281 research outputs found

    Analysis of the EEG Dynamics of Epileptic Activity in Gelastic Seizures Using Decomposition in Independent Components

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    Objective: Gelastic seizures are a frequent and well established manifestation of the epilepsy associated with hypothalamic hamartomas. The scalp EEG recordings very seldom demonstrate clear spike activity and the information about the ictal epilepsy dynamics is limited. In this work, we try to isolate epileptic rhythms in gelastic seizures and study their generators. Methods: We extracted rhythmic activity from EEG scalp recordings of gelastic seizures using decomposition in independent components (ICA) in three patients, two with hypothalamic hamartomas and one with no hypothalamic lesion. Time analysis of these rhythms and inverse source analysis was done to recover their foci of origin and temporal dynamics. Results: In the two patients with hypothalamic hamartomas consistent ictal delta (2–3 Hz) rhythms were present, with subcortical generators in both and a superficial one in a single patient. The latter pattern was observed in the patient with no hypothalamic hamartoma visible in MRI. The deep generators activated earlier than the superficial ones, suggesting a consistent sub-cortical origin of the rhythmical activity. Conclusions: Our data is compatible with early and brief epileptic generators in deep sub-cortical regions and more superficial ones activating later. Significance: Gelastic seizures express rhythms on scalp EEG compatible with epileptic activity originating in sub-cortical generators and secondarily involving cortical ones

    Interictal Spike Quantification in Continuous Spike-Wave of Sleep (CSWS): Clinical Usefulness of a Wearable EEG Device

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    Continuous spike-wave of sleep (CSWS) syndrome is one of the most common epileptic encephalopathies of childhood. Because the associated cognitive/behavioral disturbances relate more to the amount of spike activity than of seizures, methods of spike quantification gained relevance in diagnosis and monitoring treatment. The conventional methodology for quantification of spike index (SI) relies on repeated full 10-20 long-term ambulatory electroencephalography (aEEG), which is both expensive and poorly tolerated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Origin of Frontal Lobe Spikes in the Early Onset Benign Occipital Lobe Epilepsy (Panayiotopoulos Syndrome)

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    Objective: Early onset benign occipital lobe epilepsy (Panayiotopoulos syndrome [PS]) is a common and easily recognizable epilepsy. Interictal EEG spike activity is often multifocal but most frequently localized in the occipital lobes. The origin and clinical significance of the extra-occipital spikes remain poorly understood. Methods: Three patients with the PS and interictal EEG spikes with frontal lobe topography were studied using high-resolution EEG. Independent component analysis (ICA) was used to decompose the spikes in components with distinct temporal dynamics. The components were mapped in the scalp with a spline-laplacian algorithm. Results: The change in scalp potential topography from spike onset to peak, suggests the contribution of several intracranial generators, with different kinetics of activation and significant overlap. ICA was able to separate the major contributors to frontal spikes and consistently revealed an early activating group of components over the occipital areas in all the patients. The local origin of these early potentials was established by the spline-laplacian montage. Conclusions: Frontal spikes in PS are consistently associated with early and unilateral occipital lobe activation, suggesting a posteroanterior spike propagation. Significance: Frontal spikes in the PS represent a secondary activation triggered by occipital interictal discharges and do not represent an independent focus

    The BOLD Effect of Interictal Spike Activity in Childhood Occipital Lobe Epilepsy

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    Occipital lobe epilepsy (OLE) presents in childhood with different manifestations, age of onset and EEG features that form distinct syndromes. The ictal clinical symptoms are difficult to correlate with onset in particular areas in the occipital lobes, and the EEG recordings have not been able to overcome this limitation. The mapping of epileptogenic cortical regions in OLE remains therefore an important goal in our understanding of these syndromes

    Grazing improves habitat suitability for many ground foraging birds in Mediterranean wooded grasslands

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    Wooded grasslands, usually grazed, cover vast areas in Southern Europe and Northern Africa. They host rich resident bird communities and, in winter, receive large numbers of migrants from Central and Northern European woodlands. Many species are partly or entirely dependent on ground foraging, and since in winter food is often the most limiting factor for birds, maintaining suitable ground habitat is crucial. To study how grazing influences suitability of winter ground habitat for birds, we carried out an experiment in a wooded grassland in Southern Iberia, whereby grazing was controlled in 12 purposely fenced two-hectare plots (4 x 15 sheep/ha, 4 x 3 sheep/ha and 4 x no grazing). We quantified ground habitat features, food abundance and intensity of use by ground-foraging birds in each of these 12 plots. In addition, we made focal observations of birds feeding on the ground and compared the habitat of 1m2 foraging patches with those of nearby control patches. We found that virtually all birds prefer to forage in patches with short ground vegetation and high food abundance. Measurements of these parameters in the experimental plots showed that while grazing shortens vegetation it decreases food availability, and thus has opposing effects on important determinants of habitat suitability. Nevertheless, the numbers of birds foraging in the plots indicate that, overall, grazing benefits the assemblage of ground-feeding birds, presumably because for most species the advantages of foraging in less cluttered habitats more than compensate the lower abundance of prey. However, arboreal bird species that make short foraging forays to the ground had lower numbers in grazed plots. Most bird species that forage on the ground benefited from grazing, and although they can forage under a broad range of grazing levels, some showed clear preferences along the gradient of grazing intensity. Such preferences should be taken into consideration by managers. In general, grazing should be maintained at a level sufficient to open up ground vegetation, increasing the area occupied by patches of short vegetation, in which almost all bird species prefer to forage. At moderate levels, grazing is thus a valuable management tool to promote winter bird habitat quality in Mediterranean wooded grasslands, while increasing the economic value of these threatened landscapes

    Regional White Matter Atrophy Correlates with Spike Activity in Encephalopathy Related to Status Epilepticus During Slow Sleep (ESES) After Early Thalamic Lesions

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    Encephalopathy related to Status Epilepticus during slow Sleep (ESES) is an age-related, epileptic syndrome, which associates cognitive/behavioral disturbances with a peculiar pattern of spike activity. One promising line of research is the study of ESES in cases of early thalamic lesions. We studied 7 ESES patients with unilateral thalamic lesions using magnetic resonance imaging to assess regional white matter (WM) and thalamic nuclei volume differences, and long-term electroencephalogram recordings to localize the epileptogenic cortex. N170 event-related potentials were used to demonstrate the dysfunctional character of the WM abnormalities. Diffusion-weighted images in a subset of 4 patients were used to parcellate the thalamus and evaluate volume asymmetries, based on cortical connectivity. Large WM regional atrophy in the hemisphere with the thalamic lesion was associated with both cortical dysfunction and epileptic activity. A correlation was demonstrated between lesions in the pulvinar and the mediodorsal thalamic nuclei and WM atrophy of the corresponding cortical projection areas. We propose that these abnormalities are due to the widespread structural disconnection produced by the thalamic lesions associated to a yet unknown age-dependent factor. Further exploration of WM regional atrophy association with the spike activity in other etiologies could lend support to the cortical disconnection role in ESES genesis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of the Generators of Epileptic Activity in Early-Onset Childhood Benign Occipital Lobe Epilepsy

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    Objective: The Panayiotopoulos type of idiopathic occipital epilepsy has peculiar and easily recognizable ictal symptoms, which are associated with complex and variable spike activity over the posterior scalp areas. These characteristics of spikes have prevented localization of the particular brain regions originating clinical manifestations. We studied spike activity in this epilepsy to determine their brain generators. Methods: The EEG of 5 patients (ages 7–9) was recorded, spikes were submitted to blind decomposition in independent components (ICs) and those to source analysis (sLORETA), revealing the spike generators. Coherence analysis evaluated the dynamics of the components. Results: Several ICs were recovered for posterior spikes in contrast to central spikes which originated a single one. Coherence analysis supports a model with epileptic activity originating near lateral occipital area and spreading to cortical temporal or parietal areas. Conclusions: Posterior spikes demonstrate rapid spread of epileptic activity to nearby lobes, starting in the lateral occipital area. In contrast, central spikes remain localized in the rolandic fissure. Significance: Rapid spread of posterior epileptic activity in the Panayitopoulos type of occipital lobe epilepsy is responsible for the variable and poorly localized spike EEG. The lateral occipital cortex is the primary generator of the epileptic activity