2,340 research outputs found

    Revue du genre Coquilletidia (Diptera : Culididae) à Madagascar et description de la larve de Cq. grandidieri (Blanchard, 1905)

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    International audienceRESUME : Le genre Coquilletidia regroupe des moustiques impliqués dans la transmission de nombreuses arboviroses. Les adultes sont localement abondants et très agressifs pour l'homme. A Madagascar, ce genre concerne 3 espèces dont 2 endémiques qui n'ont pas encore été décrites au stade larvaire. Les auteurs décrivent une unique larve de Coquilletidia récoltée à Ankazobe, dans le Moyen Ouest malgache, à une altitude de 1200 mètres. La répartition des captures d'adultes de Coquilletidia dans les différentes zones bio-climatiques de Madagascar, d'une part, et les critères morphologiques différentiels, d'autre part, permettent d'attribuer cette larve à Cq. grandidieri

    Le paludisme urbain à Yaoundé (Cameroun) : 2. Etude entomologique dans deux quartiers peu urbanisés

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    International audienceA one year entomological survey was carried out to precise the malaria vectors and the malaria transmission in Yaounde, the Cameroon capital (800,000 inhabitants). The study was done in two districts not yet fully urbanized: Nkol Bikok and Nkol Bisson. The latter is located at the periphery and has a pool. Anopheles gambiae was the only human malaria vector. Its agressivity for man depended on the urbanization of the district. Annual man biting rate was 284 in Nkol Bikok and 1,813 in Nkol Bisson. The densities were maximum in May-June and in October-November, corresponding to the end of the short and long rainy seasons. The presence of A. gambiae was permanent except in August-September in Nkol Bikok. In Nkol Bisson the density was higher in the houses near the pool. The yearly inoculation rate (h) was 14 in Nkol Bikok and 30 in Nkol Bisson. The vectorial transmission was observed in may in Nkol Bikok and during four months (June, August, January, February) in Nkol Bisson. These entomological data showed clearly that malaria transmission actually occurred in Yaounde and that the probability to receive at least one infected anopheline bite per year was very near to 1 for inhabitants unprotected against mosquito bites.Une étude longitudinale basée sur la capture des moustiques sur sujets humains s'est déroulée pendant un an dans deux quartiers de la ville de Yaoundé, l'un est situé à la périphérie de la ville (Nkol Bisson) et l'autre est plus central (Nkol Bikok). Ces deux quartiers présentent encore un caractère périurbain mais ils sont en pleine urbanisation. Le vecteur du paludisme humain identifé est Anopheles gambiae. Sa densité agressive pour l'homme (ma) est variable selon le degré d'urbanisation des quartiers : forte en Zone périphérique (ma annuel = I 813) et faible en zone centrale (ma annuel = 284). Cette densité est importante de mai à juin et d'octobre 6 novembre, c'est-à-dire à la fin de la petite et de la grande saison des pluies. Le taux d'inoculation (h) varie comme les densités agressives : h annuel = 30 en zone périphérique contre 14 en zone centrale. La transmission vectorielle est notable seulement pendant un mois (mai) à Nkol Bikok et pendant quatre mois (juin, août, janvier, février) à Nkol Bisson. Le risque quotidien d'au moins une inoculation par A. gambiae est environ deux fois plus élevé en zone périphérique qu'en zone centrale

    Measurement of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D: A historical review

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    The constantly increasing requests for the measurement of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D over the last years has led reagent manufacturers to market different automated and semi-automated methods, that being unfortunately not fully harmonized, yield different results. Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS2) has more recently been introduced. This approach allows the distinction between the two forms of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and to measure other metabolites. This approach also requires harmonization to curtail the differences between the different analytical methods. To meet this requirement, the American National Institutes of Health (NIH), the CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) in Atlanta, the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and the vitamin D Reference laboratory of Ghent University have pooled their expertise to develop a standardization program. This article reviews the main elements and the difficulties of the automated and semi-automated methods for 25-hydroxyvitamin D, from sample preparation to the analytical phase, as well as those related to mass spectrometry. It also addresses the issues related to the clinical decision thresholds and the possibility of measurements in different biological liquids

    Plans de prévention des risques incendie de forêt et acceptabilité des contraintes Eléments de réflexions juridiques

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    A partir de l'étude juridique menée dans le cadre d'un programme de recherches « Etude prospective sur la mise en uvre des plans de prévention des risques d'incendie de forêt. Quel devenir pour les zones rouges des P.P.R.I.F. ? », financé par le G.I.S. Incendie de Forêt, cet article présente une interprétation des résultats sous l'angle de la problématique de l'acceptabilité des P.P.R.I.F. Les auteurs proposent un ensemble d'orientations susceptibles de permettre une meilleure acceptation des P.P.R.I.F. et de leurs contraintes tant de la part des propriétaires concernés que de celle des autorités locales

    Anthropophilic mosquitoes and malaria transmission at Edea, Cameroon

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    International audienceAn entomological study was carried out during 1990 in the town of Edea in the south of Cameroon to study anthropophilic mosquitoes with special reference to malaria transmission. Man-biting mosquitoes were caught regularly during one night each month in two different districts: Bilalang which is a well planned suburb with 160 houses on a hill-top, provided with a piped water supply; and Pongo which is a densely urbanised suburb in a valley. From 188 man-nights 1030 mosquitoes were collected, comprising 700 Culex quinquefasciatus (68%), 262 Anopheles gambiae (25%) and others species (7%) belonging to the genus Anopheles, Mansonia, Culex and Aedes. The estimated annual biting rates of mosquitoes were 811 bites per man in Bilalang and 2,866 in Pongo. The estimated yearly malaria inoculation rates were 3.8 and 30.2 infective bites per man in Bilalang and Pongo, respectively. In different parts of Pongo district much variation existed; extreme values of the estimated yearly inoculation rate were zero and 86.3 in two houses 200 m apart, located on the top of a hill and in the bottom of a valley, respectively. This study is one of the first conducted on malaria transmission in a moderate sized African town; it shows that the mosquito populations are typically urban and differ greatly from rural ones

    Role of the Netrin-like Domain of Procollagen C-Proteinase Enhancer-1 in the Control of Metalloproteinase Activity

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    The netrin-like (NTR) domain is a feature of several extracellular proteins, most notably the N-terminal domain of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), where it functions as a strong inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases and some other members of the metzincin superfamily. The presence of a C-terminal NTR domain in procollagen C-proteinase enhancers (PCPEs), proteins that stimulate the activity of astacin-like tolloid proteinases, raises the possibility that this might also have inhibitory activity. Here we show that both long and short forms of the PCPE-1 NTR domain, the latter beginning at the N-terminal cysteine known to be critical for TIMP activity, show no inhibition, at micromolar concentrations, of several members of the metzincin superfamily, including matrix metalloproteinase-2, bone morphogenetic protein-1 (a tolloid proteinase), and different ADAMTS (a disintegrin and a metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs) proteinases from the adamalysin family. In contrast, we report that the NTR domain within PCPE-1 leads to superstimulation of bone morphogenetic protein-1 activity in the presence of heparin and heparan sulfate. These observations point to a new mechanism whereby binding to cell surface-associated or extracellular heparin-like sulfated glycosaminoglycans might provide a means to accelerate procollagen processing in specific cellular and extracellular microenvironments