17 research outputs found

    Foro de debate: seguridad de las alternativas a la transfusión alogénica en el paciente quirúrgico y/o crítico

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    Estos últimos años han aparecido alertas de seguridad, no siempre bien sustentadas, que cuestionan el uso de algunas alternativas farmacológicas a la transfusión de sangre alogénica y/o lo restringen en indicaciones establecidas. Asistimos también a la preconización de otras alternativas, incluyendo productos hemáticos y fármacos antifibrinolíticos, sin que haya una base científica sólida que lo justifique. Por iniciativa del Grupo de Estudios Multidisciplinares sobre Autotransfusión y del Anemia Working Group Espana¿ se reunió a un panel multidisciplinar de 23 expertos del área de cuidados de la salud en un foro de debate para: 1) analizar las diferentes alertas de seguridad en torno a ciertas alternativas a la transfusión; 2) estudiar los antecedentes que las han propiciado, la evidencia que las sustentan y las consecuencias que conllevan para la práctica clínica, y 3) emitir una valoración argumentada de la seguridad de cada alternativa a la transfusión cuestionada, según el uso clínico de la misma. Los integrantes del foro mantuvieron contactos por vía telemática y una reunión presencial en la que presentaron y discutieron las conclusiones sobre cada uno de los elementos examinados. Se elaboró un primer documento que fue sometido a 4 rondas de revisión y actualización hasta alcanzar un consenso, unánime en la mayoría de los casos. Presentamos la versión final del documento, aprobada por todos los miembros del panel, esperando sea de utilidad para nuestros colegas

    2013. Documento Sevilla de Consenso sobre Alternativas a la Transfusión de Sangre Alogénica. Actualización del Documento Sevilla

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    La transfusión de sangre alogénica (TSA) no es inocua, y como consecuencia han surgido múltiples alternativas a la misma (ATSA). Existe variabilidad respecto a las indicaciones y buen uso de las ATSA. Dependiendo de la especialidad de los médicos que tratan a los pacientes, el grado de anemia, la política transfusional, la disponibilidad de las ATSA y el criterio personal, estas se usan de forma variable. Puesto que las ATSA tampoco son inocuas y pueden no cumplir criterios de coste-efectividad, la variabilidad en su uso es inaceptable. Las sociedades españolas de Anestesiología y Reanimación (SEDAR), Hematología y Hemoterapia (SEHH), Farmacia Hospitalaria (SEFH), Medicina Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEMICYUC), Trombosis y Hemostasia (SETH) y Transfusiones Sanguíneas (SETS) han elaborado un documento de consenso para el buen uso de la ATSA. Un panel de expertos de las 6 sociedades ha llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura médica y elaborado el 2013. Documento Sevilla de Consenso sobre Alternativas a la Transfusión de Sangre Alogénica. Solo se contempla las ATSA dirigidas a disminuir la transfusión de concentrado de hematíes. Se definen las ATSA como toda medida farmacológica y no farmacológica encaminada a disminuir la transfusión de concentrado de hematíes, preservando siempre la seguridad del paciente. La cuestión principal que se plantea en cada ítem se formula, en forma positiva o negativa, como: «La ATSA en cuestión reduce/no reduce la tasa transfusional». Para formular el grado de recomendación se ha usado la metodología Grades of Recommendation Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE)

    Current perspective on fibrinogen concentrate in critical bleeding

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    [Introduction]: Massive hemorrhage continues to be a treatable cause of death. Its management varies from prefixed ratio-driven administration of blood components to goal-directed therapy based on point-of-care testing and administration of coagulation factor concentrates.[Areas covered]: . We review the current role of fibrinogen concentrate (FC) for the management of massive hemorrhage, either administered without coagulation testing in life-threatening hemorrhage, or within an algorithm based on viscoelastic hemostatic assays and plasma fibrinogen level. We identified relevant guidelines, meta-analyzes, randomized controlled trials, and observational studies that included indications, dosage, and adverse effects of FC, especially thromboembolic events.[Expert opinion]: Moderate- to high-grade evidence supports the use of FC for the treatment of severe hemorrhage in trauma and cardiac surgery; a lower grade of evidence is available for its use in postpartum hemorrhage and end-stage liver disease. Pre-emptive FC administration in non-bleeding patients is not recommended. FC should be administered early, in a goal-directed manner, guided by early amplitude of clot firmness parameters (A5- or A10-FIBTEM) or hypofibrinogenemia. Further investigation is required into the early use of FC, as well as its potential advantages over cryoprecipitate, and whether or not its administration at high doses leads to a greater risk of adverse events.This study was partially supported by Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS) PI 15/00512, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministry of Health, Government of Spain, and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Variations and obstacles in the use of coagulation factor concentrates for major trauma bleeding across Europe: outcomes from a European expert meeting.

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    Trauma is a leading cause of mortality, with major bleeding and trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC) contributing to negative patient outcomes. Treatments for TIC include tranexamic acid (TXA), fresh frozen plasma (FFP), and coagulation factor concentrates (CFCs, e.g. prothrombin complex concentrates [PCCs] and fibrinogen concentrate [FCH]). Guidelines for TIC management vary across Europe and a clear definition of TIC is still lacking. An advisory board involving European trauma experts was held on 02 February 2019, to discuss clinical experience in the management of trauma-related bleeding and recommendations from European guidelines, focusing on CFC use (mainly FCH). This review summarises the discussions, including TIC definitions, gaps in the guidelines that affect their implementation, and barriers to use of CFCs, with suggested solutions. A definition of TIC, which incorporates clinical (e.g. severe bleeding) and laboratory parameters (e.g. low fibrinogen) is suggested. TIC should be treated immediately with TXA and FCH/red blood cells; subsequently, if fibrinogen ≤ 1.5 g/L (or equivalent by viscoelastic testing), treatment with FCH, then PCC (if bleeding continues) is suggested. Fibrinogen concentrate, and not FFP, should be administered as first-line therapy for TIC. Several initiatives may improve TIC management, with improved medical education of major importance; generation of new and stronger data, simplified clinical practice guidance, and improved access to viscoelastic testing are also critical factors. Management of TIC is challenging. A standard definition of TIC, together with initiatives to facilitate effective CFC administration, may contribute to improved patient care and outcomes

    Prospective assessment of platelet function in patients undergoing elective resection of glioblastoma multiforme

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    This prospective study was aimed to test changes in hemostasis in patients with GBM, occurring at baseline (before surgery, time 0, T0) and 2 (T2), 24 (T24), and 48-hour (T48) after surgery. We enrolled consecutive patients subjected to GBM resection (GBR group; N = 60), laparoscopic colon cancer resection (comparative CCR group; N = 40), and healthy blood donors (HBD group; N = 40). We performed 1. conventional coagulation tests 2. ROTEM (rotational thromboelastometry) parameters and 3. platelet function tests, including PFA-200 closure time when stimulated by collagen/epinephrine (COL-EPI) and ROTEM platelet, using three different activators (arachnoid acid in ARATEM, adenosine diphosphate in ADPTEM, and thrombin receptor-activating peptide-6 in TRAPTEM). Variables associated with unfavorable 1-year clinical outcome were investigated, too. We observed in GBR patients that platelet aggregometry, as assessed by ROTEM platelet parameters, was significantly impaired along with a shortened closure time. These changes were evident from T0 to T48. A decreased area under the aggregation curve in TRAPTEM was associated with improved survival (adjusted odd ratio (95% CI), 1.03 (1.01–1.06)). This study suggests that patients with GBM presented a decreased platelet aggregation from before surgery and thorough the postoperative period. Decreased platelet aggregation improved clinical outcome

    A prospective study on the correlation between thromboelastometry and standard laboratory tests – influence of type of surgery and perioperative sampling times

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    This prospective study aimed at investigating the influence of surgery type and perioperative sampling times on the correlations between rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) parameters and standard laboratory coagulation tests assessing comparable coagulation phases. Patients undergoing glioblastoma multiforme resection (GBR group, n = 60) or laparoscopic colon cancer resection (CCR group, n = 40) were prospectively included. Blood samples for ROTEM and laboratory assessments were consecutively drawn within 24-hours prior to surgery (baseline), and at 2, 24 and 48-hours after surgery. Correlations between perioperative ExTEM clotting-time (CT-exTEM) and prothrombin time (PT), and between FibTEM maximum clot firmness (MCF-fibTEM) with and plasma fibrinogen (pFB) concentration (Clauss method), were evaluated using the Spearman’s rho test. The efficiency of recommended cut-offs of CT-exTEM (>75 s) and MCF-fibTEM (15 s) or a low pFB (<2 g/L), respectively, was assessed using Receiver-Operator Characteristic curves. Correlations between CT-exTEM and PT were weak in GBR (rho = 0.25 [0.12–0.38], p < .01), and very weak in CCR (rho = 0.06 [−0.12–0.27]). Those between MCF-fibTEM and pFB, were strong in both GBR (rho = 0.69 [0.61–0.76], p < .01) and CCR (rho = 0.70 [0.60–0.78], p < .01). These correlations remained largely unchanged over the studied perioperative period in both groups. Recommended CT-exTEM and MCF-fibTEM cut-offs had poor sensitivity for predicting a prolonged PT (17% [8–31]) or a low pFB (46% [32–62]), without group-related differences. Neither the type of surgery nor the perioperative sampling times had a significant influence on the correlations between ROTEM parameters and standard laboratory tests. ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT0265289