18 research outputs found
Le tourisme Nord-Sud : quoi de neuf ?
Cazes Georges, Le Monde diplomatique. Le tourisme Nord-Sud : quoi de neuf ?. In: Autres Temps. Les cahiers du christianisme social. N°18, 1988. pp. 20-24
Stalingrad in the Hindu Kush? AFPAK, crucibles and chains of terror
We write in the aftermath of another bomb attack in a Pakistani city (August 2009). This time it is Lahore, where this year there have already been three attacks striking at the heart of the city. This signals a conflict that is no longer restricted to the distant, remote regions of Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) but is spreading northwards and into Pakistan’s heartlands. The attacks were carried out by the Taliban in retaliation for the military offensive in the Swat Valley (in the North-West Frontier Province). The insurgency is viewed by many ordinary Pakistanis as well as the state machinery as a major threat to the country’s stability and trajectory (Mohammad 2008). Contrary to the Taliban’s expectations, it is now fuelling considerable popular support for the government’s actions
Secularism as a barrier to integration. The French Dilemma
This article focuses on the secularism debate currently taking place in France by examining how this issue impacts the integration of immigrants, particularly Muslim immigrants. Secularism is one of the key values of French Republicanism, but one which has been challenged by the establishment of a settled population of Muslim immigrants in France. The issue has been particularly highlighted by the affaire des foulards (headscarf affair), an ongoing debate over the rights of Muslim girls to wear a headscarf to secular French schools. Discussions of the principle of secularism and of its application have been even more intense in recent months with the publication in December 2003 of a report by the Stasi Commission, a commission set up by President Chirac to investigate the application of the principle of secularism, and by the passage of legislation intended to outlaw the wearing of any "overt" religious insignia in French schools. This article examines these recent developments in the context of the long-running debate over Muslim women's right to wear a headscarf in French schools. It argues that the current focus on secularism provides evidence of the return of assimilation as a primary objective of public policy (Brubaker, 2001) and the decreasing strength of the movement in favour of the droit à la différence (right to difference). Finally, the paper argues that this has provided important obstacles to the integration of certain groups of immigrants, particularly Muslim immigrants
Por um Brasil justo e democrático : mudar para sair da crise. Alternativas para o Brasil voltar a crescer. Volume I
Construir um Brasil justo e democrático requer consensos em torno de um projeto de desenvolvimento nacional. Este documento apresenta subsĂdios nesse sentido e alerta que o ajuste regressivo em curso nĂŁo caminha nessa direção. Sua elaboração se deu a partir dos debates realizados em seis reuniões que contaram com a participação de mais de uma centena de especialistas (economistas, cientistas polĂticos, urbanistas, educadores e sanitaristas, dentre outros). Foram produzidos dezenas de artigos sobre temas diversos que serviram de base para a consolidação dos subsĂdios aqui apresentados
Por um Brasil justo e democrático : o Brasil que queremos. SubsĂdios para um projeto de desenvolvimento nacional. Volume II
Construir um Brasil justo e democrático requer consensos em torno de um projeto de desenvolvimento nacional. Este documento apresenta subsĂdios nesse sentido e alerta que o ajuste regressivo em curso nĂŁo caminha nessa direção. Sua elaboração se deu a partir dos debates realizados em seis reuniões que contaram com a participação de mais de uma centena de especialistas (economistas, cientistas polĂticos, urbanistas, educadores e sanitaristas, dentre outros). Foram produzidos dezenas de artigos sobre temas diversos que serviram de base para a consolidação dos subsĂdios aqui apresentados