395,495 research outputs found

    Cached Sufficient Statistics for Efficient Machine Learning with Large Datasets

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    This paper introduces new algorithms and data structures for quick counting for machine learning datasets. We focus on the counting task of constructing contingency tables, but our approach is also applicable to counting the number of records in a dataset that match conjunctive queries. Subject to certain assumptions, the costs of these operations can be shown to be independent of the number of records in the dataset and loglinear in the number of non-zero entries in the contingency table. We provide a very sparse data structure, the ADtree, to minimize memory use. We provide analytical worst-case bounds for this structure for several models of data distribution. We empirically demonstrate that tractably-sized data structures can be produced for large real-world datasets by (a) using a sparse tree structure that never allocates memory for counts of zero, (b) never allocating memory for counts that can be deduced from other counts, and (c) not bothering to expand the tree fully near its leaves. We show how the ADtree can be used to accelerate Bayes net structure finding algorithms, rule learning algorithms, and feature selection algorithms, and we provide a number of empirical results comparing ADtree methods against traditional direct counting approaches. We also discuss the possible uses of ADtrees in other machine learning methods, and discuss the merits of ADtrees in comparison with alternative representations such as kd-trees, R-trees and Frequent Sets.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    Высшее образование в университетах Китая

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    Данная статья представляет собой сравнительный анализ двух систем образования: китайской и американской. Основанием для сравнения служит критерий эффективности практического обучения в рамках высшей школы. Необходимость расширения практического обучения в высших учебных заведениях Китая является центральным тезисом данной статьи.This article gives a comparative analysis of the following education systems: Chinese and American. The basis for such a comparison is the criterion of effectiveness of practical training within the higher school. The need to expand practical training in higher educational institutions of China is the central thesis of the article

    Workload modeling using time windows and utilization in an air traffic control task

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    In this paper, we show how to assess human workload for continuous tasks and describe how operator performance is affected by variations in break-work intervals and by different utilizations. A study was conducted examining the effects of different break-work intervals and utilization as a factor in a mental workload model. We investigated the impact of operator performance on operational error while performing continuous event-driven air traffic control tasks with multiple aircraft. To this end we have developed a simple air traffic control (ATC) model aimed at distributing breaks to form different configurations with the same utilization. The presented approach extends prior concepts of workload and utilization, which are based on a simple average utilization, and considers the specific patterns of break-work intervals. Copyright 2011 by Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Inc. All rights reserved

    Graded Lie algebras of maximal class IV

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    We describe the isomorphism classes of certain infinite-dimensional graded Lie algebras of maximal class, generated by an element of weight one and an element of weight two, over fields of odd characteristic.Comment: 38 pages. See also http://www-math.science.unitn.it/~caranti/ and http://users.ox.ac.uk/~vlee

    Constructed wetlands: Treatment of concentrated storm water runoff (part A)

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    The aim of this research was to assess the treatment efficiencies for gully pot liquor of experimental vertical- flow constructed wetland filters containing Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (common reed) and filter media of different adsorption capacities. Six out of 12 filters received inflow water spiked with metals. For 2 years, hydrated nickel and copper nitrate were added to sieved gully pot liquor to simulate contaminated primary treated storm runoff. For those six constructed wetland filters receiving heavy metals, an obvious breakthrough of dissolved nickel was recorded after road salting during the first winter. However, a breakthrough of nickel was not observed, since the inflow pH was raised to eight after the first year of operation. High pH facilitated the formation of particulate metal compounds such as nickel hydroxide. During the second year, reduction efficiencies of heavy metal, 5-days at 20°C N-Allylthiourea biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids (SS) improved considerably. Concentrations of BOD were frequently �20 mg/L. However, concentrations for SS were frequently �30 mg/L. These are the two international thresholds for secondary wastewater treatment. The BOD removal increased over time due to biomass maturation, and the increase of pH. An analysis of the findings with case-based reasoning can be found in the corresponding follow-up paper (Part B)

    Computer program TRACK performs transient and/or steady state thermal analysis with coupled fluid flow and heat conduction

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    Computer program called TRACK was developed by combining a transient fluid flow computer code and the existing modified TOSS heat conduction code to perform the computation

    An economical vent cover

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    Inexpensive formed-plastic vent cover has been developed that allows controlled purge of vent systems and also provides blowout protection. Cover can also be used in relief mode to allow normal system relief flows without disengaging from vent system. Cover consists of two parts made of plastics with varying densities to fit media used and desired pressures

    A Possible Origin of Dark Energy

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    We discuss the possibility that the existence of dark energy may be due to the presence of a spin zero field ϕ(x)\phi(x), either elementary or composite. In the presence of other matter field, the transformation ϕ(x)ϕ(x)+\phi(x)\to \phi(x) + constant can generate a negative pressure, like the cosmological constant. In this picture, our universe can be thought as a very large bag, similar to the much smaller MIT bag model for a single nucleon.Comment: 4 pages, no figure, typos correcte