28 research outputs found

    Regionalism and constitutional reform 1819-1826

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    AbstractRegionalism and constitutional reform, 1819-1826.The topic of this article is four projects of a territorial restructuring of the Russian empire along regional lines : those of Novosiltsev, Speranskii, and two Decembrists : Muravev and Pestel. These projects are used to demonstrate that political regionalism went much further than the 1816 project discussed in a previous article and the timid attempt made in the 1820s to create a regional administration in the whole empire. It also shows how unrealistic they were, except for one, that of Speranskii, which took effect in Siberia. This third article 1 ends with an analysis of the difficulties encountered by imperial administrators in their effort to reconcile concentrated with deconcentrated administration, and hints at the problem which Vladimir Putin will face in his attempts to create a new regional administration in the Russian Federation

    Andrej Minakov, Gubernatorskij korpus i centralÂŽnaja vlastÂŽ

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    There are at least two ways of writing a book on Russian administration: a descriptive narrative or a conceptual analysis. Minakov has chosen to write a description of the provincial governors’ careers and of their reports to the emperor. The book has all the hallmarks of a doctoral dissertation with a wealth of details based on archival research, and the references will be of great interest to other scholars wishing to conceptualize the office of governor. It will be read with profit togethe..

    Michael Khodarkovsky, Russia’s steppe frontier

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    Anyone familiar with the author’s first book Where two worlds met (1992) must look forward to reading this new volume, which is a comprehensive study of Moscow’s relations with the steppe nomads from the emergence of a Russian empire until the closing of the frontier 300 years later. He will not be disappointed. In the author’s own words, this book is about the transformation of a dangerous frontier into a part of the empire and of its peoples into subjects. Certainly more controversial is hi..

    Russian governors general, 1775-1825

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    RĂ©SUMĂ©Au cours des cent derniĂšres annĂ©es, l’administration de l’Empire russe a oscillĂ© entre la centralisation et la dĂ©centralisation rĂ©gionale, cette derniĂšre sans grand succĂšs. NĂ©anmoins, une Ă©tude de la rĂ©gionalisation russe fournit des aperçus intĂ©ressants des points de vue de l’élite sur les meilleures mĂ©thodes pour administrer un espace Ă©norme Ă  partir d’un centre. Comme on le voit dans le prĂ©sent article, l’approche la plus concluante consiste Ă  comparer l’administration territoriale Ă  l’administration « fonctionnelle ». On entend par administration territoriale, celle oĂč l’autoritĂ© rĂ©gionale ou provinciale dirige tous les secteurs, alors que l’administration « fonctionnelle » confine cette autoritĂ© Ă  un rĂŽle de surveillance et subordonne tous les secteurs locaux de l’administration Ă  leurs bureaux centraux. Tout d’abord, l’article passe en revue l’historique de la notion de rĂ©gion entre 1708 et 1825, il examine ensuite les pouvoirs d’un gouverneur gĂ©nĂ©ral sous le rĂšgne de Catherine et ses relations avec le gouvernement central, en mettant l’accent sur les pouvoirs dont il dispose : nominations, entĂ©rinement des dĂ©cisions de justice, et sur l’étendue de son autoritĂ© financiĂšre. Enfin, l’article examine la rĂ©forme ministĂ©rielle sous Alexandre, la crĂ©ation de divers types d’autoritĂ©s rĂ©gionales et la tentative de crĂ©er des rĂ©gions uniformes dans l’empire tout entier aprĂšs 1815. L’article conclut que la centralisation a fini par prĂ©valoir, comme cela avait toujours Ă©tĂ© le cas chaque fois que l’idĂ©e de rĂ©gion Ă©tait soulevĂ©e parmi l’élite dirigeante de l’empire.ABSTRACTThe administration of the Russian empire has oscillated during the past hundred years between centralization and regional decentralization, the latter without much success. Nevertheless, a study of Russian regionalism provides interesting insights into attitudes among the elite about the best methods to administer an enormous space from one center. This article claims that a rewarding approach to this problem is to contrast territorial with functional administration. By territorial administration is meant one in which the regional or provincial authority manages all the sectors while functional administration relegates that authority to a role of surveillance and subordinates all local sectors of administration to their central headquarters. This article begins with a survey of the regional idea between 1708 and 1825, and continues with an examination of the powers of a governor general during Catherine’s reign and his relations with the central government, with an emphasis on his powers of appointment, the confirmation of judicial decisions, and the extent of his financial authority. It concludes with an examination of the ministerial reform during Alexander’s reign, the creation of various types of regional authorities, and the attempt to create uniform regions across the whole empire after 1815. It concludes that centralization prevailed in the end, as it always had whenever the idea of a region was raised among the ruling elite of the empire

    Administrative regionalization in the Russian empire 1802-1826.

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    RĂ©sumĂ©La rĂ©gionalisation administrative de l’Empire russe, 1802-1826.Cet article, qui dĂ©veloppe les thĂšmes prĂ©sentĂ©s dans une Ă©tude prĂ©cĂ©dente, examine la crĂ©ation des rĂ©gions administratives par les diffĂ©rents ministĂšres sous le rĂšgne d’Alexandre Ier et dĂ©montre qu’ils visaient ainsi Ă  faciliter la mise en place de procĂ©dures uniformisĂ©es et l’intĂ©gration des rĂ©gions dans un empire en expansion. La rĂ©organisation de l’armĂ©e en 1815 fait l’objet d’un examen particulier.AbstractThis second article develops the themes presented in the first. It examines the creation of administrative regions by individual ministries during Alexander I’s reign and shows their purpose was to facilitate the creation of uniform procedures and the integration of the region into an expanding empire. Special attention is paid to the reorganization of the army in l8l5

    Michael Khodarkovsky, Bitter Choices, Loyalty and Betrayal in the Russian Conquest of the North Caucasus

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    Readers familiar with Michael Khodarkovsky’s two previous books on the Kalmyks and the Steppe Frontier will look forward to reading Bitter Choices. It is the story of SemĂ«n Atarshchikov, born a Chechen, who followed in his father’s footsteps to become a Cossack, an interpreter in at least two languages of North Caucasus highlanders, was sent to Petersburg to join Nicholas I’s Circassian Guard (which took part in the crushing of the Polish uprising), became an officer, returned to the North Ca..

    Proconsular ambitions on the Chinese border

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    RĂ©sumĂ©le gouverneur gĂ©nĂ©ral Jakobi et sa proposition de guerre contre la Chine.Les relations russo-chinoises ont souvent Ă©tĂ© dominĂ©es au xviiie siĂšcle par le conflit qui opposait la Chine aux Mongols occidentaux ; ces derniers cherchaient Ă  restaurer l’unitĂ© de leur peuple et reprĂ©sentaient aux yeux de la Chine une menace pour la sĂ©curitĂ© de sa frontiĂšre septentrionale. L’article retrace l’évolution de ces relations Ă  la suite de l’arrivĂ©e de BartholomĂ©e Jakobi Ă  Selenginsk, en 1740. Le conflit atteignit son paroxisme au milieu du xviiie siĂšcle, alors que la Chine manchoue Ă©tait dĂ©terminĂ©e Ă  exterminer les Mongols occidentaux. Le fils de Jakobi, Ivan, fut gouverneur gĂ©nĂ©ral de la SibĂ©rie orientale de 1783 Ă  1788. Il fut rappelĂ© aprĂšs avoir Ă©tĂ© accusĂ© d’ourdir une guerre contre la Chine et c’est vraisemblablement afin de se justifier qu’il rĂ©digea le document analysĂ© ici. Jakobi prĂ©voyait une vaste expansion des positions de la Russie vers l’ExtrĂȘme-Orient, redessinant la frontiĂšre existante pour inclure une grande partie de la steppe kazakh, l’essentiel de la Mongolie et mĂȘme une portion de la Manchourie. Ses desseins prĂ©figuraient les projets ultĂ©rieurs de l’expansion russe jusqu’aux opĂ©rations menĂ©es par Kuropatkin en 1916.AbstractRussia’s relations with China in the eighteenth century were often dominated by China’s conflict with the Western Mongols, who had been seeking to restore the unity of their people and, as a result, were a potential threat to China’s security in its northern frontier. The article traces the evolution of these relations following the arrival in Selenginsk of Bartholomew Iakobi in l740. The conflict reached its climax with Manchu China’s determination to exterminate the Western Mongols in the l750s. Iakobi’s son Ivan served as governor general of Eastern Siberia from l783 to l788. He was recalled after being accused of plotting to make war on China, and the document which I analyze here was probably an attempt to justify his position. Iakobi planned a vast expansion of Russia’s position in the Far East, redrawing the existing border to include much of the Kazakh steppe, most of Mongolia, and even part of Manchuria, anticipating later projects of Russian expansion all the way to Kuropatkin’s in l9l6

    The Geopolitical Context of Russian Foreign Policy: 1700-1917

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