1,502 research outputs found

    The Interaction of Production, Distribution and Rule-Making Systems in Industrial Relations

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    Le but de cet article est de présenter un cadre théorique général d'analyse des relations industrielles. Nous concevons les relations industrielles comme une synthèse des systèmes de production, de distribution et de réglementation (systèmes PDR) plutôt qu'une sommation de ces trois systèmes indépendants. Cette théorie du système PDR se concentre sur les choix stratégiques des acteurs pour ces sous-systèmes du système de relations industrielles et leurs mécanismes d'interaction. Les contenus et interactions des systèmes PDR déterminent les niveaux de performance de l'organisation, i.e. la productivité, la flexibilité, l'innovation et la satisfaction. Nous illustrons notre cadre général (voir figure 1 du texte anglais) en utilisant des données provenant de l'industrie coréenne de l'automobile, particulièrement intéressante pour notre propos parce qu'elle reflète différentes combinaisons de pratiques de PDR tout au long de son histoire.Nous utilisons un modèle de PDR au niveau de l'atelier pour expliquer comment les relations industrielles influencent la qualité de vie des travailleurs et la compétitivité de firmes et de la nation. Nous tentons également de démontrer comment les valeurs culturelles héritées de Confucius interagissent avec d'autres forces dans l'environnement pour caractériser les relations industrielles en Corée. Un objectif important ici recherché est d'aider les gestionnaires à mieux comprendre les relations industrielles reliées aux stratégies et aux pratiques utilisées pour façonner la production et pour gérer et motiver la main-d’œuvre. Cette approche est particulièrement importante en Corée et dans d'autres sociétés asiatiques qui tendent à voir les relations industrielles simplement comme un conflit du travail et donc comme quelque chose ou à éviter ou à percevoir comme étranger à leurs expériences.Cette étude de cas sur le développement des relations industrielles dans cette grande firme coréenne de l'automobile illustre le mélange difficile entre les valeurs traditionnelles confusiennes et la recherche croissante d'institutions et de processus démocratiques en milieu de travail. Cet héritage de Confucius implique que les hauts gestionnaires vont traiter leurs employés de façon paternaliste et ainsi recevoir en retour coopération, respect, loyauté et acceptation de l'autorité patronale (Kochan 1994: 679). Gestionnaires et travailleurs devraient tenter d'harmoniser l'héritage de Confucius avec les réformes démocratiques en milieu de travail. Cette étude démontre également comment le processus traditionnel de négociation collective, surtout distributif, couplé avec une stratégie de gestion cherchant à introduire la production flexible sans participation significative des employés et sans partenariat aboutit à de hauts niveaux de conflit et à des périodes de coopération forcée ou semi-provoquée. Cela résulte en une confiance insuffisante et des pertes mutuelles plutôt que qualité, productivité et satisfaction qu'engendre un système de production flexible (MacDuffie 1995). Qu'est-ce que cela implique pour la théorie des relations industrielles ? Qu'est-ce que cela suggère pour l'avenir des pratiques en relations industrielles? Pour reprendre Kaufman (1993), la pérennité de la distinction entre relations industrielles et la gestion des ressources humaines dans le monde scientifique ainsi que des conceptions étroites des relations industrielles peuvent très bien rétrécir ces deux champs. Nous concevons les relations industrielles comme incluant les questions de ressources humaines en tant que synthèse des systèmes de PDR vue dans une perspective communautaire. Cet article démontre que la théorie des relations industrielles doit distinguer les facteurs environnementaux primaires et secondaires ainsi que les choix stratégiques directs et indirects. Nous soutenons également que la théorie des relations industrielles doit incorporer un élément dynamique reliant les facteurs environnementaux et les relations industrielles ainsi que les interrelations entre les systèmes de production, de distribution et de réglementation. Ce modèle peut servir à analyser tant les milieux de travail non syndiqués que syndiqués en y voyant la négociation collective comme un sous-système du système de réglementation.Vu que notre modèle insiste sur le système humain incluant le système de stimulation de l'esprit, de meilleures pratiques des futures relations industrielles peuvent être instaurées par la coopération spontanée exigeant un mélange de négociations syndicales et d'implication directe du travailleur. Telle combinaison peut éliminer tant les critiques que le conflit détruisant la possibilité de gains mutuels. Mais ce type de relations exige que le gouvernement reconnaisse le syndicalisme démocratique, l'autonomie dans les relations industrielles et voit cette activité comme un moyen valable pour devenir une économie compétitive.This paper proposes to see industrial relations as a synthesis of production, distribution, and rule-making Systems (PDR Systems) rather than to regard these three Systems as independent forces. This PDR System theory focuses on the actors' strategic choices for the PDR Systems, that is, subsystems of industrial relations System, and their interaction mechanisms. The contents and interactions of the PDR Systems determine the performance levels of the organization, i.e., productivity, flexibility, innovation, fairness, and satisfaction. This model can be used to analyze nonunion workplaces as well as unionized settings by embracing collective bargaining as a subsystem of the rule-making System. The general framework of the model is illustrated by using data from a Korean automobile company, which is particularly well suited for this purpose since it reflects different combinations of different PDR practices over its history. This model demonstrates that the best practice of future industrial relations will be established by the PDR Systems in which the creative humanware is maximized and actors spontaneously cooperate

    A case report of type VI dual left anterior descending coronary artery anomaly presenting with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

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    BACKGROUND: Type VI dual left anterior descending artery (LAD) is a rare coronary anomaly, the first case of which has recently been described. This is the first report of type VI dual LAD anomaly in which the patient presented with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and percutaneous coronary intervention was performed in the anomalously originating LAD. CASE PRESENTATION: A 52-year-old man with diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia presented with chest pain without ST elevation on EKG, although the patient’s troponin I level was elevated. Coronary angiography revealed a short LAD originating from the left main coronary artery and a long LAD originating from the proximal portion of the right coronary artery (RCA). Three-dimensional reconstruction of computed tomography of images revealed that the long LAD originated from the proximal RCA and coursed between the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) and the aortic root before entering the mid anterior interventricular groove. The high take-off RCA originated underneath the RVOT, pointing downwards and forming an acute angle with the proximal portion of the long LAD. The anomalous long LAD displayed significant stenosis. We performed successful percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the anomalous artery. CONCLUSION: With accurate understanding of the coronary anatomy and appropriate hardware selection, successful PCI can be performed in the in the long LAD in patients with type VI dual LAD anomaly

    Cupping for Treating Pain: A Systematic Review

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    The objective of this study was to assess the evidence for or against the effectiveness of cupping as a treatment option for pain. Fourteen databases were searched. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) testing cupping in patients with pain of any origin were considered. Trials using cupping with or without drawing blood were included, while trials comparing cupping with other treatments of unproven efficacy were excluded. Trials with cupping as concomitant treatment together with other treatments of unproven efficacy were excluded. Trials were also excluded if pain was not a central symptom of the condition. The selection of studies, data extraction and validation were performed independently by three reviewers. Seven RCTs met all the inclusion criteria. Two RCTs suggested significant pain reduction for cupping in low back pain compared with usual care (P < .01) and analgesia (P < .001). Another two RCTs also showed positive effects of cupping in cancer pain (P < .05) and trigeminal neuralgia (P < .01) compared with anticancer drugs and analgesics, respectively. Two RCTs reported favorable effects of cupping on pain in brachialgia compared with usual care (P = .03) or heat pad (P < .001). The other RCT failed to show superior effects of cupping on pain in herpes zoster compared with anti-viral medication (P = .065). Currently there are few RCTs testing the effectiveness of cupping in the management of pain. Most of the existing trials are of poor quality. Therefore, more rigorous studies are required before the effectiveness of cupping for the treatment of pain can be determined

    Acupuncture for the treatment of tinnitus: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials

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    BACKGROUND: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has frequently been used to treat tinnitus, and acupuncture is a particularly popular option. The objective of this review was to assess the evidence concerning the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment for tinnitus. METHODS: Fourteen databases were searched from the dates of their creation to July 4th, 2012. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) were included if acupuncture was used as the sole treatment. The Cochrane risk of bias tool was used to assess the risk of bias. RESULTS: A total of 9 RCTs met all the inclusion criteria. Their methodological quality was mostly poor. Five RCTs compared the effectiveness of acupuncture or electroacupuncture with sham acupuncture for treating tinnitus. The results failed to show statistically significant improvements. Two RCTs compared a short one-time scalp acupuncture treatment with the use of penetrating sham acupuncture at non-acupoints in achieving subjective symptom relief on a visual analog scale; these RCTs demonstrated significant positive effects with scalp acupuncture. Two RCTs compared acupuncture with conventional drug treatments. One of these RCTs demonstrated that acupuncture had statistically significant effects on the response rate in patients with nervous tinnitus, but the other RCT did not demonstrate significant effects in patients with senile tinnitus. CONCLUSIONS: The number, size and quality of the RCTs on the effectiveness of acupuncture for the treatment of tinnitus are not sufficient for drawing definitive conclusions. Further rigorous RCTs that overcome the many limitations of the current evidence are warranted

    High-resolution analysis of condition-specific regulatory modules in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    A novel approach for identifying condition-specific regulatory modules in yeast reveals functionally distinct coregulated submodules

    Potentiated therapeutic angiogenesis by primed human mesenchymal stem cells in a mouse model of hindlimb ischemia

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    Background: Human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are advantageous for cell-based therapy to treat ischemic diseases owing to their capacity to secrete various paracrine factors with potent angiogenic activity. Materials methods: In this study, we describe a method to increase secreted levels of VEGF and HGF from hMSCs without genetic modification. Results: We demonstrated that transplantation of primed hMSCs into ischemic limbs led to significantly greater improvements in tissue perfusion and limb salvage by increasing capillary formation compared with nonprimed hMSCs. The primed hMSCs also exhibited greater survival in vivo and secreted human VEGF and HGF in the ischemic tissue, supporting enhanced angiogenesis and cell survival. Conclusion: These findings indicate that priming hMSCs via methods described in this study enhances secretion of critical proangiogenic factors resulting in an enhanced therapeutic effect of cells for the treatment of ischemic diseases.This research was supported by grants from the Korea Health Technology R&D Project (M-S Chang, A100823) and the Innovative Research Institute for Cell Therapy, National University Hospital (A062260), both sponsored by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family, Seoul, Republic of Korea.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2013-01/102/0000027724/1SEQ:1PERF_CD:SNU2013-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000027724ADJUST_YN:YEMP_ID:A075930DEPT_CD:862CITE_RATE:3.718FILENAME:첨부된 내역이 없습니다.DEPT_NM:치의과학과EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:YCONFIRM: