323 research outputs found

    The Inequality in Female Professional Sports

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    This Zine is about the inequality women face in professional sports compared to men.https://digitalcommons.tacoma.uw.edu/gender_studies/1059/thumbnail.jp

    An investigation of art teachers\u27 and art students\u27 perceptions of an art gallery visit

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    The literature on museum and art gallery visits by schools draws attention to the fact that schools and other educational institutions may perceive the art gallery as a place for learning and education whilst other groups in society do not. The literature also draws attention to internal and external factors related to the school and art gallery context which may contribute to the intended and unintended outcomes of art gallery visits by schools. To date, no research has been conducted into the effects of a single visit to the Art Gallery of Western Australia (ACWA) en secondary art students. Art teachers and Gallery education officers have regularly used the Art Gallery as an educational resource for students yet have received little or no feedback on the worthwhileness of visits or students\u27 experiences in the Gallery. This study investigates the effects of these Gallery experiences of secondary art students, based on their expectations and perceptions of an in-gallery art lesson. Three local secondary school groups visiting the Art Gallery for an in-gallery art lesson were surveyed. This study followed a qualitative I naturalistic research approach, using structured interviews with teachers; observations of the Gallery visits; and a survey of students using questionnaires in a previsit-postvisit format. Findings indicate that seeing original art works and learning more about art during Art Gallery visits were significant concerns for art teachers and students in this study. Students’ responses suggest that the single gallery visit does have positive and negative effects on. Individuals students and such effects are cognitive and affective in nature. The nature of such effects appears to be dependent on individual response to the contextual factors found within the Art Gallery visit and the student\u27s perceived significance of the visit

    Artist as Citizen: Transnational Cultural Work in the National Democratic Movement of the Philippines

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    The inspiration for this topic comes from my own experiences as a Filipino transnational cultural worker in this movement. There has been research done on Filipinos in the arts and social movements, however there is a paucity of information concerning Filipino cultural work. Cultural work and cultural workers are intentional in creating culture as an act of resistance to imperialism, as of the stories they tell though their creative work are not revealed much in mainstream media. Cultural workers also seek to debunk the myth of artists working in isolation from the community. As shared by the participants in this study, cultural workers are more importantly organizers working closely with marginalized communities, and in many ways are popular educators and organic intellectuals. The purpose of this study is twofold: to examine the extent to which cultural work brings political consciousness to marginalized populations in the Philippines and the U.S. who do not have access to education, and to examine the impact of cultural work locally and transnationally as a tool for social change and addressing issues that impact marginalized populations, particularly in the National Democratic Movement of the Philippines. The qualitative methodology used for this study is narrative research, gathering the stories of Filipino cultural workers both in the Philippines and the U.S. These cultural workers are part of the National Democratic Movement of the Philippines. Data was collected in the Philippines and the U.S. through interviews and field observations. The participants in this study confirmed the assumptions offered by the theories that guided this work, through the experiences they shared. Their organizing through cultural work is in essence the social practice of Theater of the Oppressed. Their role as critical organic catalyst is exemplified their practice of being Artist-Teacher-Organizer-Researcher (ATOR) with the communities they align themselves with. Lastly, the cultural workers closely identified with the National Democratic Movement of the Philippines as a social movement with a distinct social process of transnational collective action

    Optimizing a Railroad Bearing Condition-Monitoring Algorithm for Use with an Onboard Wireless Low-Power Sensor Module

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    An algorithm that utilizes vibration measurements was developed by the UTRGV Center for Railway Safety to monitor the condition of railroad bearings. This algorithm uses the data collected from accelerometers on the bearing adapters to determine if there is a defect, where the defect is within the bearing, and the approximate size of the defect. Laboratory testing was performed on the UTCRS single bearing test rig. A four-second sample window of the recorded vibration data is used by the algorithm to reliably identify the defective component inside the bearing with up to a 100% confidence level. However, considerable computational power is used to analyze the 20,480 data points. Consequently, if this condition monitoring algorithm is to be implemented on a wireless module, the battery life becomes restricted. Reducing the sample window to one second of data collected would conserve energy but might sacrifice some accuracy in the analysis. To that end, a wireless onboard condition monitoring module that collects one second of vibration data (5,120 data points) was fabricated and tested to compare its efficacy against the existing wired setup. The study presented here demonstrates that the optimized algorithm for the wireless system can reliably identify the bearing condition with negligible compromise to accuracy and lower power consumption


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    CLASP is a key regulator of microtubule (MT) dynamics and bipolar mitotic spindle formation, with mutants displaying chromosome aggregation, aberrant monopolar spindle morphologies, and aneuploidy. How CLASP binds the microtubule lattice to regulate MT dynamics and facilitate proper spindle assembly remains unknown; however, it has been postulated that cryptic TOG domains underlie CLASP's ability to regulate MT dynamics. In this work, we report the crystal structure of the first cryptic TOG domain (TOG2) from human CLASP1, confirming the presence of a TOG array in CLASP. CLASP1 TOG2 displays a bent architecture at the tubulin-binding surface that contrasts with the flat tubulin-binding surface from XMAP215 family TOG domains. Mutating key tubulin-binding determinants along the tubulin-binding surface of TOG2 abrogated the ability of CLASP to 1) rescue mitotic bipolar spindle formation in Drosophila S2 cells 2) associate CLASP with the MT lattice, and 3) promote in vitro MT polymerization. These findings highlight the mechanistic use of a cryptic TOG domain in CLASP to facilitate bipolar spindle formation and MT polymerization. Determining the crystal structure of TOG1 and the second cryptic TOG-like domain (TOG3) is ongoing. Structural characterization of CLASP's array of TOG domains we shows that differential TOG domain architecture confers distinct functions for each TOG domain including MT lattice association, MT polymerization, and MT stabilization. In addition, CLASP's C-terminal domain (CTD) associates with the coiled-coil regions of various associating factors to recruit CLASP at specific cellular locations and is also a necessary component for CLASP dimerization. To determine the role of CLASP CTD in promoting dimerization and interacting with known CLASP-associating factors, we are structurally and biochemically characterizing the interaction between CLASP CTD and the coiled-coil (CC) domain of CLIP-170, a known CLASP-associating factor. CLASP CTD and CLIP-170 CC form a complex in SEC-MALS and ITC experiments. In addition, CLASP CTD alone exists as a monomer, suggesting that CLASP CTD is necessary, but not sufficient, for dimerization. Further analysis to structurally characterize the interaction between CLASP CTD and CLIP-170 CC is an ongoing goal for this thesis work.Doctor of Philosoph

    Conquista de los derechos de los niños y niñas

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    El presente proyecto, pretende aumentar los conocimientos en los niños y niñas, del colegio Robert F. Kennedy, de los grados de 1 a 5 de primaria, frente a sus derechos, favoreciendo su autonomía como actor social, a través de la filosofía Reggio Emilia. Dicha filosofía desempeña un papel importante y ascendente en el proceso educativo. Mediante estas bases, podremos establecer los mecanismos adecuados para que en el niño y las niñas desarrollen compromisos innatos, que les permita crecer como personas responsables y con el empoderamiento necesario en la toma de sus decisiones. La filosofía trabaja a través de las experiencias y se pretende cambiar de algún modo, la forma de actuar, la percepción y el conocimiento de los infantes frente a lo que ven y sienten, no solo de forma teórica si no practica y vivencial, permitiéndoles actuar en la medida que van aprendiendo, tomando decisiones y/o controlando los problemas que afectan su entorno, favoreciendo su formación y la de sus familias las cuales son una actor importante en este proceso. Los profesores y alumnos aprenderán cómo mantener una buena relación con su entorno, y deben tener conciencia de su influencia, demostrando un vivo interés por todo cuanto los rodea y cómo impacta cada una de sus actividades en la sociedad; para así lograr un cambio de actitud, en los estudiantes y en la comunidad, frente a los derechos de los niños

    Conquista de los derechos de los niños y niñas

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    El presente proyecto, pretende aumentar los conocimientos en los niños y niñas, del colegio Robert F. Kennedy, de los grados de 1 a 5 de primaria, frente a sus derechos, favoreciendo su autonomía como actor social, a través de la filosofía Reggio Emilia. Dicha filosofía desempeña un papel importante y ascendente en el proceso educativo. Mediante estas bases, podremos establecer los mecanismos adecuados para que en el niño y las niñas desarrollen compromisos innatos, que les permita crecer como personas responsables y con el empoderamiento necesario en la toma de sus decisiones. La filosofía trabaja a través de las experiencias y se pretende cambiar de algún modo, la forma de actuar, la percepción y el conocimiento de los infantes frente a lo que ven y sienten, no solo de forma teórica si no practica y vivencial, permitiéndoles actuar en la medida que van aprendiendo, tomando decisiones y/o controlando los problemas que afectan su entorno, favoreciendo su formación y la de sus familias las cuales son una actor importante en este proceso. Los profesores y alumnos aprenderán cómo mantener una buena relación con su entorno, y deben tener conciencia de su influencia, demostrando un vivo interés por todo cuanto los rodea y cómo impacta cada una de sus actividades en la sociedad; para así lograr un cambio de actitud, en los estudiantes y en la comunidad, frente a los derechos de los niños