239 research outputs found

    Quantum nondemolition measurement of a nonclassical state of a massive object

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    While quantum mechanics exquisitely describes the behavior of microscopic systems, one ongoing challenge is to explore its applicability to systems of larger size and mass. Unfortunately, quantum states of increasingly macroscopic objects are more easily corrupted by unintentional measurements from the classical environment. Additionally, even the intentional measurements from the observer can further perturb the system. In optomechanics, coherent light fields serve as the intermediary between the fragile mechanical states and our inherently classical world by exerting radiation pressure forces and extracting mechanical information. Here we engineer a microwave cavity optomechanical system to stabilize a nonclassical steady-state of motion while independently, continuously, and nondestructively monitoring it. By coupling the motion of an aluminum membrane to two microwave cavities, we separately prepare and measure a squeezed state of motion. We demonstrate a quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement of sub-vacuum mechanical quadrature fluctuations. The techniques developed here have direct applications in the areas of quantum-enhanced sensing and quantum information processing, and could be further extended to more complex quantum states.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Demonstration of efficient nonreciprocity in a microwave optomechanical circuit

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    The ability to engineer nonreciprocal interactions is an essential tool in modern communication technology as well as a powerful resource for building quantum networks. Aside from large reverse isolation, a nonreciprocal device suitable for applications must also have high efficiency (low insertion loss) and low output noise. Recent theoretical and experimental studies have shown that nonreciprocal behavior can be achieved in optomechanical systems, but performance in these last two attributes has been limited. Here we demonstrate an efficient, frequency-converting microwave isolator based on the optomechanical interactions between electromagnetic fields and a mechanically compliant vacuum gap capacitor. We achieve simultaneous reverse isolation of more than 20 dB and insertion loss less than 1.5 dB over a bandwidth of 5 kHz. We characterize the nonreciprocal noise performance of the device, observing that the residual thermal noise from the mechanical environments is routed solely to the input of the isolator. Our measurements show quantitative agreement with a general coupled-mode theory. Unlike conventional isolators and circulators, these compact nonreciprocal devices do not require a static magnetic field, and they allow for dynamic control of the direction of isolation. With these advantages, similar devices could enable programmable, high-efficiency connections between disparate nodes of quantum networks, even efficiently bridging the microwave and optical domains.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    On discretization in time in simulations of particulate flows

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    We propose a time discretization scheme for a class of ordinary differential equations arising in simulations of fluid/particle flows. The scheme is intended to work robustly in the lubrication regime when the distance between two particles immersed in the fluid or between a particle and the wall tends to zero. The idea consists in introducing a small threshold for the particle-wall distance below which the real trajectory of the particle is replaced by an approximated one where the distance is kept equal to the threshold value. The error of this approximation is estimated both theoretically and by numerical experiments. Our time marching scheme can be easily incorporated into a full simulation method where the velocity of the fluid is obtained by a numerical solution to Stokes or Navier-Stokes equations. We also provide a derivation of the asymptotic expansion for the lubrication force (used in our numerical experiments) acting on a disk immersed in a Newtonian fluid and approaching the wall. The method of this derivation is new and can be easily adapted to other cases
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