2 research outputs found

    Which factors contribute to sexual well-being? A comparative study among 17 to 20 year old boys and girls in Belgium and Ecuador

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    ABSTRACT Despite recognition that sexual well-being is an important part of adolescent sexual and reproductive health, a clear description of adolescent sexual well-being does not yet exist. Through six in-depth interviews and four focus group discussions with 56 young people in two distinct contexts (Belgium and Ecuador), we used the socialecological framework to identify factors influencing adolescent sexual well-being. According to respondents, the main factors that influence adolescent sexual well-being are not only situated at the individual (having knowledge and skills and being physically, sexually and mental mature and healthy) and interpersonal levels (positive attraction towards others and communication about sexuality), but at a broader societal level, including social acceptance of sex, gender and sexual diversity and its (legal) translation into comprehensive sexuality education and the ready availability of contraceptives. Our results go well beyond two existing definitions of (adolescent) sexual wellbeing to contribute to understanding and measurement from the perspective of young people themselves, adding substantively to ongoing discussion about the definition of the concep

    驴Qu茅 factores contribuyen al bienestar sexual? Un estudio comparativo entre chicos y chicas de 17 a 20 a帽os en B茅lgica y Ecuador

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    A pesar del reconocimiento de que el bienestar sexual es una parte importante de la salud sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes, a煤n no existe una descripci贸n clara del bienestar sexual de los adolescentes. A trav茅s de seis entrevistas en profundidad y cuatro discusiones de grupos focales con 56 j贸venes en dos contextos distintos (B茅lgica y Ecuador), utilizamos el marco socioecol贸gico para identificar los factores que influyen en el bienestar sexual de los adolescentes. Seg煤n los encuestados, los principales factores que influyen en el bienestar sexual de los adolescentes no solo se sit煤an a nivel individual (tener conocimientos y habilidades y ser f铆sica, sexual y mentalmente maduro y saludable) e interpersonales (atracci贸n positiva hacia los dem谩s y comunicaci贸n sobre la sexualidad) , pero a un nivel social m谩s amplio, incluida la aceptaci贸n social del sexo, el g茅nero y la diversidad sexual y su traducci贸n (legal) en educaci贸n sexual integral y la disponibilidad inmediata de anticonceptivos. Nuestros resultados van mucho m谩s all谩 de dos definiciones existentes de bienestar sexual (adolescente) para contribuir a la comprensi贸n y medici贸n desde la perspectiva de los propios j贸venes, lo que se suma de manera sustancial a la discusi贸n en curso sobre la definici贸n del concepto.Despite recognition that sexual well-being is an important part of adolescent sexual and reproductive health, a clear description of adolescent sexual well-being does not yet exist. Through six in-depth interviews and four focus group discussions with 56 young people in two distinct contexts (Belgium and Ecuador), we used the social-ecological framework to identify factors influencing adolescent sexual well-being. According to respondents, the main factors that influence adolescent sexual well-being are not only situated at the individual (having knowledge and skills and being physically, sexually and mental mature and healthy) and interpersonal levels (positive attraction towards others and communication about sexuality), but at a broader societal level, including social acceptance of sex, gender and sexual diversity and its (legal) translation into comprehensive sexuality education and the ready availability of contraceptives. Our results go well beyond two existing definitions of (adolescent) sexual well-being to contribute to understanding and measurement from the perspective of young people themselves, adding substantively to ongoing discussion about the definition of the concept