29 research outputs found

    Using transcriptome profiling to characterize QTL regions on chicken chromosome 5

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although many QTL for various traits have been mapped in livestock, location confidence intervals remain wide that makes difficult the identification of causative mutations. The aim of this study was to test the contribution of microarray data to QTL detection in livestock species. Three different but complementary approaches are proposed to improve characterization of a chicken QTL region for abdominal fatness (AF) previously detected on chromosome 5 (GGA5).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Hepatic transcriptome profiles for 45 offspring of a sire known to be heterozygous for the distal GGA5 AF QTL were obtained using a 20 K chicken oligochip. mRNA levels of 660 genes were correlated with the AF trait. The first approach was to dissect the AF phenotype by identifying animal subgroups according to their 660 transcript profiles. Linkage analysis using some of these subgroups revealed another QTL in the middle of GGA5 and increased the significance of the distal GGA5 AF QTL, thereby refining its localization. The second approach targeted the genes correlated with the AF trait and regulated by the GGA5 AF QTL region. Five of the 660 genes were considered as being controlled either by the AF QTL mutation itself or by a mutation close to it; one having a function related to lipid metabolism (HMGCS1). In addition, a QTL analysis with a multiple trait model combining this 5 gene-set and AF allowed us to refine the QTL region. The third approach was to use these 5 transcriptome profiles to predict the paternal Q versus q AF QTL mutation for each recombinant offspring and then refine the localization of the QTL from 31 cM (100 genes) at a most probable location confidence interval of 7 cM (12 genes) after determining the recombination breakpoints, an interval consistent with the reductions obtained by the two other approaches.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results showed the feasibility and efficacy of the three strategies used, the first revealing a QTL undetected using the whole population, the second providing functional information about a QTL region through genes related to the trait and controlled by this region (HMGCS1), the third could drastically refine a QTL region.</p

    New investigations around CYP11A1 and its possible involvement in an androstenone QTL characterised in Large White pigs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previously, in boars with extreme androstenone levels, differential expression of the <it>CYP11A1 </it>gene in the testes has been characterised. <it>CYP11A1 </it>is located in a region where a QTL influencing boar fat androstenone levels has been detected in a Large White pig population. Clarifying the role of CYP11A1 in boar taint is important because it catalyses the initial step of androstenone synthesis and also of steroid synthesis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A genome-wide association study located <it>CYP11A1 </it>at approximately 1300 kb upstream from SNP H3GA0021967, defining the centre of the region containing the QTL for androstenone variation. In this study, we partially sequenced the <it>CYP11A1 </it>gene and identified several new single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) within it. Characterisation of one animal, heterozygous for <it>CYP11A1 </it>testicular expression but homozygous for a haplotype of a large region containing <it>CYP11A1</it>, revealed that variation of <it>CYP11A1 </it>expression is probably regulated by a mutation located downstream from the SNP H3GA0021967. We analysed <it>CYP11A1 </it>expression in LW families according to haplotypes of the QTL region's centre. Effects of haplotypes on <it>CYP11A1 </it>expression and on androstenone accumulation were not concordant.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study shows that testicular expression of <it>CYP11A1 </it>is not solely responsible for the QTL influencing boar fat androstenone levels. As a conclusion, we propose to refute the hypothesis that a single mutation located near the centre of the QTL region could control androstenone accumulation in fat by regulating the <it>CYP11A1 </it>expression.</p

    Development and validation of high-density SNP array in ducks

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    Development and validation of high-density SNP array in ducks. XIth European symposium on poultry genetics (ESPG

    A factor model to analyze heterogeneity in gene expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microarray technology allows the simultaneous analysis of thousands of genes within a single experiment. Significance analyses of transcriptomic data ignore the gene dependence structure. This leads to correlation among test statistics which affects a strong control of the false discovery proportion. A recent method called FAMT allows capturing the gene dependence into factors in order to improve high-dimensional multiple testing procedures. In the subsequent analyses aiming at a functional characterization of the differentially expressed genes, our study shows how these factors can be used both to identify the components of expression heterogeneity and to give more insight into the underlying biological processes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The use of factors to characterize simple patterns of heterogeneity is first demonstrated on illustrative gene expression data sets. An expression data set primarily generated to map QTL for fatness in chickens is then analyzed. Contrarily to the analysis based on the raw data, a relevant functional information about a QTL region is revealed by factor-adjustment of the gene expressions. Additionally, the interpretation of the independent factors regarding known information about both experimental design and genes shows that some factors may have different and complex origins.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>As biological information and technological biases are identified in what was before simply considered as statistical noise, analyzing heterogeneity in gene expression yields a new point of view on transcriptomic data.</p

    Complex trait subtypes identification using transcriptome profiling reveals an interaction between two QTL affecting adiposity in chicken

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Integrative genomics approaches that combine genotyping and transcriptome profiling in segregating populations have been developed to dissect complex traits. The most common approach is to identify genes whose eQTL colocalize with QTL of interest, providing new functional hypothesis about the causative mutation. Another approach includes defining subtypes for a complex trait using transcriptome profiles and then performing QTL mapping using some of these subtypes. This approach can refine some QTL and reveal new ones.</p> <p>In this paper we introduce Factor Analysis for Multiple Testing (FAMT) to define subtypes more accurately and reveal interaction between QTL affecting the same trait. The data used concern hepatic transcriptome profiles for 45 half sib male chicken of a sire known to be heterozygous for a QTL affecting abdominal fatness (AF) on chromosome 5 distal region around 168 cM.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using this methodology which accounts for hidden dependence structure among phenotypes, we identified 688 genes that are significantly correlated to the AF trait and we distinguished 5 subtypes for AF trait, which are not observed with gene lists obtained by classical approaches. After exclusion of one of the two lean bird subtypes, linkage analysis revealed a previously undetected QTL on chromosome 5 around 100 cM. Interestingly, the animals of this subtype presented the same q paternal haplotype at the 168 cM QTL. This result strongly suggests that the two QTL are in interaction. In other words, the "q configuration" at the 168 cM QTL could hide the QTL existence in the proximal region at 100 cM. We further show that the proximal QTL interacts with the previous one detected on the chromosome 5 distal region.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that stratifying genetic population by molecular phenotypes followed by QTL analysis on various subtypes can lead to identification of novel and interacting QTL.</p

    QCompere @ REPERE 2013

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    International audienceWe describe QCompere consortium submissions to the REPERE 2013 evaluation campaign. The REPERE challenge aims at gathering four communities (face recognition, speaker identification, optical character recognition and named entity detection) towards the same goal: multimodal person recognition in TV broadcast. First, four mono-modal components are introduced (one for each foregoing community) constituting the elementary building blocks of our various submissions. Then, depending on the target modality (speaker or face recognition) and on the task (supervised or unsupervised recognition), four different fusion techniques are introduced: they can be summarized as propagation-, classifier-, rule- or graph-based approaches. Finally, their performance is evaluated on REPERE 2013 test set and their advantages and limitations are discussed

    QCompere @ REPERE 2013

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    International audienceWe describe QCompere consortium submissions to the REPERE 2013 evaluation campaign. The REPERE challenge aims at gathering four communities (face recognition, speaker identification, optical character recognition and named entity detection) towards the same goal: multimodal person recognition in TV broadcast. First, four mono-modal components are introduced (one for each foregoing community) constituting the elementary building blocks of our various submissions. Then, depending on the target modality (speaker or face recognition) and on the task (supervised or unsupervised recognition), four different fusion techniques are introduced: they can be summarized as propagation-, classifier-, rule- or graph-based approaches. Finally, their performance is evaluated on REPERE 2013 test set and their advantages and limitations are discussed

    Apports de la génomique fonctionnelle à la cartographie fine de QTL

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    De nombreux progrĂšs ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s ces derniĂšres annĂ©es en gĂ©nomique. Le dĂ©veloppement de technologies Ă  base de supports miniaturisĂ©s, permet aujourd’hui d’explorer les gĂ©nomes tant au niveau de leur structure que de leur expression. Les puces Ă  ADN permettent ainsi de gĂ©notyper plusieurs milliers de marqueurs SNP d’un gĂ©nome ou encore de mesurer le niveau d’expression de plusieurs milliers de gĂšnes d’un tissu. Combiner l’information gĂ©notypique avec des mesures phĂ©notypiques Ă©lĂ©mentaires (ARNm, protĂ©ines ou encore mĂ©tabolites) ouvre de nouvelles perspectives dans l’étude du fonctionnement du vivant et a donnĂ© naissance Ă  un nouveau concept, la « gĂ©nĂ©tique gĂ©nomique ». Cet article est centrĂ© sur les apports de la « gĂ©nĂ©tique gĂ©nomique » dans le contexte de la dĂ©tection de QTL (Quantitative Trait Locus). AprĂšs avoir dĂ©fini la notion de QTL d’expression (eQTL), cet article propose dans un premier temps un bilan des diffĂ©rents programmes de cartographie de QTL d’expression dĂ©crits dans la littĂ©rature. Sont ensuite prĂ©sentĂ©s les diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes utilisant des donnĂ©es d’expression pour prĂ©ciser ou caractĂ©riser fonctionnellement des rĂ©gions QTL responsables de la variation de caractĂšres d’intĂ©rĂȘt avec des exemples concernant les animaux d’élevage.Much progress has been made in recent years in the genomics field. The development of technologies -based on miniaturized arrays makes it possible to explore genomes at both structural and functional levels. DNA microarrays allow to genotype several thousands of SNP in a genome, or measure the expression level of several thousands of genes in a tissue. Strategies combining genotypic information with elementary phenotypes (mRNA, proteins or metabolites) open new perspectives in biology research and are grouped under the new concept of «genetical genomics». We will focus here on the contributions of the «genetical genomics» in the context of QTL detection. Firstly, after defining the concept of expression QTL (eQTL), this article reports the main results on expression QTL mapping reported in the literature. Then, the different methods using expression data to refine or functionally characterize a QTL region are presented and illustrated through some examples on model and livestock species