44 research outputs found

    Digital Transformation of the Banking Industry in Developing Countries

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    Purpose:  The study's objective is to test the impact of digital transactions on banking performance. Based on the previous research and the actual situations, it has been recognized that the critical role of digital banking is in developing the banking industry, especially in developing countries.   Theoretical framework:  In the next section, the study presents background information to promote the research. The digital transformation has changed how customers use financial services. This has pushed banks to adapt more quickly to the wave of digital transformation if they don't want to lose their valuable customer base.   Design/methodology/approach:  the methodology applied uses POOL, FEM, REM, and FGLS models to examine the impact of banking transactions made by digital technology on the bank's deposit and lending revenue. This article studies banking operations on digital platforms from 2012 to 2019 in developing countries.   Findings: The article's findings showed that digital banks' flexible products and services bring many benefits with a high level of interaction, such as supporting the relationship between customers and banks and improving operating revenue.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Practical implications enhanced the development potential of digital banking is relatively large, stemming from the market demand development orientation of the banking industry.   Originality/value: The paper's originality and value help banks invest in digital technology as the way forward to better serve their customers

    Green Banking Development: A Case Study of Vietnam

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    Purpose: The objectives determine factors affecting green banking development in Vietnam. The authors proposed policy implications that contributed to the green banking development in Vietnam.   Theoretical framework: For long-term sustainable economic development, many countries worldwide have chosen to develop a green economy, including the theory of green banking.   Design/methodology/approach:  The research method of the paper is a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative research was conducted with a group discussion technique, checked the scales used, and consulted with banking managers on the research issue, thereby building the scales included in the research model and setting up and completing the questionnaire. Quantitative research was carried out from January to February 2023. Processing data by statistical methods, analyzing EFA and CFA, using linear structural model analysis (SEM) to test the fit of models and hypotheses with SPSS 20.0 software and Amos.   Findings: The article showed that banking technology substantially impacts green banking development among eight factors.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The study has inherited and supplemented the scale in the model and a new set of scales used to evaluate the development of green banks, systematized, increased, and developed more basic theoretical issues about banking green.   Originality/value: The paper's originality and value help researchers, managers, and policymakers for Vietnamese commercial banks, in particular, and the banking industry, in general, to apply to contribute to the development of green banking and the green economy in the future

    Policy Implications for Green Banking Development in Vietnam

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    Purpose:  The article studies the factors affecting the development of green banking in Vietnam. Based on the research results, the authors proposed policy implications that contribute to the development of green banking in Vietnam.   Theoretical framework: The article studies the factors affecting the development of green banking in Vietnam. Based on the research results, the authors proposed policy implications that contribute to the development of green banking in Vietnam.   Design/methodology/approach: To survey the level of understanding of bank managers on issues related to green banking, green banking development, and the level of knowledge of officers and employees about green banking development areas, The authors used qualitative and quantitative methods. Quantitative research was carried out from January to February 2023. The authors used structural equation model analysis to test the fit of models with SPSS 20.0 and Amos.   Findings: Quantitative and qualitative indicators have been introduced to measure the development of green banking and the economy. The factor of banking technology has the most substantial impact on the development of green banking and the economy. This is a new research paper finding in the context of the banking industry's digital transformation.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The study also shows that green banking development depends on financial capacity, supporting policies, legal framework, and state regulations. In addition, the study has included the factors of green banking development affecting the green economy from different approaches and analytical methods to evaluate.   Originality/value: Developing green banks not only brings profits but also helps banks increase their prestige, reputation, and value. In addition, the development of green banking associated with the green economy is not only a form but will become the core value of the bank, recognized and appreciated in the trend of integration and sustainable development


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Determinants Affecting the Green Bank Development in Vietnam

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    Conservation, Exploitation And Use Of The Ginger Family (Zingiberaceae) At The National Genebank In Vietnam

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    There are 741 accessions in the ginger family such as turmeric, ginger, galangal, and pinecone ginger collections conserved at Plant Resources Center, Vietnam. These collections were highly diverse in the number of accessions and species composition. The results of the Zingiberaceae exploitation shown the G10 ginger variety plants reached around 63.7 - 77.5 cm in height, 400 - 500 g/clumps in fresh weight, 25 - 27 tonnes/ha in fresh yield. The G10 ginger variety contained 4.37% oil, 1.2 mg/kg Zn and 9.31 mg/100g Vitamin C. This G10 ginger variety resistance to leaf spot and green aphids. In addition, the N8 turmeric variety plants reached 130 - 170 cm in height; 880 - 1000 g/clumps in fresh weight and 35 tonnes/ha in yield, curcumin content 6.2 - 6.6%, essential oil contents 2.5 - 2.7%. This turmeric resistance to heat stress, leaf spot, and green aphids. The conserved root and tuber crops at PRC are very diverse both of the amount of sample in collections and species. Conservation and evaluation on root and tuber crops reviewed the promising G10 ginger and N8 turmeric varieties had high yield, good oil content to release for production

    Nutritional status and dietary intake before hospital admission of pulmonary tuberculosis patients

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    Conducting research on nutritional status and dietary intake of pulmonary tuberculosis patients is essential for developing interventions in clinical nutrition practice and treatment during hospitalization, which can improve the quality of patients life. This cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to determine nutritional status and some related factors (such as geography, occupation, educational level, economic classification, etc.) of 221 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who were examined and treated at the Respiratory Tuberculosis Department, National Lung Hospital in July 2019–May 2020. The results showed that the risk of undernutrition: According to BMI (Body Mass Index): 45.8% of patients were malnourished, 44.2% normal and 10.0% overweight/obese. According to MUAC (Mid-Upper Arm Circumference): 60.2% of patients were malnourished, 39.8% of patients were normal. According to SGA (Subjective Global Assessment): 57.9% of patients were at risk of undernutrition, of which 40.7% were at moderate risk of undernutrition and 17.2% risk of severe undernutrition. Classification of nutritional status according to serum albumin index: 50% of patients were malnourished, the rate of undernutrition of mild, moderate and severe levels was 28.9%, 17.9% and 3.2%, respectively. Most patients eat with others and eat less than four meals a day. The average dietary energy of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in was 1242.6 ± 46.5 Kcal and 1084 ± 57.9 Kcal, respectively. 85.52% of patients did not eat enough food, 4.07% had enough, 10.41% consumed excess energy. The ratio of energy-generating substances in the diet (Carbohydrate:Protein:Lipid) was on average 54:18:28 for males and 55:16:32 for females. Most of the study population had diets that did not meet the experimental study in terms of micronutrient content. Specifically, more than 90% do not meet the requirements for magnesium, calcium, zinc, and vitamin D. The water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins respond poorly, only about 30–40%. Selenium is the mineral with the best response rate, above 70%. Our findings revealed that the majority of the study subjects had poor nutritional status, as evidenced by diets lacking in essential micronutrients

    Evaluation of Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery Outcomes After Penetrating Keratoplasty

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    BACKGROUND: Cataract is one of the reasons which causes impaired visual acuity (VA) of the eyes after penetrating keratoplasy (PK), which can be treated by cataract surgery after PK or triple procedure. Cataract surgery after PK has advantages that parameters of the eyes such as axial length, anterior chamber depth (ACD) as well as corneal curvature are stabilized after removing all sutures postoperatively, and intraocular lens (IOL) power can be calculated correctly. Therefore, postoperative VA will be improved significantly. In Vietnam, there have not been any study about cataract surgery after PK, therefore we conduct this research. AIM: To evaluate the outcomes of phacoemulsification cataract surgery following primary PK. METHODS: Non-randomized controlled intervention study. Ninteen eyes (19 patients) that underwent phacoemulsification plus IOL insertion after initial PK in Cornea department, Vietnam National Institute of Ophthalmology, from December 2013 to September 2014. RESULTS: All patients presented with reduced VA, including 17 eyes (89.9%) with VA ≤ 20/200, mean astigmatism was 7.9 ± 1.0 D. Clear corneal grafts in 16 eyes while corneal opacity was seen in 3 eyes. All eyes with cataract were diagnosed from grade 2. After cataract surgery, improved VA > 20/200 was achieved in 72.22% of cases. There was a markable reduce of postoperative astigmatism with 1,8 ± 0.8 D (p < 0.05). However, the immunologic graft reaction was presented in one eye, and two edematous corneas also reported after cataract surgery. After treatment, there was one cornea achieved its clarity. CONCLUSION: Phacoemulsification cataract surgery following initial PK showed good outcomes with improved postoperative VA, reduced astigmatism, and the ultimate graft survival rate was high