13 research outputs found

    Predictive model for inactivation of salmonella in infant formula during microwave heating processing

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    This study aimed to study the behavior of Salmonella submitted to domestic microwave through the use of predictive microbiology. The results showed reductions of 9.22, 9.59, 8.23, and 8.57 log CFU/mL in Salmonella counts after exposure to microwave heating at 20 W (750 s), 40 W (90 s), 60 W (120 s), and 80 W (120 s), respectively, with a maximum temperature rise of 110.2 degrees C. For the primary inactivation model, a biphasic profile was initially observed, obtaining a linear log behavior with the increase in power values. Otherwise, the square root model was used for the secondary modeling, resulting in the equation: root(kmax )= 0.0055 (P + 9.98). From the validation of the secondary model, the MSE and R-2 presented a good fit for the model of Salmonella spp inactivation in infant formulas by microwave heating. Overall, the models demonstrated efficacy to ensure the safety of infant formulas, preventing Salmonella contamination and should be considered considering a practical point of view104308CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES302763/2014-7; 305804/2017-0não te

    Development of a checklist for assessing good hygiene practices of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables using focus group interviews

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    This study aimed to develop a checklist for good hygiene practices (GHP) for raw material of vegetable origin using the focus groups (FGs) approach (n = 4). The final checklist for commercialization of horticultural products totaled 28 questions divided into six blocks, namely: water supply; hygiene, health, and training; waste control; control of pests; packaging and traceability; and hygiene of facilities and equipment. The FG methodology was efficient to elaborate a participatory and objective checklist, based on minimum hygiene requirements, serving as a tool for diagnosis, planning, and training in GHP of fresh vegetables, besides contributing to raise awareness of the consumers' food safety. The FG methodology provided useful information to establish the final checklist for GHP, with easy application, according to the previous participants' perception and experience153132140CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES#302763/2014-7#33003017027P

    Quality parameters of probiotic yogurt added to glucose oxidase compared to commercial products through microbiological, physical-chemical and metabolic activity analyses

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    The performance of probiotic yogurt with the addition of glucose oxidase (250 and 500 ppm, GOX1 and GOX2, respectively) compared to commercial products available in the Brazilian market was investigated. Microbiological (probiotic bacteria count), physical–chemical (pH, proteolysis, minerals) and metabolic activities (production of organic acids, flavor and aroma compounds and fatty acid profile) were performed. Glucose oxidase yogurt presented suitable viability of lactic acid and probiotic cultures (> 6 log CFU/g), as well as lower pH values. On the other hand, higher values of proteolysis, diacetyl, acetaldehyde, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), and similar values of lactic acid and acetic acid were found. In a functional food perspective, the addition of glucose oxidase to probiotic yogurts may be an interesting technological option for small and medium-size dairy enterprises to enter to the market of functional dairy foods77362763

    Dairy processing using supercritical carbon dioxide technology: theoretical fundamentals, quality and safety aspects

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    Non-thermal food processing is configured as an interesting alternative for the food industry due to the increased nutrient retention and minimal sensory changes in processed products. Scope and approach The aim of this review is to address the potential of supercritical carbon dioxide technology, emphasizing milk and dairy processing, including the historical aspects, main advantages, microbial inactivation mechanisms, as well as effects in some quality parameters of dairy products. Key findings and conclusions The use of supercritical carbon dioxide technology (SC-CO2) presents great potential application in dairy processing, since it is effective to reduce microbial load when compared to the pasteurization process, thus obtaining a product with greater shelf life and better organoleptic properties with minimal and sometimes positive changes in the intrinsic quality parameters6494101CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP302423/2015-02015/22226-

    Manufacture of probiotic minas frescal cheese with lactobacillus casei zhang

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    In this study, the addition of Lactobacillus casei Zhang in the manufacture of Minas Frescal cheese was investigated. Minas Frescal cheeses supplemented with probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus casei Zhang) were produced by enzymatic coagulation and direct acidification and were subjected to physicochemical (pH, proteolysis, lactic acid, and acetic acid), microbiological (probiotic and lactic bacteria counts), and rheological analyses (uniaxial compression and creep test), instrumental color determination (luminosity, yellow intensity, and red intensity) and sensory acceptance test. The addition of L. casei Zhang resulted in low pH values and high proteolysis indexes during storage (from 5.38 to 4.94 and 0.470 to 0.702, respectively). Additionally, the cheese protocol was not a hurdle for growth of L. casei Zhang, as the population reached 8.16 and 9.02 log cfu/g by means of the direct acidification and enzymatic coagulation protocol, respectively, after 21 d of refrigerated storage. The rheology data showed that all samples presented a more viscous-like behavior, which rigidity tended to decrease during storage and lower luminosity values were also observed. Increased consumer acceptance was observed for the control sample produced by direct acidification (7.8), whereas the cheeses containing L. casei Zhang presented lower values for all sensory attributes, especially flavor and overall liking (5.37 and 4.61 for enzymatic coagulation and 5.57 and 4.72 for direct acidification, respectively). Overall, the addition of L. casei Zhang led to changes in all parameters and affected negatively the sensory acceptance. The optimization of L. casei Zhang dosage during the manufacturing of probiotic Minas Frescal cheese should be performed991183