8 research outputs found

    Institutional Autonomy and its Mechanisms in Ethiopian Higher Education : Perspectives of Formal and De Facto Autonomy in the Case of Adama Science and Technology University

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    Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa kuvataan muodollisen autonomian laajuutta ja tutkitaan, miksi ja miten tosiasiallinen autonomia poikkeaa muodollisesta autonomiasta ASTU-yliopistossa (Adama Science and Technology University, ASTU) Etiopiassa. Tutkimus on toteutettu monimenetelmäisenä tapaustutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen kvantitatiivinen osio muodostuu lomaketutkimuksesta (N 238), jonka analysoinnissa hyödynnettiin kuvailevia tilastomenetelmiä ja monimuuttujamenetelmiä. Tutkimuksen laadullinen aineisto muodostuu puolistrukturoiduista teemahaastatteluista (N 17) sekä dokumenttiaineistosta. Tapaustutkimuksen määrällisen vaiheen tulokset osoittavat, että ASTU:n tosiasiallinen ja muodollinen autonomia eroavat toisistaan. Laadullisen analyysin perusteella voidaan todeta että, pakottavat mekanismit ovat keskeisiä syitä tosiasiallisen ja muodollisen autonomian välillä havaittuun eroon. Lisäksi keskushallinnon muutoshalukkuus ja ammatillisten verkostojen toiminta ovat syitä ja mekanismeja tosiasiallisen ja muodollisen autonomian väliseen eroon. Tutkimukseen pohjautuen voidaan päätellä, että ASTU saisi mahdollisimman suuren hyödyn muodollisesta autonomiasta, ottamalla vastuun rahoituksestaan. Tämä vähentäisi sen resurssiriippuvuutta. Valtion voisi vastaavasti vähitellen vähentää yliopistolle myöntämiensä resurssien määrää. Rahoitussäännöt ja - määräykset olisi räätälöitävä yliopiston kontekstiin sopiviksi, ja niihin olisi liitettävä kohtuullinen tilivelvollisuusjärjestelmä. ASTU:n poliittisen riippuvuuden vähentämiseksi tutkimukseen pohjautuen esitetään myös, että yliopiston johto nimitettäisiin puhtaasti ansioiden perusteella. Tämä tutkimus tukee käsitystä, että tosiasiallinen ja muodollinen autonomia eroavat toisistaan ja, että sen laajuuden tutkiminen vain säännöksen perusteella on harhaanjohtavaa.This study is aimed to describe the extent of the practices of formal autonomy and explaining why and how de facto autonomy diverges from formal autonomy at Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU). Methodologically, it is a sequential mixed-method case study design. The first phase is quantitative and its data were collected using a survey questionnaire from 238 participants (94% of the sample population of 253). The sampling technique employed is optimum allocation stratified sampling, which was followed by systematic random sampling. The analysis of these data was conducted using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and one-way ANOVA. The second phase of the mixed method case study is qualitative. Its data were collected using semi-structured interviews administered to 17 participants, and document analysis. The results of the quantitative phase of the case study show that ASTU’s de facto and formal autonomy are different from one another. As the qualitative phase indicated coercive mechanisms (policy, political power, financial rules and regulations, performance evaluation, market and stakeholder contexts, knowledge power, dependence, and lifespan) are the identified reasons and mechanisms for the difference observed between de facto and formal autonomy. In addition, the state's desire to bring change as a social mechanism, and profession network as a cultural mechanism are reasons and mechanisms for the discrepancy between de facto and formal autonomy. Therefore, to maximise ASTU’s benefits of its given autonomy, it is suggested that the university should be made responsible for its funding and reduce its resource dependence. The state should also gradually decrease the amount of funds it has been providing. In addition, the financial rules and regulations should be customised to the context of the university with a reasonable accountability scheme. Besides, making the assignments of university leadership purely merit-based and maintaining secularism are also suggested to reduce ASTU’s political dependence. This study in general implies that de facto and formal autonomy could not often appear the same, and autonomy cannot be absolute. Thus, studying the extent of institutional autonomy based only on the provision side is misleading

    Housing policy and project implementation: the case of Cosmo City integrated housing project

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    The main aim of the study was to investigate the extent to which the implementation of Cosmo City Project has accomplished the aims of housing policy. The main areas of housing policy which were explored are: partnerships, public participation, tenure security, and integration (spatial, institutional, economic, and social). In order for this study to be successful, primary data was collected from ten residents from Cosmo City, Cosmo Environmental Control Officer, and the Project Manager. A research questionnaire was administered to each of the identified respondents. In addition, secondary data was collected from books, journal articles and relevant policy documents. The analysis of findings used research questions as themes to ensure that the data collected respond to the objectives of the research. The findings of the study revealed that the implementation of Cosmo City achieved most of its objectives such as tenure security, environmental sustainability, spatial integration and institutional integration. However, economic and social integration were not achieved by the project. These findings led the researcher to conclude that an attempt by South African government to create socially and economically viable human settlements did not succeed in Cosmo City. This was due to lack of effective public participation. Consequently, it was recommended that there was a need to strengthen the capacity of the Local Authorities in terms of housing policy formulation and implementation. Again, thorough research on urban poverty and urban integration processes were to be clearly incorporated into housing policy

    An investigation into pre-service teachers mathematical behaviour in an application and modelling context

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDThe aim of this study was to investigate the hypothetical view that the use of familiar social institutions in the formulation of mathematical problems by mathematics pre-service teachers will enable them to find solutions to problems by taking meaning, context and realities of a problem into consideration. The approach to investigate this hypothetical view was to describe the mathematical behaviour of pre-service teachers in an application and modelling context. This study, therefore, described the strategies used to arrive at solutions for problems from real life situations that are familiar to the participants.South Afric

    Prevalence of erectile dysfunction and associated factors among diabetic men attending the diabetic clinic at Felege Hiwot Referral Hospital, Bahir Dar, North West Ethiopia, 2016

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    Abstract Objective Even though several scholars have conducted study in different part of the world on erectile dysfunction in patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, it’s magnitude vary among their finding with the range between 20 and 90%. This study aimed at assessing the prevalence of erectile dysfunction and associated factors among diabetic clients. Results A cross sectional study was conducted from January 2016 to March, 2016. Systematic random sampling technique was used. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and level of erectile dysfunction was measured using the international index of erectile function. A total of 422 diabetic patients were participated with 100% response rate. The proportion of erectile dysfunction was 85.5% and it was significantly associated with higher age (AOR: 6.46, 95% CI 2.55–16.44) and Diabetic complication (AOR: 3.97, 95% CI 1.06–17.36). Therefore, screening for ED in diabetic patients, particularly for those who are in advanced age and living with DM for more than 10 years is needed for it’s early detection, prevention and management