19 research outputs found

    State-dependent Gaussian kernel-based power spectrum modification for accurate instantaneous heart rate estimation.

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    Accurate estimation of the instantaneous heart rate (HR) using a reflectance-type photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor is challenging because the dominant frequency observed in the PPG signal corrupted by motion artifacts (MAs) does not usually overlap the true HR, especially during high-intensity exercise. Recent studies have proposed various MA cancellation and HR estimation algorithms that use simultaneously measured acceleration signals as noise references for accurate HR estimation. These algorithms provide accurate results with a mean absolute error (MAE) of approximately 2 beats per minute (bpm). However, some of their results deviate significantly from the true HRs by more than 5 bpm. To overcome this problem, the present study modifies the power spectrum of the PPG signal by emphasizing the power of the frequency corresponding to the true HR. The modified power spectrum is obtained using a Gaussian kernel function and a previous estimate of the instantaneous HR. Because the modification is effective only when the previous estimate is accurate, a recently reported finite state machine framework is used for real-time validation of each instantaneous HR result. The power spectrum of the PPG signal is modified only when the previous estimate is validated. Finally, the proposed algorithm is verified by rigorous comparison of its results with those of existing algorithms using the ISPC dataset (n = 23). Compared to the method without MA cancellation, the proposed algorithm decreases the MAE value significantly from 6.73 bpm to 1.20 bpm (p < 0.001). Furthermore, the resultant MAE value is lower than that obtained by any other state-of-the-art method. Significant reduction (from 10.89 bpm to 2.14 bpm, p < 0.001) is also shown in a separate experiment with 24 subjects

    Reflectance pulse oximetry: Practical issues and limitations

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    The demand for reflective-mode pulse oximetry to monitor oxygen saturation has been continuously increasing because it can be used at diverse measurement sites such as the feet, forehead, chest, and wrists. For the wrists, in particular, pulse oximeters are easily available in the form of a band or watch. In this study, we developed a reflectance pulse oximeter and used it to measure oxygen saturation levels at the fingertips and the wrist. We analyzed the performance of this oximeter to address the challenges and limitations associated with using reflective-mode oximeters at the wrist for clinical purposes

    Multi-Mode Particle Filtering Methods for Heart Rate Estimation From Wearable Photoplethysmography

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    Adaptive scheduling of acceleration and gyroscope for motion artifact cancelation in photoplethysmography

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    Background and objective: Recently, various algorithms have been introduced using wrist-worn photo-plethysmography (PPG) to provide high accuracy of instantaneous heart rate (HR) estimation, including during high-intensity exercise. Most studies focus on using acceleration and/or gyroscope signals for the motion artifact (MA) reference, which attenuates or cancels out noise from the MA-corrupted PPG signals. We aim to open and pave the path to find an appropriate MA reference selection for MA cancelation in PPG.Methods: We investigated how the acceleration and gyroscope reference signals correlate with the MAs of the distorted PPG signals and derived both mathematically and experimentally an adaptive MA reference selection approach. We applied our algorithm to five state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods for the performance evaluation. In addition, we compared the four MA reference selection approaches, i.e. with acceleration signal only, with gyroscope signal only, with both signals, and using our proposed adaptive selection.Results: When applied to 47 PPG recordings acquired during intensive physical exercise from two differ-ent datasets, our proposed adaptive MA reference selection method provided higher accuracy than the other MA selection approaches for all five SOTA methods.Conclusion: Our proposed adaptive MA reference selection approach can be used in other MA cancelation methods and reduces the HR estimation error.Significance: We believe that this study helps researchers to address acceleration and gyroscope signals as accurate MA references, which eventually improves the overall performance for estimating HRs through the various algorithms developed by research groups

    Dedicated cardiac rehabilitation wearable sensor and its clinical potential

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    <div><p>We describe a wearable sensor developed for cardiac rehabilitation (CR) exercise. To effectively guide CR exercise, the dedicated CR wearable sensor (DCRW) automatically recommends the exercise intensity to the patient by comparing heart rate (HR) measured in real time with a predefined target heart rate zone (THZ) during exercise. The CR exercise includes three periods: pre-exercise, exercise with intensity guidance, and post-exercise. In the pre-exercise period, information such as THZ, exercise type, exercise stage order, and duration of each stage are set up through a smartphone application we developed for iPhones and Android devices. The set-up information is transmitted to the DCRW via Bluetooth communication. In the period of exercise with intensity guidance, the DCRW continuously estimates HR using a reflected pulse signal in the wrist. To achieve accurate HR measurements, we used multichannel photo sensors and increased the chances of acquiring a clean signal. Subsequently, we used singular value decomposition (SVD) for de-noising. For the median and variance of RMSEs in the measured HRs, our proposed method with DCRW provided lower values than those from a single channel-based method and template-based multiple-channel method for the entire exercise stage. In the post-exercise period, the DCRW transmits all the measured HR data to the smartphone application via Bluetooth communication, and the patient can monitor his/her own exercise history.</p></div

    Post-exercise stage with the cardiac rehabilitation (CR) application.

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    <p>(a) exercise history summary, (b) calendar-based exercise history, (c) exercise analysis, (d) heart rate trace example in warm-up stage, (e) heart rate example in main exercise stage.</p

    Performance comparison of the single channel, multiple channel with template updates, and multiple channel with truncated SVD.

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    <p>Median and standard deviation of root mean square errors (RMSEs) for walking (warm-up), jogging (main exercise), walking (warm-up), additional jogging (main exercise) and walking (cool-down).</p