6 research outputs found

    Better Differentially Private Approximate Histograms and Heavy Hitters using the Misra-Gries Sketch

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    We consider the problem of computing differentially private approximate histograms and heavy hitters in a stream of elements. In the non-private setting, this is often done using the sketch of Misra and Gries [Science of Computer Programming, 1982]. Chan, Li, Shi, and Xu [PETS 2012] describe a differentially private version of the Misra-Gries sketch, but the amount of noise it adds can be large and scales linearly with the size of the sketch: the more accurate the sketch is, the more noise this approach has to add. We present a better mechanism for releasing a Misra-Gries sketch under (Δ,Ύ)-differential privacy. It adds noise with magnitude independent of the size of the sketch size, in fact, the maximum error coming from the noise is the same as the best known in the private non-streaming setting, up to a constant factor. Our mechanism is simple and likely to be practical. We also give a simple post-processing step of the Misra-Gries sketch that does not increase the worst-case error guarantee. It is sufficient to add noise to this new sketch with less than twice the magnitude of the non-streaming setting. This improves on the previous result for Δ-differential privacy where the noise scales linearly to the size of the sketch

    Differentially Private Sparse Vectors with Low Error, Optimal Space, and Fast Access

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    Representing a sparse histogram, or more generally a sparse vector, is a fundamental task in differential privacy. An ideal solution would use space close to information-theoretical lower bounds, have an error distribution that depends optimally on the desired privacy level, and allow fast random access to entries in the vector. However, existing approaches have only achieved two of these three goals. In this paper we introduce the Approximate Laplace Projection (ALP) mechanism for approximating k-sparse vectors. This mechanism is shown to simultaneously have information-theoretically optimal space (up to constant factors), fast access to vector entries, and error of the same magnitude as the Laplace-mechanism applied to dense vectors. A key new technique is a unary representation of small integers, which is shown to be robust against ``randomized response'' noise. This representation is combined with hashing, in the spirit of Bloom filters, to obtain a space-efficient, differentially private representation. Our theoretical performance bounds are complemented by simulations which show that the constant factors on the main performance parameters are quite small, suggesting practicality of the technique

    PLAN: Variance-Aware Private Mean Estimation

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    Differentially private mean estimation is an important building block in privacy-preserving algorithms for data analysis and machine learning. Though the trade-off between privacy and utility is well understood in the worst case, many datasets exhibit structure that could potentially be exploited to yield better algorithms. In this paper we present Private Limit Adapted Noise\textit{Private Limit Adapted Noise} (PLAN), a family of differentially private algorithms for mean estimation in the setting where inputs are independently sampled from a distribution D\mathcal{D} over Rd\mathbf{R}^d, with coordinate-wise standard deviations σ∈Rd\boldsymbol{\sigma} \in \mathbf{R}^d. Similar to mean estimation under Mahalanobis distance, PLAN tailors the shape of the noise to the shape of the data, but unlike previous algorithms the privacy budget is spent non-uniformly over the coordinates. Under a concentration assumption on D\mathcal{D}, we show how to exploit skew in the vector σ\boldsymbol{\sigma}, obtaining a (zero-concentrated) differentially private mean estimate with ℓ2\ell_2 error proportional to ∄σ∄1\|\boldsymbol{\sigma}\|_1. Previous work has either not taken σ\boldsymbol{\sigma} into account, or measured error in Mahalanobis distance \unicode{x2013} in both cases resulting in ℓ2\ell_2 error proportional to d∄σ∄2\sqrt{d}\|\boldsymbol{\sigma}\|_2, which can be up to a factor d\sqrt{d} larger. To verify the effectiveness of PLAN, we empirically evaluate accuracy on both synthetic and real world data

    Correlated-Output Differential Privacy and Applications to Dark Pools

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    In the classical setting of differential privacy, a privacy-preserving query is performed on a private database, after which the query result is released to the analyst; a differentially private query ensures that the presence of a single database entry is protected from the analyst’s view. In this work, we contribute the first definitional framework for differential privacy in the trusted curator setting; clients submit private inputs to the trusted curator, which then computes individual outputs privately returned to each client. The adversary is more powerful than the standard setting; it can corrupt up to n − 1 clients and subsequently decide inputs and learn outputs of corrupted parties. In this setting, the adversary also obtains leakage from the honest output that is correlated with a corrupted output. Standard differentially private mechanisms protect client inputs but do not mitigate output correlation leaking arbitrary client information, which can forfeit client privacy completely. We initiate the investigation of a novel notion of correlated output differential privacy to bound the leakage from output correlation in the trusted curator setting. We define the satisfaction of both standard and correlated-output differential privacy as round differential privacy and highlight the relevance of this novel privacy notion to all application domains in the trusted curator model. We explore round differential privacy in traditional “dark pool” market venues, which promise privacy-preserving trade execution to mitigate front-running; privately submitted trade orders and trade execution are kept private by the trusted venue operator. We observe that dark pools satisfy neither classic nor correlated-output differential privacy; in markets with low trade activity, the adversary may trivially observe recurring, honest trading patterns, and anticipate and front-run future trades. In response, we present the first round differentially private market mechanisms that formally mitigate information leakage from all trading activity of a user. This is achieved with fuzzy order matching, inspired by the standard randomized response mechanism; however, this also introduces a liquidity mismatch as buy and sell orders are not guaranteed to execute pairwise, thereby weakening output correlation; this mismatch is compensated for by a round differentially private liquidity provider mechanism, which freezes a noisy amount of assets from the liquidity provider for the duration of a privacy epoch, but leaves trader balances unaffected. We propose oblivious algorithms for realizing our proposed market mechanisms with secure multi-party computation (MPC) and implement these in the Scale-Mamba Framework using Shamir Secret Sharing based MPC. We demonstrate practical, round differentially private trading with comparable throughput as prior work implementing (traditional) dark pool algorithms in MPC; our experiments demonstrate practicality for both traditional finance and decentralized finance settings