126 research outputs found

    Development of a Modular Real-time Shared-control System for a Smart Wheelchair

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    In this paper, we propose a modular navigation system that can be mounted on a regular powered wheelchair to assist disabled children and the elderly with autonomous mobility and shared-control features. The lack of independent mobility drastically affects an individual's mental and physical health making them feel less self-reliant, especially children with Cerebral Palsy and limited cognitive skills. To address this problem, we propose a comparatively inexpensive and modular system that uses a stereo camera to perform tasks such as path planning, obstacle avoidance, and collision detection in environments with narrow corridors. We avoid any major changes to the hardware of the wheelchair for an easy installation by replacing wheel encoders with a stereo camera for visual odometry. An open source software package, the Real-Time Appearance Based Mapping package, running on top of the Robot Operating System (ROS) allows us to perform visual SLAM that allows mapping and localizing itself in the environment. The path planning is performed by the move base package provided by ROS, which quickly and efficiently computes the path trajectory for the wheelchair. In this work, we present the design and development of the system along with its significant functionalities. Further, we report experimental results from a Gazebo simulation and real-world scenarios to prove the effectiveness of our proposed system with a compact form factor and a single stereo camera

    Hyperspectral Video Processing on Resource-Constrained Platforms

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    Hyperspectral imaging offers valuable spectral diversity for scene analysis and information extraction. However, exploiting this spectral diversity involves significant challenges in performing efficient video processing, especially in resource-constrained environments. These challenges arise due to the high memory and computational requirements for hyperspectral video processing applications. This paper presents system design methods using band subset selection to address this problem. These methods are applied to develop an adaptive video processing system targeted to an Android platform. The system dynamically adapts the selected bands to process based on constraints on real-time performance and video analysis accuracy. Experimental results provide quantitative insight into trade-offs between accuracy and real-time performance under stringent resource constraints. The results also validate the effectiveness of the proposed system in performing adaptive, resource-constrained hyperspectral video processing

    Lactic acid bacteria affect serum cholesterol levels, harmful fecal enzyme activity, and fecal water content

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are beneficial probiotic organisms that contribute to improved nutrition, microbial balance, and immuno-enhancement of the intestinal tract, as well as lower cholesterol. Although present in many foods, most trials have been in spreads or dairy products. Here we tested whether <it>Bifidobacteria </it>isolates could lower cholesterol, inhibit harmful enzyme activities, and control fecal water content.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>In vitro </it>culture experiments were performed to evaluate the ability of <it>Bifidobacterium </it>spp. isolated from healthy Koreans (20~30 years old) to reduce cholesterol-levels in MRS broth containing polyoxyethanylcholesterol sebacate. Animal experiments were performed to investigate the effects on lowering cholesterol, inhibiting harmful enzyme activities, and controlling fecal water content. For animal studies, 0.2 ml of the selected strain cultures (10<sup>8</sup>~10<sup>9 </sup>CFU/ml) were orally administered to SD rats (fed a high-cholesterol diet) every day for 2 weeks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>B. longum </it>SPM1207 reduced serum total cholesterol and LDL levels significantly (<it>p </it>< 0.05), and slightly increased serum HDL. <it>B. longum </it>SPM1207 also increased fecal LAB levels and fecal water content, and reduced body weight and harmful intestinal enzyme activities.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Daily consumption of <it>B. longum </it>SPM1207 can help in managing mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia, with potential to improve human health by helping to prevent colon cancer and constipation.</p

    Mesothelial Cyst of the Round Ligament Mimicking a Metastasis: a Case Report

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    A mesothelial cyst of the round ligament is a rare cause of an inguinal mass. Clinically, it is frequently misdiagnosed as one of commoner diseases such as an inguinal hernia, femoral hernia, lipoma, and lymphadenopathy upon physical examination. Some previous reports elaborated the sonographic features of a mesothelial cyst of the round ligament. However, to our knowledge, few reports have described the CT features of a mesothelial cyst. We illustrated here the sonographic and multidetector CT features of a case of a mesothelial cyst of the round ligament that presented as an inguinal palpable mass and mimicked a metastasis in a patient with a Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor of the ovary

    Efficacy of two different self-expanding nitinol stents for atherosclerotic femoropopliteal arterial disease (SENS-FP trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: There have been few randomized control trials comparing the incidence of stent fracture and primary patency among different self-expanding nitinol stents to date. The SMART™ CONTROL stent (Cordis Corp, Miami Lakes, Florida, United States) has a peak-to-valley bridge and inline interconnection, whereas the COMPLETE™-SE stent (Medtronic Vascular, Santa Rosa, California, United States) crowns have been configured to minimize crown-to-crown interaction, increasing the stent's flexibility without compromising radial strength. Further, the 2011 ESC (European society of cardiology) guidelines recommend that dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and a thienopyridine such as clopidogrel should be administered for at least one month after infrainguinal bare metal stent implantation. Cilostazol has been reported to reduce intimal hyperplasia and subsequent repeat revascularization. To date, there has been no randomized study comparing the safety and efficacy of two different antiplatelet regimens, clopidogrel and cilostazol, following successful femoropopliteal stenting. METHODS/DESIGN: The primary purpose of our study is to examine the incidence of stent fracture and primary patency between two different major representative self-expanding nitinol stents (SMART™ CONTROL versus COMPLETE™-SE) in stenotic or occlusive femoropopliteal arterial lesion. The secondary purpose is to examine whether there is any difference in efficacy and safety between aspirin plus clopidogrel versus aspirin plus cilostazol for one month following stent implantation in femoropopliteal lesions. This is a prospective, randomized, multicenter trial to assess the efficacy of the COMPLETE™-SE versus SMART™ CONTROL stent for provisional stenting after balloon angioplasty in femoropopliteal arterial lesions. The study design is a 2x2 randomization design and a total of 346 patients will be enrolled. The primary endpoint of this study is the rate of binary restenosis in the treated segment at 12 months after intervention as determined by catheter angiography or duplex ultrasound. DISCUSSION: This trial will provide powerful insight into whether the design of the COMPLETE™-SE stent is more fracture-resistant or effective in preventing restenosis compared with the SMART™ CONTROL stent. Also, it will determine the efficacy and safety of aspirin plus clopidogrel versus aspirin plus cilostazol in patients undergoing stent implantation in femoropopliteal lesions. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Registered on 2 April 2012 with the National Institutes of Health Clinical Trials Registry (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier# NCT01570803)

    Successful Retrieval of a Fractured and Entrapped 0.035-Inch Terumo Wire in the Femoral Artery Using Biopsy Forceps

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    A 0.035-inch guide wire fracture and entrapment in a peripheral artery is a very rare complication, but when it does occur it may lead to life-threatening complications, such as perforation, thrombus formation, embolization, and subsequent limb ischemia. We describe our experience of successfully retrieving a fractured 0.035-inch Terumo guide wire in the external iliac artery using a biopsy forcep

    Comparative validation of machine learning algorithms for surgical workflow and skill analysis with the HeiChole benchmark

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    Purpose: Surgical workflow and skill analysis are key technologies for the next generation of cognitive surgical assistance systems. These systems could increase the safety of the operation through context-sensitive warnings and semi-autonomous robotic assistance or improve training of surgeons via data-driven feedback. In surgical workflow analysis up to 91% average precision has been reported for phase recognition on an open data single-center video dataset. In this work we investigated the generalizability of phase recognition algorithms in a multicenter setting including more difficult recognition tasks such as surgical action and surgical skill. Methods: To achieve this goal, a dataset with 33 laparoscopic cholecystectomy videos from three surgical centers with a total operation time of 22 h was created. Labels included framewise annotation of seven surgical phases with 250 phase transitions, 5514 occurences of four surgical actions, 6980 occurences of 21 surgical instruments from seven instrument categories and 495 skill classifications in five skill dimensions. The dataset was used in the 2019 international Endoscopic Vision challenge, sub-challenge for surgical workflow and skill analysis. Here, 12 research teams trained and submitted their machine learning algorithms for recognition of phase, action, instrument and/or skill assessment. Results: F1-scores were achieved for phase recognition between 23.9% and 67.7% (n = 9 teams), for instrument presence detection between 38.5% and 63.8% (n = 8 teams), but for action recognition only between 21.8% and 23.3% (n = 5 teams). The average absolute error for skill assessment was 0.78 (n = 1 team). Conclusion: Surgical workflow and skill analysis are promising technologies to support the surgical team, but there is still room for improvement, as shown by our comparison of machine learning algorithms. This novel HeiChole benchmark can be used for comparable evaluation and validation of future work. In future studies, it is of utmost importance to create more open, high-quality datasets in order to allow the development of artificial intelligence and cognitive robotics in surgery