25 research outputs found

    Die Dritte Welt im Zweiten Weltkrieg

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    L’IFHA sera partenaire de l’exposition Die Dritte Welt im Zweiten Weltkrieg que le musĂ©e Historique de Francfort organise du 26 septembre 2012 au 7 avril 2013 dans ses espaces historiques fraichement rĂ©novĂ©s. Il s’agit d’une exposition itinĂ©rante, conçue par le journaliste allemand Karl Rössel et son association « Verein Recherche International e.V. », qui rencontre un grand succĂšs en Allemagne depuis son inauguration Ă  Berlin en 2009 : l’exposition avait alors fait scandale en abordant le th..

    Une exposition sur les soldats coloniaux français, prisonniers en Allemagne pendant la PremiÚre Guerre mondiale

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    Dans le cadre de son cycle franco-allemand « RĂŒck/Blick » consacrĂ© Ă  la PremiĂšre Guerre mondiale, l’Institut français d’histoire en Allemagne (Francfort/Main) s’est associĂ© Ă  un projet d’exposition inĂ©dit consacrĂ© aux soldats coloniaux français dĂ©tenus en captivitĂ© en Allemagne pendant la Grande Guerre. L’exposition intitulĂ©e « Gefangene Bilder. Wissenschaft und Propaganda im Ersten Weltkrieg» – en français « Portraits de prisonniers. Science et Propagande pendant la Grande Guerre » – s’organ..

    Quelle laĂŻcitĂ© pour l’Europe / Welche LaizitĂ€t fĂŒr Europa ?

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    À chaque pays sa conception de la laĂŻcité ? Les relations entre pouvoirs publics et religion en France et en Allemagne divergent sensiblement et constituent un sujet d’étonnement, voire d’incomprĂ©hension entre les habitants des deux pays. Par-delĂ  le seul binĂŽme franco-allemand, ces diffĂ©rences sont rĂ©vĂ©latrices des diverses stratĂ©gies avec lesquelles les États europĂ©ens abordent la question religieuse. Dans un contexte de plus en plus multiculturel et multiconfessionnel, les rapports entre l..

    Débat entre Gerd Krumeich et Antoine Prost « La PremiÚre Guerre mondiale dans les mémoires française et allemande »

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    Cette rencontre a inaugurĂ© le cycle de confĂ©rences scientifiques intitulĂ© « RĂŒck/Blick », programme conçu par l’Institut français d’histoire en Allemagne (IFHA) Ă  l’occasion du centenaire du dĂ©but de la PremiĂšre Guerre mondiale. La discussion modĂ©rĂ©e par le directeur de l’IFHA, Pierre Monnet, a fait intervenir deux figures de la pensĂ©e de la guerre, Antoine Prost, professeur Ă©mĂ©rite de l’universitĂ© Paris 1 PanthĂ©on-Sorbonne et auteur de nombreux ouvrages sur les anciens combattants et l’histo..

    « Nationenbildung im Museum »

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    L’annonce de la crĂ©ation d’une Maison d’histoire de France ayant soulevĂ© de vifs dĂ©bats entre historiens français, il a semblĂ© intĂ©ressant Ă  l’IFHA de replacer cette question dans une perspective comparative franco-allemande, d’autant plus que les concepteurs du projet français s’appuient explicitement sur l’exemple du Deutsches Historisches Museum (DHM) de Berlin. L’IFHA a donc organisĂ©, en collaboration avec le Forschungszentrum fĂŒr historische Geisteswissenschaften de l’universitĂ© Goethe d..

    A Novel Epigenetic Phenotype Associated With the Most Aggressive Pathway of Bladder Tumor Progression

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    International audienceBackground: Epigenetic silencing can extend to whole chromosomal regions in cancer. There have been few genome-wide studies exploring its involvement in tumorigenesis.Methods: We searched for chromosomal regions affected by epigenetic silencing in cancer by using Affymetrix microarrays and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction to analyze RNA from 57 bladder tumors compared with normal urothelium. Epigenetic silencing was verified by gene re-expression following treatment of bladder cell lines with 5-aza-deoxycytidine, a DNA demethylating agent, and trichostatin A, a histone deacetylase inhibitor. DNA methylation was studied by bisulfite sequencing and histone methylation and acetylation by chromatin immunoprecipitation. Clustering was used to distinguish tumors with multiple regional epigenetic silencing (MRES) from those without and to analyze the association of this phenotype with histopathologic and molecular types of bladder cancer. The results were confirmed with a second panel of 40 tumor samples and extended in vitro with seven bladder cancer cell lines. All statistical tests were two-sided.Results: We identified seven chromosomal regions of contiguous genes that were silenced by an epigenetic mechanism. Epigenetic silencing was not associated with DNA methylation but was associated with histone H3K9 and H3K27 methylation and histone H3K9 hypoacetylation. All seven regions were concordantly silenced in a subgroup of 26 tumors, defining an MRES phenotype. MRES tumors exhibited a carcinoma in situ-associated gene expression signature (25 of 26 MRES tumors vs 0 of 31 non-MRES tumors, P < 10⁻Âč⁎), rarely carried FGFR3 mutations (one of 26 vs 22 of 31 non-MRES tumors, P < 10⁻Âč⁶), and contained 25 of 33 (76%) of the muscle-invasive tumors. Cell lines derived from aggressive bladder tumors presented epigenetic silencing of the same regions.Conclusions: We have identified an MRES phenotype characterized by the concomitant epigenetic silencing of several chromosomal regions, which, in bladder cancer, is specifically associated with the carcinoma in situ gene expression signature

    Alternative Samples for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Surveillance in an Endemic PRRSV-1-Infected Breeding Herd: A Descriptive Study

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    Knowing porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) status is essential for designing herd management protocols. For this, weaning-age pigs are a key subpopulation. Recently, different alternatives to blood sampling have been introduced because they are easier, welfare-friendly and cost-saving tools. Moreover, most of them allow the testing of more animals and seem to be more sensitive in low-prevalence scenarios. However, these studies were implemented mainly in PRRSV-2-infected herds. The first objective of our study was to compare the rate of detection of PRRSV-1 by RT-qPCR in individual serum samples, family oral fluid samples (FOF) and udder wipes (UW) collected the day before weaning. The second objective was to evaluate the suitability of pooling. The study was performed on a 210-sow farrow-to-finish farm which was PRRSV-1 infected and unstable. A total of 119 litters were sampled. The rate of detection of PRRSV-1 in blood samples, FOF and UW was 10.9%, 7.6% and 0.8%, respectively. The agreement between sera and FOF was almost perfect even if the detection capacity of sera was numerically superior to FOF. The Ct values of positive sera were statistically lower than those of FOF. Two modalities of pooling (1:3 and 1:5) were tested for sera and FOF. For sera, both modalities did not impact the PRRSV-1 status either at the litter level or at the batch one. On the other hand, whatever the modality (pooled by 3 or 5), most of the pools of FOF gave negative results, misclassifying many litters and batches

    Porcine ear necrosis is associated with social behaviours in weaned piglets

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    Abstract Background Porcine ear necrosis (PEN) is a worldwide health issue and its aetiology is still unclear. The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence and the severity of PEN in a commercial farm, associated with pig behaviour and health biomarkers measures. On two consecutive batches, PEN prevalence was determined at the pen level. PEN scores, blood haptoglobin concentration and oxidative status were measured on two pigs per pen (n = 48 pens) 9, 30 and 50 days (D) after arrival to the post-weaning unit. Social nosing, oral manipulation and aggression of pen mates and exploration of enrichment materials were observed on two to three pigs per pen twice a week from D9 to D50. Results At the pen level, the higher the time spent nosing pen mates, the lower the percentage of pigs affected by PEN during both the early and the late post-weaning periods (P < 0.002) and, in the opposite, the higher the time spent orally manipulating pen mates during the late post-weaning period, the higher the percentage of affected pigs (P = 0.03). At the pig level, the higher the increase in hydroperoxides and haptoglobin during the early post-weaning period, the higher the PEN scores on D30 (P < 0.001). Conclusions This study suggests that a high incidence of social nosing, which can be an indicator of good social cohesion in a group, was significantly associated with less frequent lesions of PEN. In opposite, high incidence of oral manipulation of pen mates may increase the percentage of PEN-affected pigs. According to these observations, PEN is a multifactorial condition which may have social causes among others

    Améliorer la consommation d'aliment sec sous la mÚre : leviers et conséquences

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    International audienceStimulating the consumption of solid feed prior to weaning may improve piglet adaptation after weaning. The aim of this study was to provide some key recommendations to improve creep feed intake in sucklers. Twenty-one and 11 litters, weaned at 21 and 28 days of age (doa), respectively, were included in this trial. The litters were creep-fed in round conventional feeders from d5 after birth. Every day, two times a day until d14 and then three times a day until weaning, fresh creep feed was weighed and given to litters, and the number of piglets was recorded. The feed remaining in each feeder was weighed to quantify feed disappearance at the litter level. Finally, piglets were individually weighed on d2, at weaning (21 or 28 doa), on d42 and at the end of the postweaning period. Statistical analyses (analysis of variance) were performed using R Studio. Differences were considered statistically significant at p<0.05. Regardless of the age at weaning, feed disappearance increased as piglet age increased, especially from ca. 2 weeks of life. Depending on the feeder characteristics, mean creep-feed intake was 1294 g (feeder A) for weaning at 21 doa and 1616 g (feeder B) or 3227 g (feeder A) for weaning at 28 doa. Weaning weights of piglets with feeder A were significantly higher (+400 g, on average). In addition, the more piglets there were in the litter, the higher the dry feed disappearance for weaning at 28 doa. Finally, regardless of the age at weaning, the heavier the piglet on d2, the higher the feed disappearance.Pour les porcelets, le sevrage reprĂ©sente un stress important. En effet, en maternitĂ©, le porcelet s’alimente majoritairement en tĂ©tant sa mĂšre et doit rapidement s’adapter Ă  une alimentation Ă  sec aprĂšs le sevrage. Bien que les rĂ©sultats issus des Ă©tudes dĂ©jĂ  publiĂ©es soient parfois contradictoires, il est supposĂ© que plus un porcelet consomme d’aliment sec en maternitĂ©, plus il s’adaptera rapidement Ă  son alimentation en post-sevrage. S’il ne semble pas y avoir de consĂ©quence dĂ©montrĂ©e sur les performances de croissance aprĂšs le sevrage dans la littĂ©rature, l’intĂ©rĂȘt pour la rĂ©duction des maladies digestives en post-sevrage est souvent Ă©voquĂ©. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est de proposer des recommandations de distribution d’aliment sec pour les porcelets au cours de la lactation pour faciliter la transition en post-sevrage