30 research outputs found

    Les effets des accidents sur la mise en Ɠuvre de la Convention Marpol 73/78 (annexe 1) et l’évolution des rejets opĂ©rationnels d’hydrocarbures des navires au large de la Bretagne

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    Les rejets opĂ©rationnels d’hydrocarbures des navires constituent un risque chronique de pollution pour les espaces maritimes et littoraux. L’objectif de cet article est d’évaluer l’efficacitĂ© de la mise en Ɠuvre de la Convention Marpol 73/78 (annexe 1) sur l’évolution des vidanges de ce type au large de la Bretagne. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus sont mitigĂ©s du point de vue du respect des normes de rejets autorisĂ©s, notamment pour les dĂ©chets provenant des compartiments machines des navires qui reprĂ©sentent la trĂšs grande majoritĂ© des dĂ©tections dans cet espace maritime. Enfin, l’interdiction de tous les dĂ©versements d’hydrocarbures en Manche depuis le 1eraoĂ»t 1999 («zone spĂ©ciale» Marpol) semble s’ĂȘtre traduite par leur report en pĂ©riphĂ©rie (nord Gascogne).Operational oil spills from vessels represent a chronic risk of pollution for coastal and marine areas. The aim of this paper is to evaluate effectiveness of Marpol’s enforcement (annex 1) on evolution of this discharges off the coasts of Brittany. Results show that discharge’s limits are not respected yet, particularly for engine room bilges and fuel oil sludge who represent the bulk of detected oil spills in this marine area. Lastly, banning of discharges in English Channel since august the first, 1999 (Marpol “special area”) seems to result into their transfer towards peripheral regions (bay of Biscay)

    Examining stakeholder involvement in the context of top-down marine protected area governance: the case of the Sept-Îles National Nature Reserve (Brittany, France)

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    Marine protected areas (MPAs) are important yet complex conservation tools that can be difficult to govern and manage. In France, the State manages protected areas with national status, but consults communities and users when making decisions. How can the governance of an MPA be improved while respecting the framework imposed on it by State regulations? This study focuses on the Sept-Îles National Nature Reserve (RĂ©serve naturelle nationale, or RNN), located in northern Brittany (France) and renowned for its natural heritage, particularly for its seabird conservation efforts. Its management methods are provided for by the French Environmental Code, and are structured around an Advisory Committee, a Scientific Council, and a designated manager. Any change in the functioning of this committee must comply with the provisions of French law. Following a decree to extend the perimeter of the RNN, there was the opportunity to reassess the functioning of the current governance structure the RNN Sept-Îles and to define its strengths and weaknesses so that these may be addressed as the RNN grows. Various stakeholders – for the most part members of the Advisory Committee – were engaged through semi-structured interviews, guided by the principles of good governance. This study found that the current structure of the Advisory Committee is not aligned with the French Environmental Code and proposes new working groups that could offer stakeholders more opportunities for participation. There were issues of representation, communication, and power struggles within the Advisory Committee and highlights a distinct lack of young people within the governance structure of the RNN, which poses questions about its future. This is one of the first studies in France to propose an alternative governance structure involving more RNN stakeholders that can fit into the current framework imposed by State regulations