2,275 research outputs found
Quantifying discrepancies in opinion spectra from online and offline networks
Online social media such as Twitter are widely used for mining public
opinions and sentiments on various issues and topics. The sheer volume of the
data generated and the eager adoption by the online-savvy public are helping to
raise the profile of online media as a convenient source of news and public
opinions on social and political issues as well. Due to the uncontrollable
biases in the population who heavily use the media, however, it is often
difficult to measure how accurately the online sphere reflects the offline
world at large, undermining the usefulness of online media. One way of
identifying and overcoming the online-offline discrepancies is to apply a
common analytical and modeling framework to comparable data sets from online
and offline sources and cross-analyzing the patterns found therein. In this
paper we study the political spectra constructed from Twitter and from
legislators' voting records as an example to demonstrate the potential limits
of online media as the source for accurate public opinion mining.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
Half-Skyrmions and the Equation of State for Compact-Star Matter
The half-skyrmions that appear in dense baryonic matter when skyrmions are
put on crystals modify drastically hadron properties in dense medium and affect
strongly the nuclear tensor forces, thereby influencing the equation of state
(EoS) of dense nuclear and asymmetric nuclear matter. The matter comprised of
half skyrmions has vanishing quark condensate but non-vanishing pion decay
constant and could be interpreted as a hadronic dual of strong-coupled quark
matter. We infer from this observation combined with certain predictions of
hidden local symmetry in low-energy hadronic interactionsa a set of new scaling
laws -- called "new-BR" -- for the parameters in nuclear effective field theory
controlled by renormalization-group flow. They are subjected to the EoS of
symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter, and are then applied to nuclear
symmetry energies and properties of compact stars. The changeover from the
skyrmion matter to a half-skyrmion matter that takes place after the cross-over
density provides a simple and natural field theoretic explanation for
the change of the EoS from soft to stiff at a density above that of nuclear
matter required for compact stars as massive as . Cross-over
density in the range 1.5n_0 \lsim n_{1/2} \lsim 2.0 n_0 has been employed,
and the possible skyrmion half-skyrmion coexistence {or cross-over} near
is discussed. The novel structure of {the tensor forces and} the EoS
obtained with the new-BR scaling is relevant for neutron-rich nuclei and
compact star matter and could be studied in RIB (rare isotope beam) machines.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, slightly revised for PRC, in pres
Conformal anomaly and the vector coupling in dense matter
We construct an effective chiral Lagrangian for hadrons implemented by the
conformal invariance and discuss the properties of nuclear matter at high
density. The model is formulated based on two alternative assignment, "naive"
and mirror, of chirality to the nucleons. It is shown that taking the dilaton
limit, in which the mended symmetry of Weinberg is manifest, the vector-meson
Yukawa coupling becomes suppressed and the symmetry energy becomes softer as
one approaches the chiral phase transition. This leads to softer equations of
state (EoS) and could accommodate the EoS without any exotica consistent with
the recent measurement of a neutron star.Comment: v2:10 pages, 2 figures, typos corrected, a rough estimate of m0 adde
Effects of Natural Zeolites on Bioavailability and Leachability of Heavy Metals in the Composting Process of Biodegradable Wastes
The bioavailability and leachability of heavy metals play an important role in the toxicity of heavy metals in the final compost followed by land application. This chapter examines the effects of natural zeolite on bioavailability of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, Ni, Pb, Cd, and Cr) in the form of water soluble and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) extractable. The toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) test was performed to examine the leachability of heavy metals. Water solubility, DTPA extractability, leachability, and most bioavailable fractions were reduced during agitated pile composting (APC) and rotary drum composting (RDC) of water hyacinth with zeolite addition. The addition of the natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) during the composting process led to an increase in Na, Ca, and K concentrations and significantly reduced the water solubility and DTPA and TCLP extractability of heavy metals. The addition of an appropriate amount of natural zeolite during the composting process enhanced the organic matter degradation, thereby increasing the conversion into the most stabilized organic matter and reducing the bioavailability and leachability of heavy metals
Symmetry and Radiatively Generated Leptogenesis
We consider a symmetry in neutrino sectors realized at GUT scale
in the context of a seesaw model. In our scenario, the exact
symmetry realized in the basis where the charged lepton and heavy Majorana
neutrino mass matrices are diagonal leads to vanishing lepton asymmetries. We
find that, in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the seesaw model with
large , the renormalization group (RG) evolution from GUT scale to
seesaw scale can induce a successful leptogenesis even without introducing any
symmetry breaking terms by hand, whereas such RG effects lead to tiny
deviations of and from and zero,
respectively. It is shown that the right amount of the baryon asymmetry
can be achieved via so-called resonant leptogenesis, which can be
realized at rather low seesaw scale with large in our scenario so
that the well-known gravitino problem is safely avoided.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Published in PR
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