1,587 research outputs found

    Galilean Lee Model of the Delta Function Potential

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    The scattering cross section associated with a two dimensional delta function has recently been the object of considerable study. It is shown here that this problem can be put into a field theoretical framework by the construction of an appropriate Galilean covariant theory. The Lee model with a standard Yukawa interaction is shown to provide such a realization. The usual results for delta function scattering are then obtained in the case that a stable particle exists in the scattering channel provided that a certain limit is taken in the relevant parameter space. In the more general case in which no such limit is taken finite corrections to the cross section are obtained which (unlike the pure delta function case) depend on the coupling constant of the model.Comment: 7 pages, latex, no figure

    (In)finite extensions of algebras from their Inonu-Wigner contractions

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    The way to obtain massive non-relativistic states from the Poincare algebra is twofold. First, following Inonu and Wigner the Poincare algebra has to be contracted to the Galilean one. Second, the Galilean algebra is to be extended to include the central mass operator. We show that the central extension might be properly encoded in the non-relativistic contraction. In fact, any Inonu-Wigner contraction of one algebra to another, corresponds to an infinite tower of abelian extensions of the latter. The proposed method is straightforward and holds for both central and non-central extensions. Apart from the Bargmann (non-zero mass) extension of the Galilean algebra, our list of examples includes the Weyl algebra obtained from an extension of the contracted SO(3) algebra, the Carrollian (ultra-relativistic) contraction of the Poincare algebra, the exotic Newton-Hooke algebra and some others. The paper is dedicated to the memory of Laurent Houart (1967-2011).Comment: 7 pages, revtex style; v2: Minor corrections, references added; v3: Typos correcte

    Quantum mechanical description of Stern-Gerlach experiments

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    The motion of neutral particles with magnetic moments in an inhomogeneous magnetic field is described in a quantum mechanical framework. The validity of the semi-classical approximations which are generally used to describe these phenomena is discussed. Approximate expressions for the evolution operator are derived and compared to the exact calculations. Focusing and spin-flip phenomena are predicted. The reliability of Stern-Gerlach experiments to measure spin projections is assessed in this framework.Comment: 12 pages, 7 eps figures included, revtex, submitted to PR

    Galilean Limit of Equilibrium Relativistic Mass Distribution

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    The low-temperature form of the equilibrium relativistic mass distribution is subject to the Galilean limit by taking c.c\rightarrow \infty . In this limit the relativistic Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution passes to the usual nonrelativistic form and the Dulong-Petit law is recovered.Comment: TAUP-2081-9

    Can Regulation of Freshwater Runoff in Hudson Bay Affect the Climate of the North Atlantic?

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    A sequence of phenomena links anthropogenic changes in the timing of freshwater runoff in Hudson Bay to a possible impact on the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation. The chain of events starts with the spreading of estuarine plumes under ice and continues with the effect of lowered salinity on the rate of ice formation, regional effects on the scale of Hudson Bay, the export of freshwater to the Labrador Sea, its impact on deep convection in that area, and the relative importance of such changes to the North Atlantic circulation. At each step we compare anthropogenic effects with other factors and place them within the perspective of natural variability. Our conclusion does not support the contention that freshwater runoff regulation, even of all rivers in the basins of Hudson and James Bays, could have a significant or even a detectable effect on the climate of the North Atlantic.Une séquence de phénomènes relie des changements anthropiques dans le moment où les eaux douces commencent à s'écouler dans la baie d'Hudson à leur répercussion possible sur les courants thermiques des eaux marines. La séquence débute par la formation d'un panache estuarien sous la glace et se poursuit avec l'effet de la baisse de salinité sur la vitesse de formation de la glace, des répercussions régionales affectant toute la baie d'Hudson, l'exportation d'eau douce vers la mer du Labrador et ses retombées sur la convection profonde dans cette zone, ainsi qu'avec l'importance relative de tels changements sur les courants nord-atlantiques. À chaque étape, on compare les influences anthropiques avec d'autres facteurs pour les situer dans un contexte de variabilité. Notre conclusion n'appuie pas la thèse que la régulation de l'écoulement des eaux douces, même si elle s'étendait à tous les cours d'eau des bassins de la baie d'Hudson et de la baie James, pourrait avoir des répercussions notables ou même détectables sur le climat nord-atlantique

    Spontaneous formation of optically induced surface relief gratings

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    A model based on Fick's law of diffusion as a phenomenological description of the molecular motion, and on the coupled mode theory, is developped to describe single-beam surface relief grating formation in azopolymers thin films. It allows to explain the mechanism of spontaneous patterning, and self-organization. It allows also to compute the surface relief profile and its evolution in time with good agreement with experiments

    Quantum states of elementary three-geometry

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    We introduce a quantum volume operator KK in three--dimensional Quantum Gravity by taking into account a symmetrical coupling scheme of three SU(2) angular momenta. The spectrum of KK is discrete and defines a complete set of eigenvectors which is alternative with respect to the complete sets employed when the usual binary coupling schemes of angular momenta are considered. Each of these states, that we call quantum bubbles, represents an interference of extended configurations which provides a rigorous meaning to the heuristic notion of quantum tetrahedron. We study the generalized recoupling coefficients connecting the symmetrical and the binary basis vectors, and provide an explicit recursive solution for such coefficients by analyzing also its asymptotic limit.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe


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    Différent microemitters - single or arrays - with various geometries and kinds of material have been irradiated with pulsed laser beams. These emitters working in photo-field emission regime delivered very high intensity electron bunches. Peak intensities as high as some tens of Amps with less than one ns duration have been obtained with U.V. light. New type of microemitters developed in collaboration with BNL have been tested since last year showing the possibility of obtaining charges above 20 nC with low energy laser puises, (εi = 100µJ). The main parameters affecting the choice of these emitters as quantum yield, photocurrent density, electron pulse length, repetition rate and vacuum system level are here discussed. Good performances obtained with these emitters as well as the absence of cesiation make these microemitters interesting candidates for the new generation of linac injectors as well as for multimegawatt RF sources. At LAL, Orsay efforts have been made since three years to develop such electron sources

    Standard and Generalized Newtonian Gravities as ``Gauge'' Theories of the Extended Galilei Group - I: The Standard Theory

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    Newton's standard theory of gravitation is reformulated as a {\it gauge} theory of the {\it extended} Galilei Group. The Action principle is obtained by matching the {\it gauge} technique and a suitable limiting procedure from the ADM-De Witt action of general relativity coupled to a relativistic mass-point.Comment: 51 pages , compress, uuencode LaTex fil

    On the Relationship of Quantum Mechanics to Classical Electromagnetism and Classical Relativistic Mechanics

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    Some connections between quantum mechanics and classical physics are explored. The Planck-Einstein and De Broglie relations, the wavefunction and its probabilistic interpretation, the Canonical Commutation Relations and the Maxwell--Lorentz Equation may be understood in a simple way by comparing classical electromagnetism and the photonic description of light provided by classical relativistic kinematics. The method used may be described as `inverse correspondence' since quantum phenomena become apparent on considering the low photon number density limit of classical electromagnetism. Generalisation to massive particles leads to the Klein--Gordon and Schr\"{o}dinger Equations. The difference between the quantum wavefunction of the photon and a classical electromagnetic wave is discussed in some detail.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, no table