4,267 research outputs found

    The progenitor of the 'born-again' core V605 Aql and the relation to its younger twin V4334 Sgr

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    We derived the properties of V605 Aql before the final helium flash pulse by studying its surrounding PN A58. Photoionizing models of our spectral data together with a new distance estimate and a closer look at the recombination timescales lead to a consistent model. Comparing our findings with the only hydrogen-poor twin, namely Sakurai's Object, we conclude that these born-again objects have normal PNe core masses. We are able to prove V605 Aql indeed to be, similar to V4332 Sgr, a very late thermal pulse object and to put constraints for the evolutionary time scales for the transition back to the AGB.Comment: LaTeX, 5 pages, 3 figures, Accepted in Astron. & Astrophy

    A perturbative approach to multireference equation-of-motion coupled cluster

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    We introduce a variant of the multireference equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (MR-EOMCC) method where the amplitudes used for the similarity transformations are estimated from perturbation theory. Consequently, the new variant retains the many-body formalism, a reliance on at most two-body densities, and the state-universal character. As a non-iterative variant, computational costs are reduced, and no convergence difficulties with near-singular amplitudes can arise. Its performance was evaluated on several test sets covering transition metal atoms, small diatomics, and organic molecules against (near-)full CI quality reference data. We further highlight its efficacy on the weakly avoided crossing of LiF and place MR-EOMCC and the new variant into context with linear response theory. The accuracy of the variant was found to be at least on par with expectations for multireference perturbation theories, judging by the NEVPT2 method. The variant can be especially useful in multistate situations where the high accuracy of the iterative MR-EOMCC method is not required

    An excited state coupled-cluster study on indigo dyes

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    In the present study, the domain-based pair natural orbital implementation of the similarity-transformed equation of motion method is employed to reproduce the vibrationally resolved absorption spectra of indigo dyes. After an initial investigation of multireference, basis set and implicit solvent effects, our calculated 0–0 transition energies are compared to a benchmark set of experimental absorption band maxima. It is established that the agreement between our method and experimental results is well below the desired 0.1 eV threshold in virtually all cases and that the shift in excitation energies upon chemical substitution is also well reproduced. Finally, the entire spectra of some of the main components of the Tyrian purple dye mixture are reproduced and it is found that our computed spectra match the experimental ones without an empirical shift

    Full Scale Proton Beam Impact Testing of new CERN Collimators and Validation of a Numerical Approach for Future Operation

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    New collimators are being produced at CERN in the framework of a large particle accelerator upgrade project to protect beam lines against stray particles. Their movable jaws hold low density absorbers with tight geometric requirements, while being able to withstand direct proton beam impacts. Such events induce considerable thermo-mechanical loads, leading to complex structural responses, which make the numerical analysis challenging. Hence, an experiment has been developed to validate the jaw design under representative conditions and to acquire online results to enhance the numerical models. Two jaws have been impacted by high-intensity proton beams in a dedicated facility at CERN and have recreated the worst possible scenario in future operation. The analysis of online results coupled to post-irradiation examinations have demonstrated that the jaw response remains in the elastic domain. However, they have also highlighted how sensitive the jaw geometry is to its mounting support inside the collimator. Proton beam impacts, as well as handling activities, may alter the jaw flatness tolerance value by ±\pm 70 μ{\mu}m, whereas the flatness tolerance requirement is 200 μ{\mu}m. In spite of having validated the jaw design for this application, the study points out numerical limitations caused by the difficulties in describing complex geometries and boundary conditions with such unprecedented requirements.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures, Prepared for submission to JINS

    An operator expansion for integrable quantum field theories

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    A large class of quantum field theories on 1+1 dimensional Minkowski space, namely, certain integrable models, has recently been constructed rigorously by Lechner. However, the construction is very abstract and the concrete form of local observables in these models remains largely unknown. Aiming for more insight into their structure, we establish a series expansion for observables, similar but not identical to the well-known form factor expansion. This expansion will be the basis for a characterization and explicit construction of local observables, to be discussed elsewhere. Here, we establish the expansion independent of the localization aspect, and analyze its behavior under space-time symmetries. We also clarify relations with deformation methods in quantum field theory, specifically, with the warped convolution in the sense of Buchholz and Summers.Comment: minor corrections and clarifications, as published in J. Phys A; 24 page

    Optical Spectroscopy of IRAS 02091+6333

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    We present a detailed spectroscopic investigation, spanning four winters, of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star IRAS 02091+6333. Zijlstra & Weinberger (2002) found a giant wall of dust around this star and modelled this unique phenomenon. However their work suffered from the quality of the optical investigations of the central object. Our spectroscopic investigation allowed us to define the spectral type and the interstellar foreground extinction more precisely. Accurate multi band photometry was carried out. This provides us with the possibility to derive the physical parameters of the system. The measurements presented here suggest a weak irregular photometric variability of the target, while there is no evidence of a spectroscopic variability over the last four years.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, 3 tables, 4 figures, Astron. & Astrophys. - in pres

    Scaling limits of integrable quantum field theories

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    Short distance scaling limits of a class of integrable models on two-dimensional Minkowski space are considered in the algebraic framework of quantum field theory. Making use of the wedge-local quantum fields generating these models, it is shown that massless scaling limit theories exist, and decompose into (twisted) tensor products of chiral, translation-dilation covariant field theories. On the subspace which is generated from the vacuum by the observables localized in finite light ray intervals, this symmetry can be extended to the M\"obius group. The structure of the interval-localized algebras in the chiral models is discussed in two explicit examples.Comment: Revised version: erased typos, improved formulations, and corrections of Lemma 4.8/Prop. 4.9. As published in RMP. 43 pages, 1 figur

    Partial Homology Relations - Satisfiability in terms of Di-Cographs

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    Directed cographs (di-cographs) play a crucial role in the reconstruction of evolutionary histories of genes based on homology relations which are binary relations between genes. A variety of methods based on pairwise sequence comparisons can be used to infer such homology relations (e.g.\ orthology, paralogy, xenology). They are \emph{satisfiable} if the relations can be explained by an event-labeled gene tree, i.e., they can simultaneously co-exist in an evolutionary history of the underlying genes. Every gene tree is equivalently interpreted as a so-called cotree that entirely encodes the structure of a di-cograph. Thus, satisfiable homology relations must necessarily form a di-cograph. The inferred homology relations might not cover each pair of genes and thus, provide only partial knowledge on the full set of homology relations. Moreover, for particular pairs of genes, it might be known with a high degree of certainty that they are not orthologs (resp.\ paralogs, xenologs) which yields forbidden pairs of genes. Motivated by this observation, we characterize (partial) satisfiable homology relations with or without forbidden gene pairs, provide a quadratic-time algorithm for their recognition and for the computation of a cotree that explains the given relations

    EIT ground-state cooling of long ion strings

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    Electromagnetically-induced-transparency (EIT) cooling is a ground-state cooling technique for trapped particles. EIT offers a broader cooling range in frequency space compared to more established methods. In this work, we experimentally investigate EIT cooling in strings of trapped atomic ions. In strings of up to 18 ions, we demonstrate simultaneous ground state cooling of all radial modes in under 1 ms. This is a particularly important capability in view of emerging quantum simulation experiments with large numbers of trapped ions. Our analysis of the EIT cooling dynamics is based on a novel technique enabling single-shot measurements of phonon numbers, by rapid adiabatic passage on a vibrational sideband of a narrow transition
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