62 research outputs found

    Le bleu des garçons : suivi de : «Pourquoi se refuser, ce soir, à cette supposition?» : imaginaire et contamination narrative dans Dix heures et demie du soir en été de Marguerite Duras

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    Ce mĂ©moire de maĂźtrise en recherche-crĂ©ation se divise en deux parties, soit un recueil de fictions et un essai thĂ©orique. Le bleu des garçons regroupe douze fictions interrogeant le dĂ©sir masculin. La forme versifiĂ©e des textes explore la frontiĂšre entre prose et poĂ©sie, alors que la mobilisation de stratĂ©gies narratives variĂ©es et d’un style minimaliste exacerbe les non-dits de chaque situation, tout en brouillant la ligne entre le rĂ©el et l’imaginaire. Qu’ils soient fils, oncles, amoureux, queers, traĂźtres ou voyageurs, les protagonistes de ces fictions se rejoignent Ă  travers la mise en doute de leur identitĂ©, de leur sexualitĂ© et de leur rapport avec autrui dans un moment de crise concentrĂ© dans l’espace et le temps. En continuitĂ© avec les considĂ©rations narratologiques du recueil, «Pourquoi se refuser, ce soir, Ă  cette supposition?» Imaginaire et contamination narrative dans Dix heures et demie du soir en Ă©tĂ© de Marguerite Duras Ă©tudie l’adhĂ©sion de la narration de ce roman aux fabulations de la protagoniste. Notre essai analyse comment l’émotion et les apprĂ©hensions croissantes de cette derniĂšre, initiĂ©es par le dĂ©sir, contaminent le regard narratif en focalisation interne et contribuent Ă  l’objectif cognitif de l’Ɠuvre : faire du sensible son Ă©vĂ©nement central.This Master’s Dissertation in research-creation splits in two parts: a collection of short fictions and a theoretical essay. Le bleu des garçons regroups twelve fictional stories questioning masculine desire. The texts’ versified form explores the limit between prose and poetry, while the use of various narrative strategies, along with a minimalist style, highlights every situation’s underlying sense and blurs the line between reality and imagination. They might be sons, uncles, lovers, queer men, traitors and travellers, the protagonists of these short fictions still come together as they challenge their identity, their sexuality and their relationship with others in a critical moment condensed in time and space. Ensuing from the creative part’s narratological issues, “Why refuse oneself, tonight, to this supposition?” Imagination and narrative contamination in Marguerite Duras’s Dix heures et demie du soir en Ă©tĂ© studies this novel’s narrative adherence to the protagonist’s imagination. Our essay analyses how the narration’s gaze and internal focalization are contaminated by the main character’s growing emotion and apprehensions initiated by desire, while assisting the book’s cognitive objective: making passion its central event

    Human Parainfluenza Type 4 Infections, Canada

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    During the fall/winter season of 2004–05, we found 9 respiratory specimens positive for human parainfluenza virus type 4 (HPIV-4) in our laboratory (43% of all HPIVs) from patients with mild to moderate respiratory illnesses. Sequencing studies identified 8 different HPIV-4A strains and 1 HPIV-4B strain

    Global Genetic Diversity of Human Metapneumovirus Fusion Gene

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    We analyzed 64 human metapneumovirus strains from eight countries. Phylogenetic analysis identified two groups (A and B, amino acid identity 93%–96%) and four subgroups. Although group A strains predominated, accounting for 69% of all strains, as many B as A strains were found in persons >3 years of age

    Je me revendiquerai du T. Rex

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    La crise : quelles consĂ©quences durables sur la croissance, l’emploi et les finances publiques ?

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    The Crisis : What Will Be its Lasting Consequences on Growth, Labour and Public Finances ? A review of the past financial crises suggests that the 2008-2009 crisis could lead to a durable loss of activity. In the main scenario, the French economy might suffer a permanent loss of 7 points of GDP compared to the pre-crisis trend. The weakness of productivity is one of the mechanisms that could account for this permanent loss. This loss of productivity is related to the unexpectedly good performance of the French labour market during the crisis, regarding the loss of activity. The crisis has also accelerated the old tendency of debt increase the French economy has been facing for 30 years. At this point, the debt level becomes problematic. Classification JEL : E32, E37, G01, O47.L’examen des crises bancaires passĂ©es enseigne que la perte d’activitĂ© occasionnĂ©e par la crise financiĂšre et bancaire de 2008-2009 risque d’ĂȘtre durable. Dans un scĂ©nario central, la perte de 7 points enregistrĂ©e par rapport Ă  la tendance antĂ©rieure Ă  la crise pourrait ainsi ĂȘtre dĂ©finitive. L’un des mĂ©canismes par lequel cette perte pourrait se rĂ©vĂ©ler durable est Ă  rechercher aujourd’hui du cĂŽtĂ© de la faiblesse de la productivitĂ© pendant et en sortie de rĂ©cession. C’est ce que retrace la bonne tenue de l’emploi, par rapport Ă  ce qu’on pouvait attendre au regard de la perte d’activitĂ©. Enfin, la crise aura accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© la tendance longue de dĂ©gradation des finances françaises enregistrĂ©e depuis 30 ans et portĂ© nos finances publiques aux limites de ce qu’un pays comme la France peut se permettre. Classification JEL : E32, E37, G01, O47.Debauche Étienne, Dubois Éric, Leblanc Pierre. La crise : quelles consĂ©quences durables sur la croissance, l’emploi et les finances publiques ?. In: Revue d'Ă©conomie financiĂšre, n°103, 2011. Les politiques de sortie de crise. pp. 41-57

    Stem bending generates electrical response in poplar

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    International audienceUnder natural conditions, plants experience external mechanical stresses such as wind and touch that impact their growth. A remarkable feature of this mechanically induced growth response is that it may occur at a distance from the stimulation site, suggesting the existence of a signal propagating through the plant. In this study, we investigated the electrical response of poplar trees to a transient controlled bending stimulation of the stem that mimics the mechanical effect of wind. Stem bending was found to cause an electrical response that we called "gradual" potential, similar in shape to an action potential. However, this signal can be distinguished from the well-known plant action potential by its propagation up to 20 cm along the stem and its strong dumping in velocity and amplitude. Two hypotheses regarding the mode of propagation of the "gradual" potential are discussed

    Conception et suivi des passages à petite faune sous la route 175 dans la réserve faunique des Laurentides

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    Afin d’attĂ©nuer la perte de connectivitĂ© engendrĂ©e par l’élargissement de la route 175 dans la rĂ©serve faunique des Laurentides, 36 passages fauniques (dont 33 spĂ©cifiques pour la petite faune) ont Ă©tĂ© construits entre le km 60 et le km 144 Ă  partir de 2006. Ces passages fauniques ont Ă©tĂ© conçus en considĂ©rant le meilleur emplacement possible pour leur implantation, le type de passage et de clĂŽture Ă  y installer et l’amĂ©nagement des approches. Quatre types de passage ont Ă©tĂ© retenus, soit l’amĂ©nagement du lit majeur, le passage de type marche, la tablette en porte-Ă -faux et le tuyau sec en bĂ©ton armĂ©. Le suivi des passages a dĂ©butĂ© en 2009 et a d’abord Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© Ă  l’aide de tampons encreurs, puis avec des camĂ©ras. Durant les 2 annĂ©es de suivi, 23 espĂšces de mammifĂšres ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es dans les passages. Un inventaire exhaustif des passages est en cours afin de dĂ©terminer les caractĂ©ristiques qui influencent leur utilisation, dans le but d’optimiser la planification des futurs passages fauniques pour la petite faune ailleurs au QuĂ©bec

    Design, synthesis, cytocidal activity and estrogen receptor a affinity of doxorubicin conjugates at 16α-position of estrogen for site-specific treatment of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers

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    Doxorubicin (DOX) is an important medicine for the treatment of breast cancer, which is the most frequently diagnosed and the most lethal cancer in women worldwide. However, the clinical use of DOX is impeded by serious toxic effects such as cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure. Covalently linking DOX to estrogen to selectively deliver the drug to estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) cancer tissues is one of the strategies under investigation for improving the efficacy and decreasing the cardiac toxicity of DOX. However, conjugation of drug performed until now was at 3- or 17-position of estrogen, which is not ideal since the hydroxyl groups at this position are important for receptor binding affinity. In this study, we designed, prepared and evaluated in vitro the first estrogen–doxorubicin conjugates at 16α-position of estradiol termed E-DOXs (8a–d). DOX was conjugated using a 3–9 carbon atoms alkylamide linking arm. E-DOXs were prepared from estrone using a seven-step procedure to afford the desired conjugates in low to moderate yields. The antiproliferative activities of the E-DOX 8a conjugate through a 3-carbon spacer chain on ER+ MCF7 and HT-29 are in the micromolar range while inactive on M21 and the ER− MDA-MB-231 cells (>50 ÎŒM). Compound 8a exhibits a selectivity ratio (ER+/ER− cell lines) of >3.5. Compounds 8b–8d bearing alkylamide linking arms ranging from 5 to 9 carbon atoms were inactive at the concentrations tested (>50 ÎŒM). Interestingly, compounds 8a–8c exhibited affinity for the estrogen receptor α (ERα) in the nanomolar range (72–100 nM) whereas compound 8d exhibited no affinity at concentrations up to 215 nM. These results indicate that a short alkylamide spacer is required to maintain both antiproliferative activity toward ER+ MCF7 and affinity for the ERα of the E-DOX conjugates. Compound 8a is potentially a promising conjugate to target ER+ breast cancer and might be useful also for the design of more potent E-DOX conjugates
