48 research outputs found

    Urban Authorities and Economic Sectors

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    Taxation on businesses, which makes up two thirds of local authorities' revenues, urges them to widen the range of their economic interventions. The communauté d'agglomération Plaine Commune is one of the most dynamic in the Parisian metropolis and has had considerable expertise at their disposal for 10 years. In order to ensure their economic influence, they now endeavour to stimulate and even structure some economic industries. Unfortunately, a local tax reform in progress may well jeopardise the pattern of development which is presented in this article

    Faith-based voluntary action: a case study of a French charity

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    Following legal changes in the 1980s, the Voluntary and Community sector/Ă©conomie sociale in France has become culturally diverse as faith-based organisations serving minority ethnic communities have developed, including charities inspired by religious and cultural principles of charitable giving. In this article, we use a case study of a social welfare charity established in a Parisian suburb with a culturally diverse population. Worldwide social welfare work is a priority; the charity responds to disasters, but it prioritises long-term development actions, encouraging the direct involvement of local communities. In recent years, its work has also embraced distressed communities within France

    From Industrial City to Sustainable City. The Northern Suburbs of Paris Yesterday and Today

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    Former industrial suburbs, which are now the object of economic and functional transformations almost everywhere in Europe, are suitable testing grounds for implementing a more sustainable urban development. The case of the northern suburbs of Paris, which we will look at here, shows that there is no lack of political will or regulatory tools for imagining and planning this sustainable city. However, the social problems that affect these suburbs are a definite impediment to its realization

    Une « banlieue créative » dans le Grand Paris ?

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    Le projet de « territoire de la culture et de la crĂ©ation » portĂ© par la communautĂ© d’agglomĂ©ration Plaine Commune dans le cadre du Grand Paris constitue une dĂ©clinaison tout Ă  fait originale du concept de « ville crĂ©ative » dans le cadre d’une banlieue pauvre. En assimilant la marginalitĂ© sociale Ă  la crĂ©ativitĂ©, ses concepteurs nous interrogent sur la place que pourraient Ă  l’avenir occuper ces quartiers populaires dans le cadre d’une Ă©conomie culturelle et crĂ©ative. En dĂ©mĂȘlant ce qui relĂšve du politique, du marketing territorial et du fonctionnement socio-Ă©conomique du territoire, nous tenterons d’examiner quelle peut ĂȘtre la portĂ©e d’une telle proposition.The community of Plaine Commune is implementing a project of a « territory of culture and creation » within the Grand Paris. It is a completely original version of the concept of a creative city, set in a deprived suburb. Indeed, its designers liken social fringe to creativity and in doing so they question the place that these poorer districts could hold within a cultural and creative economy in the future. We'll draw distinctions between what is political, what is territorial marketing, and what is the socio-economic functioning of the territory and we will study what impact such a proposal can have

    Les Jeux olympiques de 2024 : une chance pour le Grand Paris ?

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    Paris, qui a obtenu l’organisation des Jeux olympiques de 2024, a prĂ©sentĂ© un dossier de candidature rĂ©solument orientĂ© vers la maĂźtrise des coĂ»ts et une certaine forme de durabilitĂ© en anticipant les usages futurs des installations olympiques. Pour y parvenir, le projet olympique est Ă©troitement articulĂ© avec les transports et les amĂ©nagements du Grand Paris. Nous verrons pourtant que la conduite simultanĂ©e de projets ne partageant ni la mĂȘme temporalitĂ©, ni les mĂȘmes modes de financement et de gouvernance, n’est peut-ĂȘtre pas aussi aisĂ©e que le dossier de candidature le laisse entendre. Dans ces conditions, ce sont les impĂ©ratifs olympiques qui risquent de s’imposer au Grand Paris

    Paysages de l'énergie: Aide à la décision pour l'implantation d'unités photovoltaïques dans le PNR du Haut-Languedoc

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    International audienceL'objectif de ce travail est d'Ă©valuer le potentiel Ă©nergĂ©tique solaire photovoltaĂŻque des communes du Parc Naturel RĂ©gional du Haut-Languedoc, et de crĂ©er un outil d'aide Ă  la dĂ©cision Ă  destination des Ă©lus du Parc, avec les informations nĂ©cessaires aux dĂ©cideurs lorsqu'ils sont sollicitĂ©s pour avis sur un projet ou lorsqu'ils sont eux-mĂȘmes porteurs du projet

    Opposing effects of cancer-type-specific SPOP mutants on BET protein degradation and sensitivity to BET inhibitors.

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    It is generally assumed that recurrent mutations within a given cancer driver gene elicit similar drug responses. Cancer genome studies have identified recurrent but divergent missense mutations affecting the substrate-recognition domain of the ubiquitin ligase adaptor SPOP in endometrial and prostate cancers. The therapeutic implications of these mutations remain incompletely understood. Here we analyzed changes in the ubiquitin landscape induced by endometrial cancer-associated SPOP mutations and identified BRD2, BRD3 and BRD4 proteins (BETs) as SPOP-CUL3 substrates that are preferentially degraded by endometrial cancer-associated SPOP mutants. The resulting reduction of BET protein levels sensitized cancer cells to BET inhibitors. Conversely, prostate cancer-specific SPOP mutations resulted in impaired degradation of BETs, promoting their resistance to pharmacologic inhibition. These results uncover an oncogenomics paradox, whereby mutations mapping to the same domain evoke opposing drug susceptibilities. Specifically, we provide a molecular rationale for the use of BET inhibitors to treat patients with endometrial but not prostate cancer who harbor SPOP mutations

    Intégration fonctionnelle et marginalisation sociale en Plaine de France (Functionnal integration and social marginalization in Plaine de France)

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    There is not much left of the old working-class suburbs that consisted, within the same area, of an industrial and a social periphery. While these areas are progressively integrated on an economic and functional level, they often become strongly marginalized on a social level. This dissociation is a sign that the different forms of "peripherisation " do not necessarily tally any longer. That is what we will illustrate starting with the example of "la Plaine de France " (Val d'Oise et Seine-Saint Denis).Des anciennes banlieues ouvriĂšres caractĂ©risĂ©es par la superposition, en un mĂȘme lieu, d'une pĂ©riphĂ©rie productive et d'une pĂ©riphĂ©rie sociale, il ne subsiste plus grand-chose. Alors que ces espaces sont progressivement intĂ©grĂ©s sur le plan Ă©conomique et fonctionnel, en raison de leur relative proximitĂ© du centre, ils se retrouvent souvent fortement marginalisĂ©s sur le plan social. Cette dissociation suggĂšre donc qu 'il n'y a plus nĂ©cessairement concordance entre les diffĂ©rentes formes de marginalitĂ©. Nous l 'illustrerons ici Ă  partir du cas de la Plaine de France (Val d'Oise et Seine-Saint Denis).Lebeau Boris. IntĂ©gration fonctionnelle et marginalisation sociale en Plaine de France (Functionnal integration and social marginalization in Plaine de France). In: Bulletin de l'Association de gĂ©ographes français, 84e annĂ©e, 2007-3 ( septembre). GĂ©ographie et littĂ©rature / MarginalitĂ©s spatiales et sociales. pp. 315-326

    From Industrial City to Sustainable City. The Northern Suburbs of Paris Yesterday and Today

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    Former industrial suburbs, which are now the object of economic and functional transformations almost everywhere in Europe, are suitable testing grounds for implementing a more sustainable urban development. The case of the northern suburbs of Paris, which we will look at here, shows that there is no lack of political will or regulatory tools for imagining and planning this sustainable city. However, the social problems that affect these suburbs are a definite impediment to its realization

    Entrepreneurialisme territorial et pouvoir normatif de l’idĂ©ologie nĂ©olibĂ©rale

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    Ma troisiĂšme et derniĂšre expĂ©rience professionnelle en tant qu’urbaniste me conduit en 2008 dans ce qui est alors la plus vaste communautĂ© d’agglomĂ©ration francilienne. D’une taille considĂ©rable pour l’Île-de-France (huit communes et prĂšs de 400 000 habitants Ă  l’époque), cet ensemble intercommunal illustre le passage progressif du communisme municipal Ă  une gouvernance plus technocratique des territoires. Il se singularise par ailleurs par son niveau Ă©levĂ© d’intĂ©gration des compĂ©tences comm..