4,711 research outputs found

    A Research In Relating Entrepreneurship, Marketing Capability, Innovative Capability And Sustained Competitive Advantage

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships of entrepreneurship, marketing capability, innovative capability, and sustained competitive advantage; hopefully to propose some new points of views in managing enterprises. We investigate the top 1000 Taiwan manufacturers in 2009 issued by Commonwealth magazine of Taiwan in this research. In total, 116 effective samples are collected. We use SEM linear structure equation model, and LISREL 8.7 editions of software for data analyses, and verify our hypotheses. The empirical results show: 1.entrepreneurship directly influence marketing capability, innovative capability and sustained competitive advantage respectively; and indirectly influence sustained competitive advantage through marketing capability and innovative capability respectively; 2.although marketing capability does not influence sustained competitive advantage directly, but influence sustained competitive advantages indirectly through innovative capability; in the other way, innovative capability influence sustained competitive advantage directly. Therefore, we suggest that an enterprise needs to develop its organizational culture of entrepreneurship and the two kinds of capabilities, marketing and innovation, hopefully to enhance its sustained competitive advantage

    Effect of salt stress on aerobic methane oxidation and associated methanotrophs; a microcosm study of a natural community from a non-saline environment

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    We investigated the response of aerobic methane oxidation and the associated methanotrophs to salt-stress in a NaCl gradient ranging from 0 M (un-amended reference) to 0.6 M NaCl (seawater salinity) using a rice paddy soil as a model system. Salt-stress significantly inhibited methanotrophic activity at > 0.3 M NaCl at 0.6 M NaCl amendment, methanotrophic activity fully ceased. MiSeq sequencing of the pmoA gene and group-specific qPCR analyses revealed that type Ia methanotroph (Methylobacter) appeared to be favored under salinity up to 0.3 M NaCl, increasing in numerical abundance, while the type Ib was adversely affected. This suggests niche differentiation within members of the gammaproteobacterial methanotrophs. Overall, rice paddy soil methanotrophs showed remarkable resistance to salt-stress

    Role of strain in the blistering of hydrogen-implanted silicon

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    The authors investigated the physical mechanisms underlying blistering in hydrogen-implanted silicon by examining the correlation between implantation induced damage, strain distribution, and vacancy diffusion. Using Rutherford backscattering, scanning electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy, they found that the depth of blisters coincided with that of maximum implantation damage. A model based on experimental results is presented showing the effect of tensile strain on the local diffusion of vacancies toward the depth of maximum damage, which promotes the nucleation and growth of platelets and ultimately blisters. © 2006 American Institute of Physics

    Disentangling abiotic and biotic controls of aerobic methane oxidation during re-colonization

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    Aerobic methane oxidation is driven by both abiotic and biotic factors, which are often confounded in the soil environment. Using a laboratory-scale reciprocal inoculation experiment with two native soils (paddy and upland agricultural soils) and the gamma-irradiated fraction of these soils, we aim to disentangle and determine the relative contribution of abiotic (i.e., soil edaphic properties) and biotic (i.e., initial methanotrophic community composition) controls of methane oxidation during re-colonization. Methane uptake was appreciably higher in incubations containing gamma-irradiated paddy than upland soil despite the initial difference in the methanotrophic community composition. This suggested an overriding effect of the soil edaphic properties, which positively regulated methane oxidation. Community composition was similar in incubations with the same starting inoculum, based on quantitative and qualitative pmoA gene analyses. Thus, results suggested that the initial community composition affects the trajectory of community succession to an extent, but not at the expense of the methanotrophic activity under high methane availability. Still, methane oxidation was affected more by soil edaphic properties than by the initial composition of the methanotrophic community

    Electroencephalography and transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in neonatal citrullinemia

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    The authors present a case of citrullinemia with a genotype of argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS1), c.380 G>A (p.R127Q)/c.380 G>A (p.R127Q), in two alleles. A 3-day-old female infant presented with status epilepticus and coma. Laboratory data showed hyperammonemia and marked lactic acidosis in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid; electroencephalography showed severely suppressed cerebral activity and focal paroxysmal volleys of slow and sharp waves (< 1Hz) over the left hemisphere. Real-time transcranial Doppler ultrasonography showed a brain edema and high peaked systolic and low diastolic flows in basal, anterior, and middle cerebral arteries; however, immediately after a blood exchange transfusion, systolic flows were lower and diastolic flows were higher. The resistance indices were significantly different (means: 0.58 vs. 0.37; p=0.01). The patient was placed on diet therapy. After six blood exchange transfusions and peritoneal dialysis, her neurologic examination results and serum ammonia and lactate values were normal. The authors found that electroencephalography and transcranial Doppler ultrasonography were useful for the diagnosis and follow-up treatment of neonatal citrullinemia

    When the going gets tough: Emergence of a complex methane-driven interaction network during recovery from desiccation-rewetting

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    Microorganisms interact in complex communities, affecting microbially-mediated processes in the environment. Particularly, aerobic methanotrophs showed significantly stimulated growth and activity in the presence of accompanying microorganisms in an interaction network (interactome). Yet, little is known of how the interactome responds to disturbances, and how community functioning is affected by the disturbance-induced structuring of the interaction network. Here, we employed a time-series stable isotope probing (SIP) approach using 13C–CH4 coupled to a co-occurrence network analysis after Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the 13C-enriched 16S rRNA gene to directly relate the response in methanotrophic activity to the network structure of the interactome after desiccation-rewetting of a paddy soil. Methane uptake rate decreased immediately (<5 days) after short-term desiccation-rewetting. Although the methanotroph subgroups differentially responded to desiccation-rewetting, the metabolically active bacterial community composition, including the methanotrophs, recovered after the disturbance. However, the interaction network was profoundly altered, becoming more complex but, less modular after desiccation-rewetting, despite the recovery in the methanotrophic activity and community composition/abundances. This suggests that the legacy of the disturbance persists in the interaction network. The change in the network structure may have consequences for community functioning with recurring desiccation-rewetting

    The Design and Implementation of Functional Blocks for Process Control

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá řešením a přípravou funkčních bloků pro řízení procesu. Konkrétně se jedná o modernizaci řízení vysoké pece. Práce se zabývá řídicím systémem a jeho hardwarovým vybavením, konfiguračním a vizualizačním prostředím a samotný závěr práce se týká tvorby simulace vysoké pece a částečné vizualizace některých obrazovek a prvků. Práce je zakončena aplikováním všech získaných poznatků naprogramováním řízení dvoucívkového ventilu v prostředí Step 7 a jeho otestování v simulačním prostředí WinMOD.This thesis deals with design and preparation of functional blocks for control of the process. Specifically, it is a modernization of blast furnace control. The thesis deals with the control system and its hardware equipment, configuration and visualization environment, and the conclusion of the thesis itself concerns the creation of blast furnace simulation and partial visualization of some screens and elements. The work is completed by applying all the knowledge gained by programming the two-coil valve control in the Step 7 environment and testing it in the WinMOD simulation environment.352 - Katedra automatizační techniky a řízenívelmi dobř

    Acute cerebral infarction in a patient with nodular glomerulopathy—Atypical features and differential diagnosis

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    AbstractNodular glomerulopathy is a pattern of glomerular injury observed under light microscopy that could result from several diseases presented as nephrotic syndrome clinically. Compared with venous thrombosis, cerebral infarction resulting from arterial thrombosis is relatively rare in these patients. We report an interesting case of severe nephrotic syndrome complicated with acute cerebral infarction, and renal biopsy revealed nodular glomerulopathy under light microscopy. Immunofluorescent staining was positive for λ light chain (predominant) and κ light chain, mainly in mesangial areas, and electron microscopic study showed massive amorphous acellular deposits also in mesangial areas with some local extension to subendothelial space. Congo red stain gave negative results under polarized light. The case was concluded as an atypical presentation of light chain deposition disease both pathologically and clinically

    Restoration of autophagy by puerarin in ethanol-treated hepatocytes via the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase

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    a b s t r a c t We investigated the effects of puerarin, the major isoflavone in Kudzu roots, on the regulation of autophagy in ethanol-treated hepatocytes. Incubation in ethanol (100 mM) for 24 h reduced cell viability by 20% and increased the cellular concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides by 40% and 20%, respectively. Puerarin stimulation significantly recovered cell viability and reduced cellular lipid accumulation to a level comparable to that in untreated control cells. Ethanol incubation reduced autophagy significantly as assessed by microtubule-associated protein1 light chain 3 (LC3) expression using immunohistochemistry and immunoblot analysis. The reduced expression of LC3 was restored by puerarin in a dose-dependent manner in ethanol-treated cells. The effect of puerarin on mammalian targets of rapamycin (mTOR), a key regulator of autophagy, was examined in ethanol-treated hepatocytes. Immunoblotting revealed that puerarin significantly induced the phosphorylation of 5 0 AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), thereby suppressing the mTOR target proteins S6 ribosomal protein and 4E-binding protein 1. These data suggest that puerarin restored the viability of cells and reduced lipid accumulation in ethanol-treated hepatocytes by activating autophagy via AMPK/mTOR-mediated signaling

    Synthetic lethality by targeting the RUVBL1/2-TTT complex in mTORC1-hyperactive cancer cells

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.Despite considerable efforts, mTOR inhibitors have produced limited success in the clinic. To define the vulnerabilities of mTORC1-addicted cancer cells and to find previously unknown therapeutic targets, we investigated the mechanism of piperlongumine, a small molecule identified in a chemical library screen to specifically target cancer cells with a hyperactive mTORC1 phenotype. Sensitivity to piperlongumine was dependent on its ability to suppress RUVBL1/2-TTT, a complex involved in chromatin remodeling and DNA repair. Cancer cells with high mTORC1 activity are subjected to higher levels of DNA damage stress via c-Myc and displayed an increased dependency on RUVBL1/2 for survival and counteracting genotoxic stress. Examination of clinical cancer tissues also demonstrated that high mTORC1 activity was accompanied by high RUVBL2 expression. Our findings reveal a previously unknown role for RUVBL1/2 in cell survival, where it acts as a functional chaperone to mitigate stress levels induced in the mTORC1-Myc-DNA damage axis.NIH 1RO1CA142805National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant (NRF-2017R1C1B1006072