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    Point of care Xpert MTB/RIF versus smear microscopy for tuberculosis diagnosis in southern African primary care clinics : a multicentre economic evaluation

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    CITATION: Pooran, A., et al. 2019. Point of care Xpert MTB/RIF versus smear microscopy for tuberculosis diagnosis in southern African primary care clinics : a multicentre economic evaluation. The Lancet Global Health, 7(6):E798-E807. doi:10.1016/S2214-109X(19)30164-0The original publication is available at https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/homeBackground: Rapid on-site diagnosis facilitates tuberculosis control. Performing Xpert MTB/RIF (Xpert) at point of care is feasible, even when performed by minimally trained health-care workers, and when compared with point-of-care smear microscopy, reduces time to diagnosis and pretreatment loss to follow-up. However, whether Xpert is cost-effective at point of care remains unclear. Methods: We empirically collected cost (US,2014)andclinicaloutcomedatafromparticipantspresentingtoprimaryhealth−carefacilitiesinfourAfricancountries(SouthAfrica,Zambia,Zimbabwe,andTanzania)duringtheTB−NEATtrial.Costsweredeterminedusinganbottom−upingredientsapproach.Effectivenessmeasuresfromthetrialincludednumberofcasesdiagnosed,initiatedontreatment,andcompletingtreatment.Theprimaryoutcomewastheincrementalcost−effectivenessofpoint−of−careXpertrelativetosmearmicroscopy.Thestudywasperformedfromtheperspectiveofthehealth−careprovider.Findings:Usingdatafrom1502patients,wecalculatedthatthemeanXpertunitcostwaslowerwhenperformedatacentralisedlaboratory(LabXpert)ratherthanatpointofcare(, 2014) and clinical outcome data from participants presenting to primary health-care facilities in four African countries (South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania) during the TB-NEAT trial. Costs were determined using an bottom-up ingredients approach. Effectiveness measures from the trial included number of cases diagnosed, initiated on treatment, and completing treatment. The primary outcome was the incremental cost-effectiveness of point-of-care Xpert relative to smear microscopy. The study was performed from the perspective of the health-care provider. Findings: Using data from 1502 patients, we calculated that the mean Xpert unit cost was lower when performed at a centralised laboratory (Lab Xpert) rather than at point of care (23·00 [95% CI 22·12–23·88] vs 28⋅03[26⋅19–29⋅87]).Per1000patientsscreened,andrelativetosmearmicroscopy,point−of−careXpertcostanadditional28·03 [26·19–29·87]). Per 1000 patients screened, and relative to smear microscopy, point-of-care Xpert cost an additional 35 529 (27 054–40 025) and was associated with an additional 24·3 treatment initiations ([–20·0 to 68·5]; 1464pertreatment),63⋅4same−daytreatmentinitiations([27⋅3–99⋅4];1464 per treatment), 63·4 same-day treatment initiations ([27·3–99·4]; 511 per same-day treatment), and 29·4 treatment completions ([–6·9 to 65·6]; 1211percompletion).Xpertcostsweremostsensitivetotestvolume,whereasincrementaloutcomesweremostsensitivetothenumberofpatientsinitiatingandcompletingtreatment.Theprobabilityofpoint−of−careXpertbeingcost−effectivewas901211 per completion). Xpert costs were most sensitive to test volume, whereas incremental outcomes were most sensitive to the number of patients initiating and completing treatment. The probability of point-of-care Xpert being cost-effective was 90% at a willingness to pay of 3820 per treatment completion. Interpretation: In southern Africa, although point-of-care Xpert unit cost is higher than Lab Xpert, it is likely to offer good value for money relative to smear microscopy. With the current availability of point-of-care nucleic acid amplification platforms (eg, Xpert Edge), these data inform much needed investment and resource allocation strategies in tuberculosis endemic settings.https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(19)30164-0/fulltextPublisher’s versio

    Point of care Xpert MTB/RIF versus smear microscopy for tuberculosis diagnosis in southern African primary care clinics: a multicentre economic evaluation

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    Summary: Background: Rapid on-site diagnosis facilitates tuberculosis control. Performing Xpert MTB/RIF (Xpert) at point of care is feasible, even when performed by minimally trained health-care workers, and when compared with point-of-care smear microscopy, reduces time to diagnosis and pretreatment loss to follow-up. However, whether Xpert is cost-effective at point of care remains unclear. Methods: We empirically collected cost (US,2014)andclinicaloutcomedatafromparticipantspresentingtoprimaryhealth−carefacilitiesinfourAfricancountries(SouthAfrica,Zambia,Zimbabwe,andTanzania)duringtheTB−NEATtrial.Costsweredeterminedusinganbottom−upingredientsapproach.Effectivenessmeasuresfromthetrialincludednumberofcasesdiagnosed,initiatedontreatment,andcompletingtreatment.Theprimaryoutcomewastheincrementalcost−effectivenessofpoint−of−careXpertrelativetosmearmicroscopy.Thestudywasperformedfromtheperspectiveofthehealth−careprovider.Findings:Usingdatafrom1502patients,wecalculatedthatthemeanXpertunitcostwaslowerwhenperformedatacentralisedlaboratory(LabXpert)ratherthanatpointofcare(, 2014) and clinical outcome data from participants presenting to primary health-care facilities in four African countries (South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania) during the TB-NEAT trial. Costs were determined using an bottom-up ingredients approach. Effectiveness measures from the trial included number of cases diagnosed, initiated on treatment, and completing treatment. The primary outcome was the incremental cost-effectiveness of point-of-care Xpert relative to smear microscopy. The study was performed from the perspective of the health-care provider. Findings: Using data from 1502 patients, we calculated that the mean Xpert unit cost was lower when performed at a centralised laboratory (Lab Xpert) rather than at point of care (23·00 [95% CI 22·12–23·88] vs 28⋅03[26⋅19–29⋅87]).Per1000patientsscreened,andrelativetosmearmicroscopy,point−of−careXpertcostanadditional28·03 [26·19–29·87]). Per 1000 patients screened, and relative to smear microscopy, point-of-care Xpert cost an additional 35 529 (27 054–40 025) and was associated with an additional 24·3 treatment initiations ([–20·0 to 68·5]; 1464pertreatment),63⋅4same−daytreatmentinitiations([27⋅3–99⋅4];1464 per treatment), 63·4 same-day treatment initiations ([27·3–99·4]; 511 per same-day treatment), and 29·4 treatment completions ([–6·9 to 65·6]; 1211percompletion).Xpertcostsweremostsensitivetotestvolume,whereasincrementaloutcomesweremostsensitivetothenumberofpatientsinitiatingandcompletingtreatment.Theprobabilityofpoint−of−careXpertbeingcost−effectivewas901211 per completion). Xpert costs were most sensitive to test volume, whereas incremental outcomes were most sensitive to the number of patients initiating and completing treatment. The probability of point-of-care Xpert being cost-effective was 90% at a willingness to pay of 3820 per treatment completion. Interpretation: In southern Africa, although point-of-care Xpert unit cost is higher than Lab Xpert, it is likely to offer good value for money relative to smear microscopy. With the current availability of point-of-care nucleic acid amplification platforms (eg, Xpert Edge), these data inform much needed investment and resource allocation strategies in tuberculosis endemic settings. Funding: European Union European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership