piglet performance in a farm in Perak

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    This study aimed to observe the effects of Escherichia coli (Neocoliporvaccine – Merial) vaccination on diarrhoea percentages, growth parameters (average weight per piglet and average daily gain) and mortality rate in new-born piglets. A field trial was conducted in 35 litters of piglets from gilts selected from a farm in Perak. They were randomly allocated into Treatment (16 litters from E. coli vaccinated gilts) and Control (19 litters) groups respectively. Body weights of the piglets were measured at days 1, 7, 14 and 21 of age and the episodes of diarrhoea and piglet mortality were monitored daily for each pen. The Treatment group had significantly lower Day 1 neonatal diarrhoea percentage (p 0.05)in the overall diarrhoea percentages (1 - 14 days) and weekly growth parameters between both groups. Environmental stress and inevitable routine treatment of diarrhoea with antimicrobials within the farm may have affected the significance of the diarrhoea percentages and growth parameters in this study. In conclusion, E. coli vaccination in gilts was shown to significantly reduce piglet mortality from Day 1 to Day 7 and neonatal diarrhoeal percentageson1-day-old piglets under typical farm conditions in this pilot study in Malaysia

    Characterization of Biochars Produced From Peanut Hulls and Pine Wood with Different Pyrolysis Conditions

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    Background Application of modern biomass pyrolysis methods for production of biofuels and biochar is potentially a significant approach to enable global carbon capture and sequestration. To realize this potential, it is essential to develop methods that produce biochar with the characteristics needed for effective soil amendment. Methods Biochar materials were produced from peanut hulls and pine wood with different pyrolysis conditions, then characterized by cation exchange (CEC) capacity assays, nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherm measurements, micro/nanostructural imaging, infrared spectra and elemental analyses. Results Under a standard assay condition of pH 8.5, the CEC values of the peanut hull-derived biochar materials, ranging from 6.22 to 66.56 cmol kg−1, are significantly higher than those of the southern yellow pine-derived biochar, which are near zero or negative. The biochar produced from peanut hulls with a steam activation process yielded the highest CEC value of 66.56 cmol kg−1, which is about 5 times higher than the cation exchange capacity (12.51 cmol kg−1) of a reference soil sample. Notably, biochar produced from peanut hulls with batch barrel retort pyrolysis also has a much higher CEC value (60.12 cmol kg−1) than that (12.45 cmol kg−1) from Eprida’s H2-producing continuous steam injection process. The CEC values were shown to correlate well with the ratios of oxygen atoms to carbon atoms (O:C ratios) in the biochar materials. The higher O:C ratio in a biochar material may indicate the presence of more hydroxyl, carboxylate, and carbonyl groups that contribute to a higher CEC value for the biochar product. In addition, the increase in surface area can also play a role in increasing the CEC value of biochar, as in the case of the steam activation char. Conclusion Comparison of characterization results indicated that CEC value is determined not only by the type of the source biomass materials but also by the pyrolysis conditions. Biochar with the desirable characteristics of extremely high surface area (700 m2/g) and cation exchange capacity (\u3e 60 cmol kg) was created through steam activation

    A Community-Based Obesity Prevention Program Decreased the Body Mass Index of University-Affiliated Participants

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    Obesity is a national health concern and the focus of many health promotion programs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the behavioral impact of a 12-week obesity prevention program on a university campus. Participants were provided questionnaires with weights, heights, and body mass indices (BMIs) determined at the pre-phase weigh-in and post-phase weigh-out. At the weigh-in, participants received pedometers and information about upcoming educational sessions to assist them with reaching their health behavior goals. A total of 247 (38.2% of 646) individuals (79.4% women) completed the program. A mean weight loss of 1.8 kg caused a decrease in BMI from 29.3 at weigh-in to 28.7 at weigh-out (p = .002). Pre- and post-questionnaires indicated increases (p \u3c 0.001) in physical activity; using pedometers; and intakes of fruits, vegetables, and water at the end of the program. The 6-month follow-up questionnaire (33.2% response rate) indicated healthy habits were being maintained for fruit and vegetable consumption. Further intervention development to incorporate innovative strategies for promoting healthy behaviors among students and employees on university campuses could help decrease the prevalence of obesity

    Switchable Membrane Remodeling and Antifungal Defense by Metamorphic Chemokine XCL1

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are a class of molecules which generally kill pathogens via preferential cell membrane disruption. Chemokines are a family of signaling proteins that direct immune cell migration and share a conserved α–β tertiary structure. Recently, it was found that a subset of chemokines can also function as AMPs, including CCL20, CXCL4, and XCL1. It is therefore surprising that machine learning based analysis predicts that CCL20 and CXCL4’s α-helices are membrane disruptive, while XCL1’s helix is not. XCL1, however, is the only chemokine known to be a metamorphic protein which can interconvert reversibly between two distinct native structures (a β-sheet dimer and the α–β chemokine structure). Here, we investigate XCL1’s antimicrobial mechanism of action with a focus on the role of metamorphic folding. We demonstrate that XCL1 is a molecular “Swiss army knife” that can refold into different structures for distinct context-dependent functions: whereas the α–β chemokine structure controls cell migration by binding to G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs), we find using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) that only the β-sheet and unfolded XCL1 structures can induce negative Gaussian curvature (NGC) in membranes, the type of curvature topologically required for membrane permeation. Moreover, the membrane remodeling activity of XCL1’s β-sheet structure is strongly dependent on membrane composition: XCL1 selectively remodels bacterial model membranes but not mammalian model membranes. Interestingly, XCL1 also permeates fungal model membranes and exhibits anti-Candida activity in vitro, in contrast to the usual mode of antifungal defense which requires Th17 mediated cell-based responses. These observations suggest that metamorphic XCL1 is capable of a versatile multimodal form of antimicrobial defense