787 research outputs found

    Negative CO2 emission from oxy-fuel combustion in CFB boilers

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    Oxy-combustion by flue-gas recirculation for CO2 capture is applied to an existing, already CO2-neutral, biomass-fired circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler, thus resulting in negative CO2 emissions. The required oxygen concentration is determined by a heat balance, but in an existing plant the volume flow is then reduced as well as the fluidization velocity, which affects the heat transfer. Methods to resolve this problem are investigated. The oxygen is usually proposed to be supplied by air separation; a method that consumes a considerable share of the energy produced in the plant. Here, it is instead suggested to use oxygen produced together with hydrogen in electrolysis by excess wind and solar power

    Fluidization Characteristics of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers

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    The fluidization in the furnace of circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers is described. Data have been obtained from a 12 MWth CFB boiler and from literature. The bottom bed is bubbling rather than fast or turbulently fluidized as is often assumed. There is an extended splash zone above this bed, in which particles are thrown up by the bubbles and fall back onto the bottom bed. Other particles are carried further into the transport zone, initially as a saturated gas flow, but some particles move into the wall layers and the density decays towards the exit. The density of the transport zone is low, and the circulation rate is relatively seen small. Therefore, this flow is in a state of dilute-phase transport and not in the fast fluidization regime, such as is often claimed

    Fluid dynamic regimes in circulating fluidized bed boilers—A mini-review

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    The fluid dynamics in the furnaces of large-scale circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers are surprisingly little known in contrast to the many laboratory studies made on conditions related to chemical reactors. Two areas are surveyed in the present work: the bottom bed and the upper dilute zone of a furnace. The bottom bed is considered bubbling, but the general opinion is that either it does not exist, or it is turbulent. The flow in the upper furnace is dilute phase transport, judging from regime maps, showing that the state of the flow is outside of the range of fast fluidization. However, this is also not generally accepted. Usually, the regime of fluidization in CFB boilers is said to be fast fluidization. In one work it is considered fast fluidization even though the authors agree that it is different from the general definition. In another investigation it is called entrained flow. Here, the conclusion is that the diversity of opinions should be resolved by further investigations with the aim of defining the conditions for the fluidized flow in furnaces, including the influence of particle size and density, fluidization velocity, gas properties, and effects from the furnace dimensions, if any

    Hundred years of fluidization for the conversion of solid fuels

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    This is a summary of the development of conversion of solid fuels in fluidized bed during the hundred years that follow the first patent of Winkler in September 1922. The Winkler gasifiers and their followers are described first. Other fuel converters, such as boilers, appeared only in the 1960–70s and became of interest because of their expected environmental advantages. Initially, bubbling bed boilers were introduced, followed by circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers in the beginning of the 1980s. Now, CFB is the dominant technology. The entire development has not been conditioned by technological breakthroughs, but rather by the surrounding conditions: industrial demand, wars, environmental effects, availability and price of fuels. The recent development of the presently rather mature technology depends very much on the necessity to limit greenhouse gas accumulation in the atmosphere. Although fluidized bed technology offers solutions to reduce CO2 emissions, so far, no decisive line of application has been established for CO2 reduction, except for the use of biomass and waste

    Heat and mass transfer to/from active particles in a fluidized bed - An analysis of the Baskakov-Palchonok correlation

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    Heat and mass transfer to or from single active particles surrounded by inert (passive) particles in a fluidized bed has been investigated based on published correlations. Special emphasis is on the application of a proposal by Baskakov, further developed by Palchonok. This representation describes heat and mass transfer as a function of the size ratio of inert to active particles. Two limits have been chosen: the limit of small active particles, where the active and the inert particles are equal, and the limit of large active particles, where the influence of the size of the active particle has vanished. The presentation aims at finding a suitable relationship, describing the size ratio of inert to active particles on heat and mass transfer to/from particles in fluidized beds and to critically evaluate its usefulness. It seems that the agreement between available correlations is qualitative and only approximate estimations can be made. A generalized scheme for calculations is presented. The formulation is made for bubbling fluidization. A discussion is presented on its use in circulating fluidized bed applications for fuel conversion as well

    A 1000 MWth boiler for chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels - Discussion of design and costs

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    More than 2000 h of solid-fuel CLC operation in a number of smaller pilot units clearly indicate that the concept works. A scale-up of the technology to 1000 MWth is investigated in terms of mass and heat balances, flows, solids inventories, boiler dimensions and the major differences between a full-scale Circulating Fluidized-Bed (CFB) boiler and a Chemical-Looping Combustion CFB (CLC-CFB). Furthermore, the additional cost of CLC-CFB relative to CFB technology is analysed and found to be 20 (sic)/tonne CO2. The largest cost is made up of compression of CO2, which is common to all capture technologies. Although the need for oxygen to manage incomplete conversion is estimated to be only a tenth of that of oxy-fuel combustion, oxygen production is nonetheless the second largest cost. Other significant costs include oxygen-carrier material, increased boiler cost and steam for fluidization of the fuel reactor

    Combustion of municipal solid waste in fluidized bed or on grate – A comparison

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    Grate firing is the most common technology used for combustion of municipal solid waste. The more recently developed fluidized bed (FB) combustion is rarely employed for this purpose. The present work compares the technical properties of the two devices to find out why FB has not been more used, considering the recent importance of waste-to-energy. Several drawbacks of FB, the need for fuel preparation and bed material consumption, play a role, but these features also have advantages: combustion is improved by the sorted fuel and less ashes. Silica sand as a bed material has the positive property of being an alkali scavenger. If replaced by an oxygen carrier (e.g. ilmenite) the scavenging effect increases, and, in addition, oxygen carriers even out the non-combusted gaseous fields in the furnace, which improves combustion and allows higher steam data at a given corrosion level. There are other advantages of FB, such as end-superheaters in the circulation loop, heated by the bed material. However, also the environmental performance and energy efficiency of grate firing has been improved, and several advanced solutions have been proposed. In conclusion, it is not clear which of the devices that is the better one. An economic evaluation is made, based on available literature information, but still there is no clear winner

    Change of existing circulating fluidized bed boilers to oxy-firing conditions for CO2 capture

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    This work investigates a circulating fluidized bed boiler, originally designed for air-firing, retrofitted to oxy-firing with the purpose of removing the CO2 emission from coal combustion. Previous studies have shown that the heat balance on the gas-particle side can be satisfied without changes in the boiler, but then the volume flow of gas is reduced. To retain the operation like that during air-firing, the volume flow, that is the fluidization velocity, in oxy-firing should be equal to that in air-firing. It is the main purpose of this work to determine the conditions for the transition from air to oxy-firing, while the heat transfer conditions are maintained at a constant fluidization velocity. Measures to achieve this, such as adjusting the supply of additional gas and the heat transfer surface, are analysed. The fulfilment of the furnace\u27s heat balance requires extra fuel or reduction of the heat-transfer surface in the furnace. These changes affect the performance of the back pass, which must be modified to accommodate the change in gas composition and the higher sensible heat content of the flue gas. Strategies to deal with these circumstances in CFB boilers are discussed

    Measurements of Gas Concentrations in a Fluidized Bed Combustor Using Laser-Induced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy and Zirconia Cell Probes

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    The dynamic combustion behavior of a circulating, fluidized bed boiler (CFB) was studied using two high-speed gas analysis systems during the combustion of coal, pear, and wood chips. Time-resolved concentrations of SO2 and NO were measured by laser-induced photoacoustic spectroscopy (LIPS). A zirconia-cell based probe (lambda-probe), synchronized with the LIPS probe, measured fluctuations between reducing and oxidizing conditions. The two probes were positioned in the same measurement volume on the centerline of the CFB combustion chamber. The purpose of the work was to investigate the behavior of the LIPS in a combustion chamber containing reacting gases in order to extend the previous h-probe measurements to other gas components. Correlations between oxidizing and reducing conditions and gas species concentrations in three locations in the combustion chamber are presented. The best correlations were found in the upper part of the CFB combustion chamber. In some cases the correlation between reducing conditions and the LIPS signal was caused by unburnt hydrocarbons. Average values of [NO] and [SO2] obtained by the LIPS system were compared with the results from a sampling probe connected to on-line analyzers. The measurements of [NO] and [SO2] were disturbed by interfering gases during reducing conditions. During a sufficiently long time of oxidizing conditions, however, reasonable agreement was obtained between LIPS measurements of [NO] and [SO2] and those of the on-line analyzers. On some occasions (low SO2 concentration) the concentration of the OH radical was also measured
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