260 research outputs found

    Attrition when dropping CAPI from a CATI/CAPI panel survey

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    In this paper, we study attrition in a household panel survey, where in the first wave those with a matched landline number were surveyed by telephone, while those without received a face-to-face visit. In the second wave, the face-to-face mode was dropped. We find among the first wave face-to-face households a high likelihood to attrite due to "no contact" rather than due to "cannot be tracked" or "refusal". Socio-demographic characteristics have the expected effects. For example households with young children, with a short-term residence permit, or one-person households cannot be tracked, while those with a face-to-face visit in the first wave, or foreigners with a mother tongue that is not offered in the survey refuse more often. More first wave calls and contacts are associated with all reasons to attrite, in particular with refusal. Based on the findings, we give recommendations to tailor fieldwork to decrease attrition

    Essai de fabrication de viande hachée congelée, Présentation « rosbifs », pour les besoins de l’armée. Point de vue bactériologique

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    Lebert F. Essai de fabrication de viande bâchée congelée, présentation «Rosbifs», pour les besoins de l’armée. Point de vue bactériologique. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 113 n°9, 1960. pp. 513-528

    Определение гармонического состава тока и напряжения ферромагнитного преобразователя напряжения при симметричных режимах

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    A plasma focus operating in nitrogen is developed as an x-ray source for the laboratory type x-ray microscope. The radiation has to be emitted into the "water window" (2.33 nm - 4.37 nm) with a reciprocal relative bandwidth (RRB) of Lambda/Delta Lambda > 200. The nearly coinciding Lyman-Alpha line of nitrogen VII Lambda = 2.48 nm and the second resonance line of nitrogen VI at Lambda = 2.49 nm are chosen. For the use in the microscope the end on diameter of the source has to be about 200 My m with a spatial jitter below 100 My m. A prototype of the source has been examined in its spatial, temporal and spectral properties. The higher ionization cross sections of nitrogen compared to noble gases influences the start of the discharge. First experiments with Fresnel condenser zone plates (CZP) as a tool for plasma soft x-ray emission diagnostics are presented. Experimental results are compared with non LTE modeling of the collapse and pinch phase of the plasma focus

    Реинжиниринг процессов в отделе экономики и финансов Красноярского ЦФТО с использованием BestPractices

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    The development of new types of sophisticated soft x-ray sources requires the knowledge of their emission characteristics such as photon flux, spectral distribution, and size of the radiation source. Calibrated spectrographs for the soft x-ray region are needed to determine these properties. The components of a soft x-ray spectrograph consisting of a pinhole gold transmission grating and a charge coupled device (CCD) camera are calibrated at the radiometry laboratory of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt using the synchrotron radiation facility BESSY. Two different kinds of CCD-based photon detectors (one thinned and back illuminated, one coated with a phosphorous layer) are compared with regard to their sensitivities in the spectral range between 50 eV and 1.7 keV. The results obtained for the thinned CCD are compared with theoretical calculations of the sensitivity

    The Swiss Household Panel Study : Observing social change since 1999

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    Collecting data on households and individuals since 1999, the Swiss Household Panel (SHP) is an ongoing, unique, large-scale, nationally representative, longitudinal study in Switzerland (N=7,383 households and N=12,119 persons interviewed in 2014). The data of the SHP provide a rich source of information to study social change in Switzerland over a significant period on a wide variety of topics. The SHP aims to provide both continuity and innovation in measurement and data collection, with the combination of retrospective and prospective longitudinal data in the most recent refreshment sample as one notable example of such an innovation. This paper provides an overview of the SHP – focusing on its origin, aims, design, content, data collection and adjustments, possibilities for cross-national comparisons, data use and accomplishments

    A training model for relatives and friends in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) informed care for psychosis

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    Relatives and close friends provide life-long support as informal carers to those living with psychosis. We introduce a model for training informal carers in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for psychosis, called Psychosis Recovery by Enabling Adult Carers at Home (Psychosis REACH). The model aims to address the carers’ own emotional needs and at the same time build their capabilities of promoting the recovery trajectory of the person they care for. We delivered two- and five-day workshops, underpinned by the Psychosis REACH model, to a cohort of 95 self-identified carers recruited via a charitable organisation in Canada. In a single-group before-and-after design, carers’ anxiety, depression and mental well-being significantly improved within a few days. A handful of carers who returned data for their cared-for-person after the end of training, observed either no change or a positive change in functioning. Our findings generated hypotheses that deserve further research to test whether training large groups of relatives and friends in CBT-informed care for psychosis can improve their anxiety, depression and mental well-being in the context of their caring role, as well as improve the functioning of those they care for

    Circulating adrenomedullin estimates survival and reversibility of organ failure in sepsis: the prospective observational multinational Adrenomedullin and Outcome in Sepsis and Septic Shock-1 (AdrenOSS-1) study

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    Background: Adrenomedullin (ADM) regulates vascular tone and endothelial permeability during sepsis. Levels of circulating biologically active ADM (bio-ADM) show an inverse relationship with blood pressure and a direct relationship with vasopressor requirement. In the present prospective observational multinational Adrenomedullin and Outcome in Sepsis and Septic Shock 1 (, AdrenOSS-1) study, we assessed relationships between circulating bio-ADM during the initial intensive care unit (ICU) stay and short-term outcome in order to eventually design a biomarker-guided randomized controlled trial. Methods: AdrenOSS-1 was a prospective observational multinational study. The primary outcome was 28-day mortality. Secondary outcomes included organ failure as defined by Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score, organ support with focus on vasopressor/inotropic use, and need for renal replacement therapy. AdrenOSS-1 included 583 patients admitted to the ICU with sepsis or septic shock. Results: Circulating bio-ADM levels were measured upon admission and at day 2. Median bio-ADM concentration upon admission was 80.5 pg/ml [IQR 41.5-148.1 pg/ml]. Initial SOFA score was 7 [IQR 5-10], and 28-day mortality was 22%. We found marked associations between bio-ADM upon admission and 28-day mortality (unadjusted standardized HR 2.3 [CI 1.9-2.9]; adjusted HR 1.6 [CI 1.1-2.5]) and between bio-ADM levels and SOFA score (p < 0.0001). Need of vasopressor/inotrope, renal replacement therapy, and positive fluid balance were more prevalent in patients with a bio-ADM > 70 pg/ml upon admission than in those with bio-ADM ≤ 70 pg/ml. In patients with bio-ADM > 70 pg/ml upon admission, decrease in bio-ADM below 70 pg/ml at day 2 was associated with recovery of organ function at day 7 and better 28-day outcome (9.5% mortality). By contrast, persistently elevated bio-ADM at day 2 was associated with prolonged organ dysfunction and high 28-day mortality (38.1% mortality, HR 4.9, 95% CI 2.5-9.8). Conclusions: AdrenOSS-1 shows that early levels and rapid changes in bio-ADM estimate short-term outcome in sepsis and septic shock. These data are the backbone of the design of the biomarker-guided AdrenOSS-2 trial. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02393781. Registered on March 19, 2015

    Performance of the ROX index to predict intubation in immunocompromised patients receiving high-flow nasal cannula for acute respiratory failure

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    Background Delayed intubation is associated with high mortality. There is a lack of objective criteria to decide the time of intubation. We assessed a recently described combined oxygenation index (ROX index) to predict intubation in immunocompromised patients. The study is a secondary analysis of randomized trials in immunocompromised patients, including all patients who received high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC). The first objective was to evaluate the accuracy of the ROX index to predict intubation for patients with acute respiratory failure. Results In the study, 302 patients received HFNC. Acute respiratory failure was mostly related to pneumonia (n = 150, 49.7%). Within 2 (1-3) days, 115 (38.1%) patients were intubated. The ICU mortality rate was 27.4% (n = 83). At 6 h, the ROX index was lower for patients who needed intubation compared with those who did not [4.79 (3.69-7.01) vs. 6.10 (4.48-8.68), p < 0.001]. The accuracy of the ROX index to predict intubation was poor [AUC = 0.623 (0.557-0.689)], with low performance using the threshold previously found (4.88). In multivariate analysis, a higher ROX index was still independently associated with a lower intubation rate (OR = 0.89 [0.82-0.96], p = 0.04). Conclusion A ROX index greater than 4.88 appears to have a poor ability to predict intubation in immunocompromised patients with acute respiratory failure, although it remains highly associated with the risk of intubation and may be useful to stratify such risk in future studies

    Assessment of diffuse Lewy body disease by 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET)

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    BACKGROUND: Lewy body disease is, after Alzheimer's disease, the second most common cause of senile degenerative dementia with progressive cognitive deterioration, fluctuation of cognitive and motoric functions and psychotic symptoms. It is characterized histologically by the occurrence of Lewy bodies in allocortical, neocortical and subcortical structures. The aim of this study was to measure the cortical glucose metabolism using FDG PET (2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose position emission tomography) compared to normal subjects. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Five patients (5 m, mean age 75 y) with clinically suspected diffuse Lewy body disease (DLB) were studied with FDG PET. PET studies of the head were performed with a Siemens ECAT-ART PET-scanner with attenuation correction using 137-Cs point sources. RESULTS: We found the same distribution pattern of diffuse glucose hypometabolism in the entire cortical region with relative sparing of the primary sensory-motor cortex in all the patients. The few cases reported in the literature so far describe findings similar to ours. CONCLUSION: The pattern of diffuse glucose hypometabolism in the entire cortex including the occipital region seems to be a typical feature of DLB that is distinctive from dementia of Alzheimer's disease