2,227 research outputs found

    Are the Nuclei of Seyfert 2 Galaxies Viewed Face-On?

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    We show from modeling the Fe Kalpha line in the ASCA spectra of four X-ray bright narrow emission line galaxies (Seyfert types 1.9 and 2) that two equally viable physical models can describe the observed line profile. The first is discussed by Turner et al. (1998) and consists of emission from a nearly pole-on accretion disk. The second, which is statistically preferred, is a superposition of emission from an accretion disk viewed at an intermediate inclination of about 48 degrees and a distinct, unresolved feature that presumably originates some distance from the galaxy nucleus. The intermediate inclination is entirely consistent with unified schemes and our findings challenge recent assertions that Seyfert 2 galaxies are preferentially viewed with their inner regions face-on. We derive mean equivalent widths for the narrow and disk lines of =60 eV and = 213 eV, respectively. The X-ray data are well described by a geometry in which our view of the active nucleus intersects and is blocked by the outer edges of the obscuring torus, and therefore do not require severe misalignments between the accretion disk and the torus.Comment: 19 pages, 3 postscript figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    An X-Ray Jet from a White Dwarf - Detection of the Collimated Outflow from CH Cygni with Chandra

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    Most symbiotic stars consist of a white dwarf accreting material from the wind of a red giant. An increasing number of these objects have been found to produce jets. Analysis of archival Chandra data of the symbiotic system CH Cygni reveals faint extended emission to the south, aligned with the optical and radio jets seen in earlier HST and VLA observations. CH Cygni thus contains only the second known white dwarf with an X-ray jet, after R Aquarii. The X-rays from symbiotic-star jets appear to be produced when jet material is shock-heated following collision with surrounding gas, as with the outflows from some protostellar objects and bipolar planetary nebulae.Comment: 4 & a bit pages, 4 figures, accepted by ApJL; uses emulateapj.cls and revtex4. Minor changes following referees report, & shortened to meet page limi

    Stacking Gravitational Wave Signals from Soft Gamma Repeater Bursts

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    Soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) have unique properties that make them intriguing targets for gravitational wave (GW) searches. They are nearby, their burst emission mechanism may involve neutron star crust fractures and excitation of quasi-normal modes, and they burst repeatedly and sometimes spectacularly. A recent LIGO search for transient GW from these sources placed upper limits on a set of almost 200 individual SGR bursts. These limits were within the theoretically predicted range of some models. We present a new search strategy which builds upon the method used there by "stacking" potential GW signals from multiple SGR bursts. We assume that variation in the time difference between burst electromagnetic emission and burst GW emission is small relative to the GW signal duration, and we time-align GW excess power time-frequency tilings containing individual burst triggers to their corresponding electromagnetic emissions. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we confirm that gains in GW energy sensitivity of N^{1/2} are possible, where N is the number of stacked SGR bursts. Estimated sensitivities for a mock search for gravitational waves from the 2006 March 29 storm from SGR 1900+14 are also presented, for two GW emission models, "fluence-weighted" and "flat" (unweighted).Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, submitted to PR

    X-ray Emission Properties of Large Scale Jets, Hotspots and Lobes in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We examine a systematic comparison of jet-knots, hotspots and radio lobes recently observed with Chandra and ASCA. This report will discuss the origin of their X-ray emissions and investigate the dynamics of the jets. The data was compiled at well sampled radio (5GHz) and X-ray frequencies (1keV) for more than 40 radio galaxies. We examined three models for the X-ray production: synchrotron (SYN), synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) and external Compton on CMB photons (EC). For the SYN sources -- mostly jet-knots in nearby low-luminosity radio galaxies -- X-ray photons are produced by ultrarelativistic electrons with energies 10-100 TeV that must be accelerated in situ. For the other objects, conservatively classified as SSC or EC sources, a simple formulation of calculating the ``expected'' X-ray fluxes under an equipartition hypothesis is presented. We confirmed that the observed X-ray fluxes are close to the expected ones for non-relativistic emitting plasma velocities in the case of radio lobes and majority of hotspots, whereas considerable fraction of jet-knots is too bright at X-rays to be explained in this way. We examined two possibilities to account for the discrepancy in a framework of the inverse-Compton model: (1) magnetic field is much smaller than the equipartition value, and (2) the jets are highly relativistic on kpc/Mpc scales. We concluded, that if the inverse-Compton model is the case, the X-ray bright jet-knots are most likely far from the minimum-power condition. We also briefly discuss the other possibility, namely that the observed X-ray emission from all of the jet-knots is synchrotron in origin.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, vol.62

    Spatially resolved spectra of 3C galaxy nuclei

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    We present and discuss visible-wavelength long-slit spectra of four low redshift 3C galaxies obtained with the STIS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope. The slit was aligned with near-nuclear jet-like structure seen in HST images of the galaxies, to give unprecedented spatial resolution of the galaxy inner regions. In 3C 135 and 3C 171, the spectra reveal clumpy emission line structures that indicate outward motions of a few hundred km s1^{-1} within a centrally illuminated and ionised biconical region. There may also be some low-ionisation high-velocity material associated with 3C 135. In 3C 264 and 3C 78, the jets have blue featureless spectra consistent with their proposed synchrotron origin. There is weak associated line emission in the innermost part of the jets with mild outflow velocity. These jets are bright and highly collimated only within a circumnuclear region of lower galaxy luminosity, which is not dusty. We discuss the origins of these central regions and their connection with relativistic jets.Comment: 15 pages incl Tables, 12 diagrams, To appear in A

    A Chandra study of particle acceleration in the multiple hotspots of nearby radio galaxies

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    We present Chandra observations of a small sample of nearby classical double radio galaxies which have more than one radio hotspot in at least one of their lobes. The X-ray emission from the hotspots of these comparatively low-power objects is expected to be synchrotron in origin, and therefore to provide information about the locations of high-energy particle acceleration. In some models of the relationship between the jet and hotspot the hotspots that are not the current jet termination point should be detached from the energy supply from the active nucleus and therefore not capable of accelerating particles to high energies. We find that in fact some secondary hotspots are X-ray sources, and thus probably locations for high-energy particle acceleration after the initial jet termination shock. In detail, though, we show that the spatial structures seen in X-ray are not consistent with naive expectations from a simple shock model: the current locations of the acceleration of the highest-energy observable particles in powerful radio galaxies need not be coincident with the peaks of radio or even optical emission.Comment: Accepted for ApJ. 33 pages, 8 figures inc. 2 in colo