33 research outputs found

    IoT Design - Quelles architectures et couches logicielles pour l'IoT ?

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    PortĂ©s par la miniaturisation et la rĂ©duction des coĂ»ts des puces Ă©lectroniques, d’une part, soutenus par les technologies variĂ©es et des couvertures importantes de rĂ©seaux sans fil, d’autre part, nous assistons depuis plusieurs annĂ©es Ă  un usage important de pĂ©riphĂ©riques mobiles et Ă  un dĂ©ploiement massif de capteurs et de boitiers passerelles – aussi appelĂ© l’internet des objets (Internet of Things – IoT). Ces pĂ©riphĂ©riques s’insĂšrent dans notre vie quotidienne – comme les tĂ©lĂ©phones portables ou les enceintes connectĂ©es (Apple HomePod, Google Home, Amazon Echo), pour amĂ©liorer un service Ă  l’utilisateur. Mais ils s’inscrivent Ă©galement Ă  plus large Ă©chelle dans un but d’optimisation : comme dans les vĂ©hicules autonomes pour rĂ©guler le trafic, dans la ville intelligente pour contrĂŽler la qualitĂ© de l’eau, de l’air, rĂ©guler la pollution et les dĂ©placements ou, dans l’industrie 4.0, pour crĂ©er de vĂ©ritables jumeaux numĂ©riques afin d’amĂ©liorer la productivitĂ© des chaĂźnes logistiques. Cette instrumentalisation de notre environnement physique gĂ©nĂšre un flux trĂšs important d’informations. En consĂ©quence, les architectures physiques et les rĂ©seaux actuels doivent ĂȘtre revisitĂ©s pour Ă©viter la saturation et les goulots d’étranglement – avec la 5G, Sigfox et LoRa par exemple–, et les architectures et les dĂ©ploiements logiciels doivent Ă©galement ĂȘtre adaptĂ©s pour fournir un traitement et un stockage en flux pour des prises de dĂ©cision en temps rĂ©el.Dans le cadre de la Chaire SPIE-INSA Lyon, nous Ă©tudions l’ensemble de la chaĂźne de remontĂ©e et traitement de l’information et prĂ©sentons l’évolution de l’informatique dans les nuages (Cloud Computing) vers une informatique de bord de rĂ©seaux (Egde/Fog Computing)

    Influence of Agricultural Support on Sale Prices of French Farmland: A comparison of different subsidies, accounting for the role of environmental and land regulations. Factor Markets Working Document No. 51, June 2013

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    This paper investigates the determinants of agricultural land price in several regions in France over the period 1994-2011, using individual plot transaction data, with a particular emphasis on agricultural subsidies and nitrate zoning regulations. It found a positive but relatively small capitalisation effect of the total subsidies per hectare. The data revealed that agricultural subsidies capitalised, at least to some extent, but the magnitude of such a capitalisation depends on the region considered, on the type of subsidy considered, and on the location of the plot in a nitrate surplus zone or not. Only land set-aside premiums significantly capitalise into land price, while single farm payments have a significant positive capitalisation impact only for plots located in a nitrate-surplus zone

    The Dexia restructuring decision

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    The Dexia restructuring decision

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    A survey of IoT protocols and their security issues through the lens of a generic IoT stack

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    International audienceThe Internet of things (IoT) is rapidly growing, and many security issues relate to its wireless technology. These security issues are challenging because IoT protocols are heterogeneous, suit different needs, and are used in different application domains. From this assessment, we identify the need to provide a homogeneous formalism applying to every IoT protocols. In this survey, we describe a generic approach with twofold challenges. The first challenge we tackle is the identification of common principles to define a generic approach to compare IoT protocol stack. We base the comparison on five different criteria: the range, the openness of the protocol, the interoperability, the topology and the security practices of these IoT protocols. The second challenge we consider is to find a generic way to describe fundamental IoT attacks regardless of the protocol used. This approach exposes similar attacks amongst different IoT protocols and is divided into three parts: attacks focusing on packets (passive and active cryptographic attacks), attacks focusing on the protocol (MITM, Flooding, Sybil, Spoofing, Wormhole attacks) and attacks focusing on the whole system (Sinkhole, Selective forwarding attacks). It also highlights which mechanisms are different between two protocols to make both of them vulnerable to an attack. Finally, we draw some lessons and perspectives from this transversal study

    IoTMap: A protocol-agnostic multi-layer system to detect application patterns in IoT networks

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    International audienceThe growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) results in a proliferation of different protocols (ZigBee, Bluetooth, 6LowPAN, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi, etc.). Organizations tend to quickly deploy several IoT applications over time and thus face heterogeneous IoT systems, combining different IoT protocols in different places of the overall system. This heterogeneity of protocols makes these networks hard to monitor or control, and some misconfigurations or unexpected device behaviours may even expose users to security issues. In this work, we propose the IoTMap system. IoTMap models interconnected and heterogeneous IoT networks, combining different protocols, by providing a generic stack and a unified packet format. IoTMap builds an iterative graph model where high-level semantics can progressively be deduced, ranging from packet transmission to application-type analysis. As such, IoTMap detects application behaviours amongst devices implementing different protocols, interconnected through a multi-protocol hub. In its current implementation (available at https://github.com/AlgoSecure/iotmap), IoTMap can inspect Zig- Bee, BLE and 6LowPAN networks

    Audit d'un systĂšme IoT par test d'intrusion

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    National audienceL'explosion du secteur de l'Internet des Objets, reposant majoritairement sur des technologies de communication sans fil, soulÚve de nombreuses problématiques de sécurité. Ceci est notamment dû à leur caractÚre hétérogÚne, à leurs réseaux peu cloisonnés et une mise sur le marché hùtive. Nous proposons dans le cadre de cette thÚse une méthode permettant d'évaluer la sécurité d'un systÚme d'objets connectés utilisant des modes de communication sans fil, ceci afin de renforcer la sécurité du systÚme d'information dans son ensemble. Notre méthodologie se base sur une approche éprouvée dans l'IT classique : le test d'intrusion

    HardenedGolo : pour augmenter le niveau de confiance en un code Golo

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    National audienceCet article décrit un travail préliminaire autour du langage de programmation Golo. Notre objectif est de fournir aux développeurs des outils permettant de renforcer leur confiance en leur code. Pour ce faire, nous avons expérimenté plusieurs approches (test dynamique, analyse de type et preuve de programme) et nous cherchons maintenant des choix pertinents pour avancer dans chacune de ces pistes

    Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity under a Common Policy. CEPS Paperback. October 2013

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    Well-functioning factor markets are an essential condition for the competitiveness and sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. At the same time, the functioning of the factor markets themselves is influenced by changes in agriculture and the rural economy. Such changes can be the result of progress in technology, globalisation and European market integration, changing consumer preferences and shifts in policy. Changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) over the last decade have particularly affected the rural factor markets. This book analyses the functioning of factor markets for agriculture in the EU-27 and several candidate countries. Written by leading academics and policy analysts from various European countries, these chapters compare the different markets, their institutional framework, their impact on agricultural development and structural change, and their interaction with the CAP. As the first comparative study to cover rural factor markets in Europe, highlighting their diversity − despite the Common Agricultural Policy and an integrated single market − Land, Labour & Capital Markets in European Agriculture provides a timely and valuable source of information at a time of further CAP reform and the continuing transformation of the EU's rural areas