2,686 research outputs found

    Centaurus A as the Source of ultra-high energy cosmic rays?

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    We present numerical simulations for energy spectra and angular distributions of nucleons above 10^{19} eV injected by the radio-galaxy Centaurus A at a distance 3.4 Mpc and propagating in extra-galactic magnetic fields in the sub-micro Gauss range. We show that field strengths B~0.3 micro Gauss, as proposed by Farrar and Piran, cannot provide sufficient angular deflection to explain the observational data. A magnetic field of intensity ~1 micro Gauss could reproduce the observed large-scale isotropy and could marginally explain the observed energy spectrum. However, it would not readily account for the E=320 plusminus 93 EeV Fly's Eye event that was detected at an angle 136 degrees away from Cen-A. Such a strong magnetic field also saturates observational upper limits from Faraday rotation observations and X-ray bremsstrahlung emission from the ambient gas (assuming equipartition of energy). This scenario may already be tested by improving magnetic field limits with existing instruments. We also show that high energy cosmic ray experiments now under construction will be able to detect the level of anisotropy predicted by this scenario. We conclude that for magnetic fields B~0.1-0.5 micro Gauss, considered as more reasonable for the local Supercluster environment, in all likelihood at least a few sources within ~10 Mpc from the Earth should contribute to the observed ultra high energy cosmic ray flux.Comment: 7 latex pages, 7 postscript figures included; for related numerical simulations see also http://www.iap.fr/users/sigl/r2e.htm

    Current-driven filamentation upstream of magnetized relativistic collisionless shocks

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    The physics of instabilities in the precursor of relativistic collisionless shocks is of broad importance in high energy astrophysics, because these instabilities build up the shock, control the particle acceleration process and generate the magnetic fields in which the accelerated particles radiate. Two crucial parameters control the micro-physics of these shocks: the magnetization of the ambient medium and the Lorentz factor of the shock front; as of today, much of this parameter space remains to be explored. In the present paper, we report on a new instability upstream of electron-positron relativistic shocks and we argue that this instability shapes the micro-physics at moderate magnetization levels and/or large Lorentz factors. This instability is seeded by the electric current carried by the accelerated particles in the shock precursor as they gyrate around the background magnetic field. The compensation current induced in the background plasma leads to an unstable configuration, with the appearance of charge neutral filaments carrying a current of the same polarity, oriented along the perpendicular current. This ``current-driven filamentation'' instability grows faster than any other instability studied so far upstream of relativistic shocks, with a growth rate comparable to the plasma frequency. Furthermore, the compensation of the current is associated with a slow-down of the ambient plasma as it penetrates the shock precursor (as viewed in the shock rest frame). This slow-down of the plasma implies that the ``current driven filamentation'' instability can grow for any value of the shock Lorentz factor, provided the magnetization \sigma <~ 10^{-2}. We argue that this instability explains the results of recent particle-in-cell simulations in the mildly magnetized regime.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures; to appear in MNRA

    Particle transport in tangled magnetic fields and Fermi acceleration at relativistic shocks

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    This paper presents a new method of Monte-Carlo simulations of test particle Fermi acceleration at relativistic shocks. The particle trajectories in tangled magnetic fields are integrated out exactly from entry to exit through the shock, and the conditional probability of return as a function of ingress and egress pitch angles is constructed by Monte-Carlo iteration. These upstream and downstream probability laws are then used in conjunction with the energy gain formula at shock crossing to reproduce Fermi acceleration. For pure Kolmogorov magnetic turbulence upstream and downstream, the spectral index is found to evolve smoothly from s=2.09 +/- 0.02 for mildly relativistic shocks with Lorentz factor Gamma=2 to s=2.26 +/- 0.04 in the ultra-relativistic limit Gamma >> 1. The energy gain is ~Gamma^2 at first shock crossing, and ~2 in all subsequent cycles as anticipated by Gallant & Achterberg (1999). The acceleration timescale is found to be as short as a fraction of Larmor time when Gamma >> 1.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, v2: minor modifications, version to appear in ApJ

    Particle Transport in intense small scale magnetic turbulence with a mean field

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    Various astrophysical studies have motivated the investigation of the transport of high energy particles in magnetic turbulence, either in the source or en route to the observation sites. For strong turbulence and large rigidity, the pitch-angle scattering rate is governed by a simple law involving a mean free path that increases proportionally to the square of the particle energy. In this paper, we show that perpendicular diffusion deviates from this behavior in the presence of a mean field. We propose an exact theoretical derivation of the diffusion coefficients and show that a mean field significantly changes the transverse diffusion even in the presence of a stronger turbulent field. In particular, the transverse diffusion coefficient is shown to reach a finite value at large rigidity instead of increasing proportionally to the square of the particle energy. Our theoretical derivation is corroborated by a dedicated Monte Carlo simulation. We briefly discuss several possible applications in astrophysics.Comment: (9 pages, 6 figures, revised version with minor changes

    Constraints on cosmic-ray efficiency in the supernova remnant RCW 86 using multi-wavelength observations

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    Several young supernova remnants (SNRs) have recently been detected in the high-energy and very-high-energy gamma-ray domains. As exemplified by RX J1713.7-3946, the nature of this emission has been hotly debated, and direct evidence for the efficient acceleration of cosmic-ray protons at the SNR shocks still remains elusive. We analyzed more than 40 months of data acquired by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on-board the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope in the HE domain, and gathered all of the relevant multi-wavelength (from radio to VHE gamma-rays) information about the broadband nonthermal emission from RCW 86. For this purpose, we re-analyzed the archival X-ray data from the ASCA/Gas Imaging Spectrometer (GIS), the XMM-Newton/EPIC-MOS, and the RXTE/Proportional Counter Array (PCA). Beyond the expected Galactic diffuse background, no significant gamma-ray emission in the direction of RCW 86 is detected in any of the 0.1-1, 1-10 and 10-100 GeV Fermi-LAT maps. In the hadronic scenario, the derived HE upper limits together with the HESS measurements in the VHE domain can only be accommodated by a spectral index Gamma <= 1.8, i.e. a value in-between the standard (test-particle) index and the asymptotic limit of theoretical particle spectra in the case of strongly modified shocks. The interpretation of the gamma-ray emission by inverse Compton scattering of high energy electrons reproduces the multi-wavelength data using a reasonable value for the average magnetic field of 15-25 muG. For these two scenarios, we assessed the level of acceleration efficiency. We discuss these results in the light of existing estimates of the magnetic field strength, the effective density and the acceleration efficiency in RCW 86.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 10 pages and 4 figure