166 research outputs found

    Temporal tracking of mineralization and transcriptional developments of shell formation during the early life history of pearl oyster Pinctada maxima

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    Molluscan larval ontogeny is a highly conserved process comprising three principal developmental stages. A characteristic unique to each of these stages is shell design, termed prodissoconch I, prodissoconch II and dissoconch. These shells vary in morphology, mineralogy and microstructure. The discrete temporal transitions in shell biomineralization between these larval stages are utilized in this study to investigate transcriptional involvement in several distinct biomineralization events. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis of P. maxima larvae and juveniles collected throughout post-embryonic ontogenesis, document the mineralogy and microstructure of each shelled stage as well as establishing a timeline for transitions in biomineralization. P. maxima larval samples most representative of these biomineralization distinctions and transitions were analyzed for differential gene expression on the microarray platform PmaxArray 1.0. A number of transcripts are reported as differentially expressed in correlation to the mineralization events of P. maxima larval ontogeny. Some of those isolated are known shell matrix genes while others are novel; these are discussed in relation to potential shell formation roles. This interdisciplinary investigation has linked the shell developments of P. maxima larval ontogeny with corresponding gene expression profiles, furthering the elucidation of shell biomineralization

    Tracking ancient beach-lines inland: 2600-year-old dentate-stamped ceramics at Hopo, Vailala River region, Papua New Guinea

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    The Lapita expansion took Austronesian seafaring peoples with distinctive pottery eastward from the Bismarck Archipelago to western Polynesia during the late second millennium BC, marking the first stage in the settlement of Oceania. Here it is shown that a parallel process also carried Lapita pottery and people many hundreds of kilometres westward along the southern shore of Papua New Guinea. The key site is Hopo, now 4.5km inland owing to the progradation of coastal sand dunes, but originally on the sea edge. Pottery and radiocarbon dates indicate Lapita settlement in this location c.600 BC, and suggest that the long-distance maritime networks linking the entire southern coast of Papua New Guinea in historical times may trace their origin to this period

    Electrical Enviroments to Stimulate Bone Cell Development

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    Oral Presentation - no full written paper: The aim of this project was to evaluate the effects of mechanical strain and indirect electrical stimulation upon the development of bone forming osteoblast cells and any possible synergistic effects of the two stimulants. This aim was achieved by using a novel device, designed and developed with the capability of creating a cell substrate surface strain along with an exogenous electrical stimulant individually or at the same time. Proliferation and differentiation was determined as a measure of cellular development. The indirect electrical stimulation was achieved through the use of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) stimulation while the mechanical strain was produced from the dynamic stretching of a deformable cell substrate. The PEMF signal mimicked a clinically available bone growth stimulator signal. Results showed reduced proliferation and increased differentiation (alkaline phosphatase activity) with SaOS-2 osteoblast-like cell cultures, which were exposed to indirect electrical stimulation. MG-63 osteoblast-like cell cultures also showed reduced proliferation, however they did not show an increase in their differentiation with PEMF exposure. Mechanical stimulation alone did not have a significant effect over either proliferation or differentiation, while a dual mechanical and electrical stimulation resulted in cellular differentiation significantly increasing. It is possible a synergistic interaction between the two stimulants is occurring on a biological level

    Tanamu 1: Conclusions and future directions

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    Tanamu 1 presents a cross-section of some of the major time periods represented in the Caution Bay archaeological landscape, and as such provides a useful starting point for the detailed publication of the results of excavations by which to eventually bridge the space between site-specific and landscape-scale patterns and trends. Across three broad phases of occupation, the site provides a window onto the extent and shape of pre-ceramic occupation in the c. 1700 years leading up to the emergence of the Lapita cultural complex in the Bismarck Archipelago c. 3300 cal BP (e.g., Denham et al. 2012), the nature of the terminal Lapita period which ends at 2600–2550 cal BP at Caution Bay (David et al. 2019), and the past 2750 years leading into the ethnographic present. In this volume we have presented detailed data and analyses of the ceramics, stone and shell artefacts, and vertebrate and invertebrate animal remains, and all have yielded their own particular insights. While conclusions about the long-range cultural history of both Tanamu 1 and Caution Bay can be drawn from the data presented here, we also see this as an opportunity to isolate and frame research issues to be pursued in subsequent volumes of the Caution Bay archaeological project

    The Archaeology of Tanamu 1: A Pre-Lapita to Post-Lapita Site from Caution Bay, South Coast of Mainland Papua New Guinea

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    [Extract] The discovery in 2010 of stratified Lapita assemblages at Caution Bay near Port Moresby, south coast of mainland Papua New Guinea (PNG) (David et al. 2011; McNiven et al. 2011), brought to the fore a series of important questions (Richards et al. 2016), many of which also apply to other parts of Island Melanesia where Lapita sites have been known for many decades. Unlike other parts of Melanesia, however, at Caution Bay some of the Lapita sites also have pre-Lapita horizons. A number are culturally very rich. At Caution Bay, where the oldest confirmed Lapita finds date to no earlier than c. 2900 cal BP (McNiven et al. 2012a), the major questions do not concern the earliest expressions of Lapita around 3300–3400 cal BP. Rather, here we are concerned more with identifying how assemblages associated with the Lapita cultural complex arrived and transformed along the south coast, after a presence in coastal and island regions to the northeast over the previous 400 years. These concerns contain both spatial and temporal elements: how and when, as a prelude to why, particular cultural traits continued and changed across Caution Bay. Tanamu 1 is the first of 122 archaeological sites excavated in Caution Bay upon which we will report. As a site, it represents the ideal entry point, as being a coastal site which contains pre-Lapita, Lapita and post-Lapita horizons it encapsulates many of the signatures, trends and transformations seen across the >5000 year Caution Bay sequence at large. Of special note in the wider context of Lapita archaeology, the presence of rich pre-Lapita horizons is what makes Caution Bay so important both in and of itself and for the Lapita story

    A fence barrier method of leading edge cell capture for explorative biochemical research

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    The scratch or wound-healing assay is used ubiquitously for investigating re-epithelialisation and has already revealed the importance of cells comprising the leading edge of healing epithelial wounds. However it is currently limited to studying the effect of known biochemical agents on the tissue of choice. Here we present an adaptation that extends the utility of this model to encompass the collection of cells from the leading edge of migrating epithelial sheets making available explorative biochemical analyses. The method is scalable and does not require expensive apparatus, making it suitable for large and small laboratories alike. We detail the application of our method and exemplify proof of principle data derived from primary human keratinocyte cultures

    Emerging out of Lapita at Caution Bay

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    [Extract] The discovery in 2010 of stratified Lapita assemblages at Caution Bay near Port Moresby, south coast of mainland Papua New Guinea (PNG) (David et al. 2011; McNiven et al. 2011), brought to the fore a series of important questions (Richards et al. 2016), many of which also apply to other parts of Island Melanesia where Lapita sites have been known for many decades. Unlike other parts of Melanesia, however, at Caution Bay some of the Lapita sites also have pre-Lapita horizons. A number are culturally very rich. At Caution Bay, where the oldest confirmed Lapita finds date to no earlier than c. 2900 cal BP (McNiven et al. 2012a), the major questions do not concern the earliest expressions of Lapita around 3300–3400 cal BP. Rather, here we are concerned more with identifying how assemblages associated with the Lapita cultural complex arrived and transformed along the south coast, after a presence in coastal and island regions to the northeast over the previous 400 years. These concerns contain both spatial and temporal elements: how and when, as a prelude to why, particular cultural traits continued and changed across Caution Bay. Tanamu 1 is the first of 122 archaeological sites excavated in Caution Bay upon which we will report. As a site, it represents the ideal entry point, as being a coastal site which contains pre-Lapita, Lapita and post-Lapita horizons it encapsulates many of the signatures, trends and transformations seen across the >5000 year Caution Bay sequence at large. Of special note in the wider context of Lapita archaeology, the presence of rich pre-Lapita horizons is what makes Caution Bay so important both in and of itself and for the Lapita story

    Model-As-A-Service (MaaS) Using the Cloud Services Innovation Platform (CSIP)

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    Cloud infrastructures for modelling activities such as data processing, performing environmental simulations, or conducting model calibrations/optimizations provide a cost effective alternative to traditional high performance computing approaches. Cloud - based modelling examples emerged into the m ore formal notion: \u27Model - as - a - Service\u27 (MaaS). This paper presents the Cloud Services Innovation Platform (CSIP) as a software framework offering MaaS. It describes both the internal CSIP infrastructure and software architecture that manages cloud resources for typical modelling tasks, and the use of CSIP\u27s \u27 ModelServices API \u27 for a modelling application . CSIP\u27s architecture supports fast and resource aware auto - scaling of computational resources. An example model service is presented: the USDA hydrograph model EFH2 used in the desktop - based \u27engineering field tools\u27 is deployed as a CSIP service. This and other MaaS CSIP examples benefit from the use of cloud resources to enable straightforward scalable model deployment into cloud environments

    Data Provisioning for the Object Modeling System (OMS)

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    The Object Modelling System (OMS) platform supports initiatives to build or re - factor agro - environmental models and deploy them in different business contexts as model services on cloud computing platforms. Whether traditional desktop, client - server, or emerging cloud deployments, success especially at the enterprise level relies on stable and efficient data provisioning to the models. In this paper we describe recent experience and trends with tools and services to supply data for model inputs. Solutions range from simple pre - processing tools to data services deployed to cloud platforms. Also, systematic, sustained data stewardship and alignment with standards organizations impart stability to data provisioning efforts

    The Nakanai Mountain Ranges of East New Britain, Papua New Guinea

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    This E-Book on the Nakanai Mountains of East New Britain is in four parts. The first section provides an overview of the karst and cave attributes which led to the listing of Nakanai on the Tentative World Heritage List in a Serial Site known as The Sublime Karsts of Papua New Guinea. The next section provides a brief history of the region involving European encounters. This is followed with a brief overview of the archaeology of East New Britain. The fourth section highlights some of the unique flora and fauna of the Nakanai. The final section includes the UNESCO Justification for Significance on the Tentative World Heritage List