36 research outputs found

    Jerzy 艁o艣鈥檚 Epistemic Logic and the Origins of Epistemic Logics

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    The paper presents Jerzy 艁o艣鈥檚 system of epistemic logic, which is the world鈥檚 first system of epistemic logic. We characterise this system and give an analysis of its theses in the light of the theory of rational behaviour. We notice that some theses are adequate to the characterization of the rational belief, but some of them are too much idealization of rational behaviour. Next, we check Nicolaus Rescher鈥檚 systems of assertion and relation between them and 艁o艣鈥檚 system. We also analyse so-called Carthesian system constructed by Witold Marciszewski, which is intended as improvement of 艁o艣鈥檚 system.The paper presents Jerzy 艁o艣鈥檚 system of epistemic logic, which is the world鈥檚 first system of epistemic logic. We characterise this system and give an analysis of its theses in the light of the theory of rational behaviour. We notice that some theses are adequate to the characterization of the rational belief, but some of them are too much idealization of rational behaviour. Next, we check Nicolaus Rescher鈥檚 systems of assertion and relation between them and 艁o艣鈥檚 system. We also analyse so-called Carthesian system constructed by Witold Marciszewski, which is intended as improvement of 艁o艣鈥檚 system

    Czy rozumowanie w臋偶a by艂o rzetelne? Kilka s艂贸w si臋gaj膮cych pocz膮tk贸wnaszego my艣lenia w darze Znawcy Racjonalno艣ci

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    Artyku艂 podejmuje zasygnalizowany w Ksi臋dze Rodzaju problem przej艣cia w argumentacji od stwierdzenia, 偶e wszystko poza jednym jest dozwolone, do konkluzji, 偶e nic nie jest dozwolone. Wyra偶ono przypuszczenie, 偶e rozumowanie biblijnego w臋偶a jest przyk艂adem argumentacji nierzetelnej, pewn膮 wersj膮 argumentu pars pro toto (entymematu pozornego), cz臋sto pojawiaj膮c膮 si臋 w r贸偶nego rodzaju argumentacjach

    Logic vs. Linguistics: Notes on the Margin of Discussion between Logicians and Linguists

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    Artyku艂 podejmuje zagadnienie relacji mi臋dzy j臋zykoznawstwem a logik膮. Punktem wyj艣cia s膮 dyskusje mi臋dzy logikami a j臋zykoznawcami, kt贸re mia艂y miejsce w ostatnich kilkunastu latach. W artykule poddano analizie wzmiankowane dyskusje i wskazano, 偶e faktycznie wkradaj膮 si臋 w nie nieporozumienia; spr贸bowano r贸wnie偶 dok艂adniej okre艣li膰 domen臋 logiki i ukaza膰, 偶e r贸偶ni si臋 ona zasadniczo od domeny j臋zykoznawstwa.The relation between linguistics and logic is analysed in the paper. Its starting point are two discussions between logicians and linguists that took place in recent years. The main points of these discussions were presented and it was argued that they are based on some misunderstandings. Thereafter, the author tried to determinate the domains of linguistics and logic in more precise way and to show the differences between these domains

    It Is Possible to Omit Ontology? Some Remarks Concerning Adam Jonkisz鈥檚 Book Pytania i odpowiedzi [Questions and Answers]

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    W artykule najpierw w kilku zdaniach przedstawiam g艂贸wne tezy Ajdukiewicza teorii pyta艅, nast臋pnie kr贸tko prezentuj臋 zasadnicze tezy ksi膮偶ki Jonkisza oraz niew膮tpliwe zalety tej pracy. Nast臋pnie przedstawi臋 moje zastrze偶enia co do pewnych rozstrzygni臋膰 teoretycznych przyj臋tych przez Autora, a mianowicie za艂o偶enia, 偶e osnowy pyta艅 s膮 ci膮giem sk艂adnik贸w bez 偶adnych wymaga艅 sk艂adniowych, za艂o偶enia o szczeg贸lnym charakterze tzw. uog贸lnionej negacji oraz za艂o偶enia, 偶e w pracy nie s膮 przyj臋te 偶adne za艂o偶enia ontologiczne. Przyj臋cie j臋zyka teorii mnogo艣ci jest ju偶 uprzywilejowaniem ontologii teoriomnogo艣ciowej.In this paper I first present in a few sentences the main theses of Ajdukiewicz鈥檚 theory of questions, then I briefly express the main theses of Professor Jonkisz鈥檚 book and the indisputable advantages of this work. Then I put forward my objections to some theoretical solutions adopted by the Author, namely the assumption that datum questionis is sequence of components without any syntactic requirements, the assumption about the special character of the so called generalized negation and the assumption that no ontological assumptions are adopted in the work. The adoption of the language of set theory is already a privileging of a set theory ontology

    Ivan Boh, Epistemic Logic in the Later Middle Ages

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    Some Philosophical Problems of Logics of Belief Change

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    The article presents some problems of logical representation of belief change. The problem of beliefs (approached in a synchronic way) was analyzed on the ground of epistemic or intuitionist logics. In the 1980鈥檚 works concerning logical reconstruction of belief change appeared. The basic conception here is the conception of belief change formulated by C. Alchouron, P. G盲rdenfors and D. Makinson (abbreviated as AGM), based on the assumption that the belief state is represented by a non-contradictory set of propositions and that a belief change should be minimal (the postulate of economy). However, the AGM theory, characterized by a good formal shape, gives rise to several problems of the intuitive nature. Some of them are: the way the object of beliefs is understood, logical value of propositions that induce a change, the propositional way of representing beliefs, putting beliefs in an order and the way this order is formally represented

    Possibility and Reality. Metaphysics and Logic, red. Hans Rott, Vitezslav Horak

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    Applying logic in philosophy. The debate between Stanis艂aw Kami艅ski and Jan F. Drewnowski

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    This paper considers and assesses the discussion between J. F. Drewnowski and S. Kami艅ski concerning how to apply logic in philosophy (more precisely: in general metaphysics within the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition). In this debate, Drewnowski defended the position of the Krakow Circle according to which it is possible to apply the tools of formal logic in metaphysics. In opposition to Drewnowski, Kami艅ski formulated many arguments for the thesis that it is impossible to apply formal logic in philosophy. The second half of this paper draws some conclusions from this debate that are relevant to our current understanding of the application of logic in philosophy. n the final part of the paper we criticize Kami艅ski鈥檚 view, which is characteristic of the so-called Lublin philosophical school.Artyku艂 prezentuje i komentuje dyskusj臋 pomi臋dzy J. F. Drewnowskim a S. Kami艅skim, kt贸rej przedmiotem by艂o stosowanie logiki w filozofii, a 艣ci艣lej w metafizyce og贸lnej o orientacji arystotelesowsko-tomistycznej. Drewnowski prezentowa艂 w niej stanowisko reprezentatywne dla tzw. Ko艂a Krakowskiego o mo偶liwo艣ci stosowania narz臋dzi logiki formalnej w metafizyce, Kami艅ski takiej mo偶liwo艣ci zaprzecza艂. Spr贸bujemy wskaza膰 pewne wnioski z tej dyskusji przydatne dla dzisiejszego rozumienia stosowania (stosowalno艣ci) logiki w filozofii. W ko艅cowej partii podj臋ta jest pr贸ba znalezienia przyczyn stanowiska Kami艅skiego, kt贸re jest reprezentatywne dla przedstawicieli tzw. lubelskiej szko艂y filozoficznej