620 research outputs found

    Dynamique des stratégies de coopétition dans le secteur des TIC: le cas des ERP

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    (VF)La coopĂ©tition devient un mode relationnel de plus en plus rĂ©pandu dans l’industrie des TIC. Or, les stratĂ©gies de coopĂ©tition sont par nature paradoxales, car elles combinent la coopĂ©ration et la concurrence qui sont a priori mutuellement exclusives. Ce type de stratĂ©gie est-il viable Ă  moyen et long terme ? Au contraire, la coopĂ©tition est-elle une relation transitoire qui Ă©voluerait soit vers la coopĂ©ration, soit vers la concurrence ? Afin de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions, cette recherche Ă©tudie de façon longitudinale une industrie TIC, celle des ERP. Elle montre que la coopĂ©tition est bien une stratĂ©gie de long terme dans ce secteur.(VA)Coopetition as a relational mode progressively spreads over the ICT industry. However, coopetition strategies are by nature paradoxical, because they combine cooperation and competition which are a priori mutually exclusive. Is this type of strategy viable in the medium and long run? Or is coopetition an unstable relational mode which eventually evolves either towards cooperation, or towards competition? To answer these questions, this research reports results gained from a longitudinal study of a specific ICT industry, namely the ERP sector. It shows that coopetition is a viable longterm strategy in this sector.coopĂ©tition;compĂ©tition;alliance;TIC;coopetition;competition;ICT.

    Is there an arms race in the Arctic?

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    To what extent does the military posturing of Arctic coastal states reflect an ongoing arms race for the control of the Arctic? This idea first emerged after the 2007 planting of a Russian flag at the North Pole, and is regularly quoted by the media and several political analysts as the most likely scenario. However, the fact that most countries are engaged in the restructuring of their navies does not mean they are engaged in an arms race, a behaviour where every country increases its military capacity in reaction to the neighbours’ developments. The overall picture of Arctic military evolution is one of limited modernization, limited increases or change in equipment. There has indeed been some modest military buildup by the Arctic states, and often the new equipment was replacement, not expansion. But that buildup hardly signals aggressive designs. Rather, it seems little more than a prosaic response to expanded jurisdictional space with the melting of the ice, and continued resource development

    Les entrepreneurs dans les technologies de l’information et de la communication : Proposition d’une typologie

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    MalgrĂ© la forte croissance du secteur des TIC, les recherches concernant ses spĂ©cificitĂ©s entrepreneuriales sont peu nombreuses. Or, les entrepreneurs ne constituent pas une entitĂ© homogĂšne et il est nĂ©cessaire d’élaborer des typologies pour montrer leurs diffĂ©rentes caractĂ©ristiques. Nous cherchons donc Ă  dĂ©terminer si les entrepreneurs TIC sont similaires Ă  ceux des autres secteurs et si ces derniers possĂšdent des profils diffĂ©renciĂ©s. Un Ă©chantillon composĂ© de 469 entreprises nous a permis de relever quatre profils d’entrepreneurs TIC dĂ©nommĂ©s respectivement « cadres d’expĂ©rience », « jeunes diplĂŽmĂ©s », « prĂ©voyants » et « risque-tout ».The information and communication technology sector is strategic to stakeholders in most countries, but little research exists focusing specifically on entrepreneurship in this growth industry. In particular, few findings describe the high-tech entrepreneur of this industry despite a claim for more research into specificities of and differences between entrepreneurs. This study intends to fill this gap and analyses if ICT entrepreneurs constitute rather a homogeneous entity or a type of entrepreneur displaying multiple facets and differences. To answer this questions, survey data of 469 ICT firms of the “first generation” (1993-2001) were analysed and four profiles were identified : expert, freshman, well prepared “provident”, and “risque-tout”.A pesar del fuerte crecimiento del sector de las TecnologĂ­as de informaciĂłn y de ComunicaciĂłn (TIC), las investigaciones sobre las especificadas empresariales son pocas numerosas. Ahora bien, los empresarios no constituyen una entidad homogĂ©nea y es necesario identificar las topologĂ­as para ensenar sus diferentes caracterĂ­sticas. Pues, intentamos determinar si los empresarios TIC son similares a los de otros sectores y si poseen perfiles diferenciados. Una muestra compuesta de 486 empresas nos permito identificar cuatro perfiles de empresarios TIC denominados respectivamente « ejecutivos de experiencia », « previsores », « reciĂ©n titulados sin experiencia » y « risque-tout ».Der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologiesektor (IuK) wird weitgehend als strategischer Wachsttumssektor eingestuft, paradoxerweise liegen nur wenig entrepreneurship spezifische Studien vor die sowohl die Branche als auch den High-tech Unternehmer selbst zum Objekt haben. Obwohl die Forschungsliteratur immer wieder darauf hinweist, dass Unternehmer keine einheitlich Gruppe darstellen und sich das Unternehmerprofil von Sektor zu Sektor unterscheiden kann, sind nur wenig Studien in der Vergangenheit diesem Problem nachgegangen. Die vorliegende Studie setzt sich zum Ziel diese LĂŒcke auszufĂŒllen und analysiert den IuK Unternehmer. 469 IuK start-ups der ’ersten Generation’ (1993-2001)wurden untersucht und die Forschungsergebnisse unterscheiden vier Unternehmertypen innerhalb des Sektors : der ’Experte’, der ’Neuling’, der ’Vorsichtige’, und der ’Risque-toutunternehmer’

    Biomineralisations en carbonate de calcium chez les métazoaires : tendances macro-évolutives - Défis pour la décennie à venir.

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    16 pagesInternational audienceCalcium carbonate-based biominerals, also referred as biocalcifications, are the most abundant biogenic mineralized products at the surface of the Earth. In this paper, we summarize general concepts on biocalcifications and we sketch macro-evolutionary trends throughout the history of the Earth, from Archean to Phanerozoic times. Then, we expose five fundamental issues that represent key-challenges in biocalcification researches for the coming decade: the first one concerns the comprehension of the micro- and nano-structure of calcium carbonate biominerals from a mineral viewpoint, while the second one deals with the understanding of the dynamic process of their fabrication. The third one treats the subtle interplay between organics and the mineral phase. The fourth issue focuses on an environmental challenge related to ocean acidification (OA); at last, the diagenetic processes that affect biogenic calcium carbonate mineral constitute the fifth issue.Les biocalcifications, ou biominĂ©raux en carbonate de calcium, sont les minĂ©ralisations biogĂ©niques les plusabondantes Ă  la surface du globe. Le prĂ©sent article montre comment les biocalcifications sont Ă  l’origine de certainsconcepts scientifiques d’importance, et comment elles ont Ă©voluĂ© au cours des temps gĂ©ologiques, de l’ArchĂ©en au PhanĂ©rozoĂŻque.Cinq dĂ©fis majeurs y ayant trait sont ensuite identifiĂ©s pour les annĂ©es Ă  venir : le premier vise Ă  comprendrela structure des biocalcifications aux Ă©chelles micro- et nanomĂ©triques, tandis que le second s’interroge sur leprocessus dynamique de leur formation. Le troisiĂšme dĂ©fi traite des interactions complexes entre constituants organiqueset phase minĂ©rale. Le quatriĂšme se focalise sur des questions environnementales cruciales, notamment l’acidificationocĂ©anique. Le dernier dĂ©fi consiste Ă  comprendre comment les phĂ©nomĂšnes diagĂ©nĂ©tiques et la fossilisationaffectent les biocalcifications dans leur globalitĂ©

    Joint analysis of quantitative trait loci and major-effect causative mutations affecting meat quality and carcass composition traits in pigs

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    Background: Detection of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting meat quality traits in pigs is crucial for the design of efficient marker-assisted selection programs and to initiate efforts toward the identification of underlying polymorphisms. The RYR1 and PRKAG3 causative mutations, originally identified from major effects on meat characteristics, can be used both as controls for an overall QTL detection strategy for diversely affected traits and as a scale for detected QTL effects. We report on a microsatellite-based QTL detection scan including all autosomes for pig meat quality and carcass composition traits in an F2 population of 1,000 females and barrows resulting from an intercross between a Pietrain and a Large White-Hampshire-Duroc synthetic sire line. Our QTL detection design allowed side-by-side comparison of the RYR1 and PRKAG3 mutation effects seen as QTLs when segregating at low frequencies (0.03-0.08), with independent QTL effects detected from most of the same population, excluding any carrier of these mutations.[br/] Results: Large QTL effects were detected in the absence of the RYR1 and PRKGA3 mutations, accounting for 12.7% of phenotypic variation in loin colour redness CIE-a* on SSC6 and 15% of phenotypic variation in glycolytic potential on SSC1. We detected 8 significant QTLs with effects on meat quality traits and 20 significant QTLs for carcass composition and growth traits under these conditions. In control analyses including mutation carriers, RYR1 and PRKAG3 mutations were detected as QTLs, from highly significant to suggestive, and explained 53% to 5% of the phenotypic variance according to the trait.[br/] Conclusions: Our results suggest that part of muscle development and backfat thickness effects commonly attributed to the RYR1 mutation may be a consequence of linkage with independent QTLs affecting those traits. The proportion of variation explained by the most significant QTLs detected in this work is close to the influence of major-effect mutations on the least affected traits, but is one order of magnitude lower than effect on variance of traits primarily affected by these causative mutations. This suggests that uncovering physiological traits directly affected by genetic polymorphisms would be an appropriate approach for further characterization of QTLs

    Insights into portability issues of FM3TR waveform

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    International audienceThis manuscript focuses on issues related to the implementation of the Future Multiband Multiwaveform Modular Tactical Radio (FM3TR) waveform on two different SCA platforms with similar hardware but different SCA development and deployment environments. Our experimental results showed that a SCA standardization based on technologies such as CORBA, XML, IDL, is not enough to ensure the portability of the waveform. Indeed, the files generated by SCA 2.2.2 environments (ZCE, SCA Architect, http://nordiasoft.com/products/scari-software-suite/sca-architect/) may often use a specific non-standard IDL interface to generate software components. To corroborate our statement, specific examples of SCA components are considered. The portability of the waveform depends on the waveform software used by the porting team. Three classic cases can be observed during the development of a waveform according to a standard specification: The first case is related to waveform development from scratch, the second case is observed when a static library is used to carry the golden code of the waveform and the third one occurs when only platform specific codes are available to the porting process. Finally, a general discussion about portability is provided

    Estimation of additive and dominant variance of egg quality traits in pure-line layers

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    Improved performances are partly due to heterosis effects. One of the basis of heterosis is dominance, which cannot be inherited.However, it can be exploited to boost the total genetic merit of the animals. This has a special interest in avian selection schemeswhere commercial animals are crossbred. In this study, we have estimated additive and dominance genetic variances for severalegg quality traits in pure-line layers.Around 10,500 egg quality performances were used, collected from 1,148 female Rhode Island layers, phenotyped at 70 weeksold and genotyped using a 600K high density SNP chip. Five egg quality traits were analysed: egg weight (EW), egg shell color(ESC), egg shell strength (ESS), albumen height (AH) and egg shell shape (ESShape). Additive and dominance genetic varianceswere estimated via EM-REML with univariate models. That included an inbreeding coefficient and an additive and a dominancerandom effect. Dominance variance explained a small fraction of the phenotypic variance (between 2 to 4 % across all traits).However, it represented a relevant fraction of the total genetic variance for some of the traits (16%, 10%, 35%, 2.4% and 15% ofthe total genetic variance for EW, ESC, ESS, AH, ESShape, respectively).Further research will estimate additive and dominance genetic correlations between the traits to maximize the total genetic gainof these traits simultaneously. In addition, a genomic BLUP with dominance effects is envisaged for the joint analyses of purebredand crossbred performances, to evaluate the potential to generate superior crossbred performances

    Interest of Genotyping-by-Sequencing technologies as an alternative to low density SNP chips for genomic selection in layer chicken

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    To reduce the cost of genomic selection, low density SNP chip can be used in combination with imputation for genotyping the selection candidates instead of using high density (HD) SNP chip. Concurrently, next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques has been increasingly used in livestock species but remain expensive to be routinely used in selection. An alternative and costefficient solution is the Genotyping by Genome Reducing and Sequencing (GGRS) techniques to sequence only a fraction of the genome by using restriction enzymes. This approach was simulated from sequences of 1027 individuals in a pure layer line, using four enzymes (EcoRI, TaqI, AvaII and PstI). Imputation accuracy on HD genotypes was assessed as the mean correlation between true and imputed genotypes. Egg weight, egg shell color, egg shell strength and albumen height were evaluated with single-step GBLUP methodology. The impact of imputation errors on the genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) was also investigated.AvaII or PstI led to the detection of more than 10K SNPs in common with the HD SNP chip resulting in imputation accuracy higher than 0.97. The impact of imputation errors on the ranking of the selection candidates was reduced with Spearman correlation (between GEBV calculated on true and imputed genotypes) higher than 0.97 for AvaII and PstI. Finally, the GGRS approach can be an interesting alternative to low density SNP chip for genomic selection. However, with real data, heterogeneity between individuals with missing data has to be taken into account

    Transcriptome profiling of the feeding-to-fasting transition in chicken liver

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Starvation triggers a complex array of adaptative metabolic responses including energy-metabolic responses, a process which must imply tissue specific alterations in gene expression and in which the liver plays a central role. The present study aimed to describe the evolution of global gene expression profiles in liver of 4-week-old male chickens during a 48 h fasting period using a chicken 20 K oligoarray.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A large number of genes were modulated by fasting (3532 genes with a pvalue corrected by Benjamini-Hochberg < 0.01); 2062 showed an amplitude of variation higher than +/- 40% among those, 1162 presented an human ortholog, allowing to collect functional information. Notably more genes were down-regulated than up-regulated, whatever the duration of fasting (16 h or 48 h). The number of genes differentially expressed after 48 h of fasting was 3.5-fold higher than after 16 h of fasting. Four clusters of co-expressed genes were identified by a hierarchical cluster analysis. Gene Ontology, KEGG and Ingenuity databases were then used to identify the metabolic processes associated to each cluster. After 16 h of fasting, genes involved in ketogenesis, gluconeogenesis and mitochondrial or peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation, were up-regulated (cluster-1) whereas genes involved in fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis were down-regulated (cluster-2). For all genes tested, the microarray data was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. Most genes were altered by fasting as already reported in mammals. A notable exception was the <it>HMG-CoA synthase 1 </it>gene, which was up-regulated following 16 and 48 h of fasting while the other genes involved in cholesterol metabolism were down-regulated as reported in mammalian studies. We further focused on genes not represented on the microarray and candidates for the regulation of the target genes belonging to cluster-1 and -2 and involved in lipid metabolism. Data are provided concerning PPARa, SREBP1, SREBP2, NR1H3 transcription factors and two desaturases (FADS1, FADS2).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study evidences numerous genes altered by starvation in chickens and suggests a global repression of cellular activity in response to this stressor. The central role of lipid and acetyl-CoA metabolisms and its regulation at transcriptional level are confirmed in chicken liver in response to short-term fasting. Interesting expression modulations were observed for <it>NR1H3, FADS1 </it>and <it>FADS2 </it>genes. Further studies are needed to precise their role in the complex regulatory network controlling lipid metabolism.</p
