136 research outputs found

    Retrotransposon mediated genomic variation in the human and chimpanzee lineages

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    LINE-1 (Long INterspersed Element-1 or L1) and Alu elements are important sources of structural variation in primate genomes because they are highly active retrotransposons with copy numbers of ~520,000 and \u3e1.2 million within the human genome, respectively. Although the bulk of these elements have resided in their respective host genomes for a long time, and have thus accumulated random mutations, overall these elements retain high levels of sequence identity among themselves. The presence of many nearly-identical retrotransposons located close to each other (e.g., Alu-Alu or L1-L1 pairs) disposes their host genomes to unequal homologous DNA recombination events that generate genomic deletions and inversions of varying sizes. Through computational comparisons of the human and chimpanzee genome sequences, and using rhesus macaque and orangutan genome sequences as outgroups, we have identified species-specific genomic variation. In the first analysis, we identified human and chimpanzee-specific L1s and examined their sequence evolution. We show that L1 retrotransposition activity is slightly higher in the human lineage, relative to the chimpanzee lineage, and that L1s have experienced different evolutionary fates in these two lineages, resulting from random variation or competition between L1 subfamily lineages. Next, we analyzed the magnitude of Alu recombination-mediated deletions (ARMDs) in the chimpanzee lineage subsequent to the human-chimpanzee divergence (~6 million years ago). We have identified 663 chimpanzee lineage-specific deletions (involving a total of ~771 kb of genomic sequence) attributable to this process. The RefSeq databases indicate that 13 exons in six genes are annotated as either demonstrably or putatively functional in the human genome, and 299 intronic regions have been deleted through ARMDs in the chimpanzee lineage. In the third analysis, we characterize chromosomal inversion events between the human and chimpanzee genomes caused by inverted L1-L1 or Alu-Alu pairs. We have identified 49 retrotransposon recombination-mediated inversion (RRMI) loci and, among them, three RRMI loci contain inverted exonic regions in known genes. Therefore, we suggest that L1 and Alu elements have contributed to the genomic and phenotypic diversity between humans and chimpanzees since the divergence of the two species

    High Levels of Sequence Diversity in the 5′ UTRs of Human-Specific L1 Elements

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    Approximately 80 long interspersed element (LINE-1 or L1) copies are able to retrotranspose actively in the human genome, and these are termed retrotransposition-competent L1s. The 5′ untranslated region (UTR) of the human-specific L1 contains an internal promoter and several transcription factor binding sites. To better understand the effect of the L1 5′ UTR on the evolution of human-specific L1s, we examined this population of elements, focusing on the sequence diversity and accumulated substitutions within their 5′ UTRs. Using network analysis, we estimated the age of each L1 component (the 5′ UTR, ORF1, ORF2, and 3′ UTR). Through the comparison of the L1 components based on their estimated ages, we found that the 5′ UTR of human-specific L1s accumulates mutations at a faster rate than the other components. To further investigate the L1 5′ UTR, we examined the substitution frequency per nucleotide position among them. The results showed that the L1 5′ UTRs shared relatively conserved transcription factor binding sites, despite their high sequence diversity. Thus, we suggest that the high level of sequence diversity in the 5′ UTRs could be one of the factors controlling the number of retrotransposition-competent L1s in the human genome during the evolutionary battle between L1s and their host genomes

    Recently integrated Alu retrotransposons are essentially neutral residents of the human genome

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    Alu elements represent the largest family of human mobile elements in copy number. A controversial issue with implications for both Alu biology and human genome evolution is whether selective pressures are affecting Alu elements on a large scale. To address this issue, we analyzed the genomic distribution of the three youngest known human Alu subfamilies (Ya5a2, Ya8 and Yb9) in conjunction with their insertion polymorphism status in the human population, since selection can only act on polymorphic elements. Our results indicate that: (i) polymorphic and fixed recently integrated Alu elements are found in genomic regions whose GC contents are statistically indistinguishable, and (ii) recently integrated Alu elements are inserted randomly, regardless of the GC content of the surrounding genomic DNA. These results provide strong evidence that recently integrated young Alu elements are not subject to positive or negative selection on a large scale. Therefore, young Alu elements can be regarded as essentially neutral residents of the human genome. These results also imply that selective processes specifically targeting Alu elements can be ruled out as explanations for the accumulation of Alu elements in GC-rich regions of the human genome. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    UniPrimer: A Web-Based Primer Design Tool for Comparative Analyses of Primate Genomes

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    Whole genome sequences of various primates have been released due to advanced DNA-sequencing technology. A combination of computational data mining and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to validate the data is an excellent method for conducting comparative genomics. Thus, designing primers for PCR is an essential procedure for a comparative analysis of primate genomes. Here, we developed and introduced UniPrimer for use in those studies. UniPrimer is a web-based tool that designs PCR- and DNA-sequencing primers. It compares the sequences from six different primates (human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, gibbon, and rhesus macaque) and designs primers on the conserved region across species. UniPrimer is linked to RepeatMasker, Primer3Plus, and OligoCalc softwares to produce primers with high accuracy and UCSC In-Silico PCR to confirm whether the designed primers work. To test the performance of UniPrimer, we designed primers on sample sequences using UniPrimer and manually designed primers for the same sequences. The comparison of the two processes showed that UniPrimer was more effective than manual work in terms of saving time and reducing errors

    Nucleoside-Diphosphate-Kinase of P. gingivalis is Secreted from Epithelial Cells In the Absence of a Leader Sequence Through a Pannexin-1 Interactome

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    Nucleoside-diphosphate-kinases (NDKs) are leaderless, multifunctional enzymes. The mode(s) of NDK secretion is currently undefined, while extracellular translocation of bacterial NDKs is critical for avoidance of host pathogen clearance by opportunistic pathogens such as Porphyromonas gingivalis. P. gingivalis-NDK during infection inhibits extracellular-ATP (eATP)/P2X7-receptor mediated cell death in gingival epithelial cells (GECs) via eATP hydrolysis. Furthermore, depletion of pannexin-1-hemichannel (PNX1) coupled with P2X7-receptor blocks the infection-induced eATP release in GECs, and P. gingivalis-NDK impacts this pathway. Ultrastructural and confocal microscopy of P. gingivalis-co-cultured GECs or green-fluorescent-protein (GFP)-P. gingivalis-NDK transfected GECs revealed a perinuclear/cytoplasmic localization of NDK. eATP stimulation induced NDK recruitment to the cell periphery. Depletion of PNX1 by siRNA or inhibition by probenecid resulted in significant blocking of extracellular NDK activity and secretion using ATPase and ELISA assays. Co-immunoprecipitation-coupled Mass-spectrometry method revealed association of P. gingivalis-NDK to the myosin-9 motor molecule. Interestingly, inhibition of myosin-9, actin, and lipid-rafts, shown to be involved in PNX1-hemichannel function, resulted in marked intracellular accumulation of NDK and decreased NDK secretion from infected GECs. These results elucidate for the first time PNX1-hemichannels as potentially main extracellular translocation pathway for NDKs from an intracellular pathogen, suggesting that PNX1-hemichannels may represent a therapeutic target for chronic opportunistic infections

    In search of polymorphic Alu insertions with restricted geographic distributions

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    Alu elements are transposable elements that have reached over one million copies in the human genome. Some Alu elements inserted in the genome so recently that they are still polymorphic for insertion presence or absence in human populations. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in using Alu variation for studies of human population genetic structure and inference of individual geographic origin. Currently, this requires a high number of Alu loci. Here, we used a linker-mediated polymerase chain reaction method to preferentially identify low-frequency Alu elements in various human DNA samples with different geographic origins. The candidate Alu loci were subsequently genotyped in 18 worldwide human populations (∼370 individuals), resulting in the identification of two new Alu insertions restricted to populations of African ancestry. Our results suggest that it may ultimately become possible to correctly infer the geographic affiliation of unknown samples with high levels of confidence without having to genotype as many as 100 Alu loci. This is desirable if Alu insertion polymorphisms are to be used for human evolution studies or forensic applications. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Different evolutionary fates of recently integrated human and chimpanzee LINE-1 retrotransposons

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    The long interspersed element-1 (LINE-1 or L1) is a highly successful retrotransposon in mammals. L1 elements have continued to actively propagate subsequent to the human-chimpanzee divergence, ∼ 6 million years ago, resulting in species-specific inserts. Here, we report a detailed characterization of chimpanzee-specific L1 subfamily diversity and a comparison with their human-specific counterparts. Our results indicate that L1 elements have experienced different evolutionary fates in humans and chimpanzees within the past ∼ 6 million years. Although the species-specific L1 copy numbers are on the same order in both species (1200-2000 copies), the number of retrotransposition-competent elements appears to be much higher in the human genome than in the chimpanzee genome. Also, while human L1 subfamilies belong to the same lineage, we identified two lineages of recently integrated L1 subfamilies in the chimpanzee genome. The two lineages seem to have coexisted for several million years, but only one shows evidence of expansion within the past three million years. These differential evolutionary paths may be the result of random variation, or the product of competition between L1 subfamily lineages. Our results suggest that the coexistence of several L1 subfamily lineages within a species may be resolved in a very short evolutionary period of time, perhaps in just a few million years. Therefore, the chimpanzee genome constitutes an excellent model in which to analyze the evolutionary dynamics of L1 retrotransposons. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved