30 research outputs found

    Impact of the Selection of World and International Exhibition Locations on the Expansion of Brussels’ Urban Structure

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    Metodom usporedbene analize na primjeru Bruxellesa istražen je utjecaj odabira mjesta svjetskih i međunarodnih izložaba održanih u razdoblju od 1888. do 1958. godine na širenje njegove urbane strukture. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je organiziranje izložbi u Bruxellesu potaknulo intenzivnije širenje urbane strukture u smjerovima lokacija izložbenih područja određujući dugoročno smjerove razvoja grada. Zaključuje se da odabir mjesta za održavanje svjetske i međunarodne izložbe utječe na širenje urbane strukture.Through comparative analysis the paper examines the influence on the expansion of Brussels’ urban structure by the choice of locations for the world and international exhibitions held in the city from 1888 to 1958. Research results show that the organisation of the exhibitions enticed the expansion of Brussels’ urban structure in the directions of the chosen locations determining thereby longterm directions of the city’s development. The conclusion is that the choice of exhibition location does exert influence on the growth of urban structure

    Eventos efímeros y sus huellas en la estructura urbana: Universiada de Zagreb 1987

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    Organizing a mega event, even an ephemeral one, can leave many material and non-material traces in a city and a host region and can be a means of bringing to life development visions and urban policy strategy. During preparations for the event itself, numerous interventions are carried out that are directly or indirectly related to the event. Depending on the type and concept of the event itself, the interventions in the city and its region can become part of their permanent heritage, thus improving the long-term quality of life of their inhabitants. The aim of this paper is to show how a large sports event, the 1987 Zagreb Summer Universiade, contributed to the development of the city and the host region, and to the implementation of the urban policy strategy of the time. Although Zagreb has a long history of urban planning, emphasis here is placed on the spatial planning documentation of the second half of the 20th century that preceded the organization of this large sports event. This paper looks at interventions carried out during the preparatory phase of the event that were directly or indirectly related to the temporary event itself as well as at the cultural and social program related to the Universiade. It may be concluded that the 14th Summer Universiade was a significant sports and cultural event that served as an instrument for carrying out numerous projects aimed at constructing new and improving existing sports facilities, accommodation capacities and the urban renewal of the city centre. Since most of the interventions would not have been carried out in such a short period of time were it not for the Universiade, it can be said that the Universiade was a means of realizing urban development policies and renewing Zagreb. The event left a lasting legacy of elements of infrastructure, suprastructure and ecostructure that the inhabitants of the city and the region continue to use for the same purposes.La organización de un mega evento, aunque sea efímero puede dejar muchas huellas materiales e inmateriales en la ciudad y la región anfitriona, y puede servir como un medio para realizar las visiones de desarrollo y la estrategia de política urbana. En la etapa de planeación y preoperativos del evento se llevan a cabo numerosas intervenciones, directa o indirectamente relacionadas con el mismo. Dependiendo del tipo y concepto del evento, las intervenciones en la ciudad y su región pueden convertirse en un patrimonio permanente, mejorando así la calidad de vida de sus habitantes a largo plazo. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cómo un gran evento deportivo como el de la Universiada de Verano de Zagreb en 1987 contribuyó al desarrollo de la ciudad y la región anfitriona, y a la realización de la estrategia de política urbana de esa época. Aunque Zagreb tiene una larga historia de planificación urbana, el énfasis se coloca en la documentación de planeación de la segunda mitad del siglo XX que precedió a la organización de un gran evento deportivo. Este artículo investiga las intervenciones realizadas en el período preoperativos del evento directa o indirectamente relacionado con un evento temporal, así como los programas culturales y sociales. Se puede concluir que la Catorceava Universiada de Verano fue un evento deportivo y cultural importante que sirvió como instrumento para la ejecución de numerosos proyectos; mejorando los espacios deportivos existentes, la capacidad de alojamiento y la traza urbana del centro de la ciudad a través de remodelaciones y construcciones nuevas. Dado que la mayoría de las intervenciones no se hubieran realizado en tan poco tiempo se puede decir que la Universidad fue un medio para la ejecución de la política de desarrollo urbano y la renovación de Zagreb. Ese evento dejó en el patrimonio permanentemente diversas obras de infraestructuras, supraestructuras y ecoestructuras que los habitantes de la ciudad y la región todavía utilizan para los mismos fines

    GABAergic Psychoactive Substance-Induced Delirium: Narrative Literature Review

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    Psychoactive substance-induced delirium is delirium which occurs during or immediate after psychoactive substance intoxication, withdrawal or during the use of specific psychoactive substance. It is characterized by sudden onset of disturbed consciousness, disorientation, hallucinations, changed psychomotor activity, insomnia, acute memory impairment, violent, and bizarre behaviour. The most commonly abused psychoactive substances which may induce delirium are those acting on the major inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid (alcohol, anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics, and gammahydroxybutyrate- GHB. Psychoactive substance-induced delirium may have hyperactive, hypoactive or mixed clinical presentation. Treatment of delirium induced by psychoactive substances is carried out with antipsychotics, anxiolytics, and sedatives, but each of the listed abused psychoactive substances has its own treatment peculiarities. This narrative literature review describes the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and treatment of delirium induced by intoxication and withdrawal from GABAergic psychoactive substances. The paper summarizes well-known knowledge with the latest research in psychoactive substances-induced delirium

    Searching Identity - Mičevec 2030; Urban Design Studio 2 - Town Planning

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    The publication ”Searching Identity - Mičevec 2030” edited by assistant professor Sanja Gašparović, PhD, presents the results of the work of first-year graduate students at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb at the Urban Design Studio 2 - Town Planning course in the academic year 2013/ 2014. These are the works of the generation of students which researched an urban fringe, i.e. development planning and expansion of a city and suburbs. Divided into three segments, it shows the teaching method carried out at the Urban Design Studio. Educational goals of this studio included identifying the problems and potentials in space, recognizing long-term needs and opportunities and selecting an appropriate development scenario. The aim was to contribute to the current discussion on ideas for the development strategy of the City of Zagreb urban area and encourage an adoption of a planned, long-term strategy for creating Mičevec identity and developing the village

    EXPO’98 and Changes in Lisbon’s Transport System

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    Održavanje izložbe EXPO’98 u Lisabonu 1998. godine utjecalo je na promjene prometnog sustava grada i njegovog šireg prostora. Organiziranje izložbe poslužilo je kao sredstvo brže izvedbe planiranih zahvata, koji su doprinijeli rješavanju prometnih problema Lisabona prisutnih u 90-im godinama 20. stoljeća. Zahvati u prometnim podsustavima realizirani u razdoblju pripreme EXPO’98 omogućili su izravnu dostupnost istočnog obalnog područja sa šireg metropolitanskog prostora i umreženost prostora prometnom infrastrukturom. Novoizgrađeni cestovni most - Ponte Vasco da Gama osigurao je cestovnu povezanost sa širom metropolitanskom regijom Lisabona, a novoizgrađena multimodalna stanica Oriente na istočnom dijelu grada postala je glavno križanje raznih oblika javnih prijevoznih sredstava.The 1998 EXPO held in Lisbon brought changes to the transport system of the city and its wider area. The organization of the exposition served to facilitate faster completion of infrastructural works that contributed to the solution of transport problems experienced in Lisbon in the 1990s. The works which helped develop modes of transport carried out during the preparation of EXPO’98 enabled direct access to the east coast from the wider metropolitan area and provided better networks of transport infrastructure. The newly built bridge Ponte Vasco da Gama furthered the road transport and, thus, connection to the wider metropolitan area of Lisbon and the new multimodal station Oriente in the eastern part of the city became the main intersection of various modes of transport

    Searching Identity - Mičevec 2030; Urban Design Studio 2 - Town Planning

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    The publication ”Searching Identity - Mičevec 2030” edited by assistant professor Sanja Gašparović, PhD, presents the results of the work of first-year graduate students at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb at the Urban Design Studio 2 - Town Planning course in the academic year 2013/ 2014. These are the works of the generation of students which researched an urban fringe, i.e. development planning and expansion of a city and suburbs. Divided into three segments, it shows the teaching method carried out at the Urban Design Studio. Educational goals of this studio included identifying the problems and potentials in space, recognizing long-term needs and opportunities and selecting an appropriate development scenario. The aim was to contribute to the current discussion on ideas for the development strategy of the City of Zagreb urban area and encourage an adoption of a planned, long-term strategy for creating Mičevec identity and developing the village

    Gambling Disorder – Prevention in Adolescents

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    Poremećaj kockanja ponavljajuća je kockarska aktivnost koja narušava opće stanje ili uzrokuje značajan problem za osobu. Prevalencija je ove bolesti u svijetu između 0,01 i 10,6 % u odrasloj populaciji, a među adolescentima je i češća. Najvažniji su okidači poremećaja kockanja velika dostupnost i pristupačnost kockanja, odnosno mogućnost kockanja online. Veći rizik za nastanak ovog poremećaja imaju muškarci, samci, osobe u socijalno depriviranoj okolini. Međutim, kao kritično razdoblje osjetljivosti mozga za razvoj ovisnosti pa tako i poremećaja kockanja nameće se doba adolescencije. U Hrvatskoj čak 12,9 % srednjoškolaca zadovoljava kriterije za problematično kockanje. Budući da poremećaj kockanja uzrokuje značajne psihosocijalne posljedice i da je povezan s brojnim psihičkim i fizičkim komorbiditetima, nužno je osmisliti kvalitetne preventivne intervencije. U svijetu i u našoj zemlji postoje brojni preventivni programi namijenjeni adolescentima, a najuspješniji su oni dužeg vremenskog trajanja koji obuhvaćaju multiple aspekte ovisnosti i utječu na promjene u ponašanju. Prevencija ove bolesti značajan je javnozdravstveni imperativ koji treba obuhvatiti pojedinca, obitelj, socijalno okruženje uz odgovarajuću zakonsku regulativu, financijsku podršku, interdisciplinarnu profesionalnu suradnju i znanstvenu evaluaciju učinkovitosti primijenjenih programa.Gambling disorder is a recurrent gambling activity that disrupts the general condition or causes a significant problem for a person. The prevalence estimates of this illness in the world range between 0.01 and 10.6% in the adult population, and it is even more common in adolescents. The most important triggers of gambling disorder are the high availability and accessibility of gambling, i.e., the possibility of online gambling. Men, single people, and people living in a socially deprived environment are at a higher risk of developing gambling disorder. However, the critical age of brain sensitivity for the development of addiction, including gambling disorder, is adolescence. In Croatia, as many as 12.9% of high school students meet the criteria for problem gambling. Given that gambling disorder causes significant psychosocial consequences and is associated with numerous psychic and physical comorbidities, it is necessary to design highquality preventive interventions. There are numerous preventive programmes in the world and in our country aimed at adolescents, the most successful being those of a longer duration that cover multiple aspects of addiction and affect changes in behaviour. Prevention of this disease is a significant public health imperative that should involve individuals, family, social environment and appropriate legislation, financial support, interdisciplinary professional cooperation and scientific evaluation of the effectiveness of the applied programmes

    The Method of Planning a Graded Spatial Development

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    Metodom planiranja stupnjevanoga prostornog razvoja određuje se očekivani slijed stupnjeva prostornog razvoja. Kvantificirani pokazatelji razvoja, korištenja i zaštite prostora jesu: udjeli površina i izgrađenost građevnih područja, udjeli površina zaštićenog okoliša i prirode, vrste prijevoza roba i putnika, udio proizvodnje i korištenja obnovljivih izvora energije, demografske promjene, bruto domaći proizvod i dr. Ova se metoda primjenjuje u postupku izrade državnih i regionalnih planova prostornog razvoja.The method of planning a graded spatial development is aimed at defining an expected sequence of a graded spatial development. The quantifying indicators of space development, use and protection are: the share of the areas and the built-up density of building areas, the share of the protected environment and natural areas, types of freight and passenger transport, the share of production and use of renewable energy sources, demographic changes, gross national product etc

    Landscape Models of Reclamation and Conversion of Quarries; Recovering Landscapes

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    U članku je analizirano 20 suvremenih primjera prenamjene i sanacije kamenoloma u svijetu i kod nas. Njihovom usporedbom, prema utvrđenim osnovnim obilježjima, ponuđena su četiri moguća modela oporavka pejsaža i određene osnovne smjernice za odabir modela prilikom saniranja napuštenih kamenoloma.The paper analyses 20 contemporary examples of reclamation and conversion of quarries in Croatia and abroad. Their mutual comparison according to determined basic features offers four possible models of landscape recovery and basic guidelines for the choice of models during the reclamation of deserted quarries