340 research outputs found
Prolific inventors and their mobility: scale, impact and significance. What the literature tells us and some hypotheses
In this paper we survey the literature dealing with the category of prolific inventor. We set out some elements regarding nature, scale, significance and impact of the mobility of this population of prolific inventors. In particular the paper suggests an analysis that measures the effects on mobility on individual inventive productivity and the value of invention. We call âprolificnessâ the capacity to accumulate knowledge and experience through mobility (that is to say through their capital of contacts and interactions).Prolific inventor ; patent ; mobility ; performance ; corporation ; research and development
The evolution of patent functions: New trends, main challenges and implications for firm strategy
Recent publications in the field of Intellectual Property (IP) have shown that the previous literature did not grasp how complex patents are. The goal of this paper is to present an overview of all identified functions of patents and of the main strategic implications of such a complex picture. We first survey the main patent functions : innovation protection, functions related to trade and finance, defensive roles, and patent as an input in the innovation process. We then define each function and analyse their main evolution trends in relation with the current environment. We finally identify the strategic implications of each function. We focus on the implications of the newly identified functions and on the interaction between the different functions.Patent ; Intellectual Property ; Strategic Management ; Functions ; Motives to patent
Related variety and regional growth in Italy
Research & Development, Multinational Firms, Location Strategies
Does internationalisation of technology determine technological diversification in large firms?
The purpose of the paper is to examine the relationship between technological diversification and internationalisation of technology for large multinational firms, operating at the world technological frontier. More precisely we address the question as to whether internationalisation determines diversification. The analysis is based on a rich database of the European patenting activity of 345 large multinational firms with the highest levels of patenting over two periods of time (1988-1990 and 1994-1996). The relationship is tested using a variety of different regression models. The results show that for the sample as a whole there is no statistically significant relationship between technological diversification and internationalisation of technology. However when the sample is disaggregated according to the predominant internationalisation strategy adopted by a firm, we find a statistically significant relationship. Our results show that in a cross-section of firms adopting a homebase- augmenting strategy, internationalisation determines the level of diversification. Thus amongst such large firms a higher level of internationalisation of technology is associated with a greater level of diversification.multinational firms, technological diversification,internationalisation of technology, patenting
"Causes, Consequences and Dynamics of 'Complex' Distributions of Technological Activities: The Case of Prolific Inventors"
We provide a framework for understanding the causes and consequences of the observed shapes of the distributions of individual inventors' productivities. We review a literature that begins with Lotka's (1926) "law" regarding the persistence of variability in scientific productivity at any point in time and also over time. We discuss use of the "power law" and the Pareto distribution to describe and explain the empirical distributions. We focus on the upper parts of the frequency distributions for inventors exploring the processes underlying knowledge accumulation at the individual level, including its features, characteristics, and structural trends. Finally we explore the specific processes by which these individuals create, maintain, and increase knowledge accumulation as their careers evolve.patents, inventors, prolific, lotka
Prolific Inventor Productivity and Mobility: A Western/Asian com-parison. Evidence from US Patent Data for 12 Countries
This paper provides new insights into the role of individual inventors inthe innovation process. Individuals are central in this creative process becauseinnovation is not simply a product of firms and organizations; it requiresindividual creativity (Rothaermel and Hess, 2007). We focus our analysis on prolific inventors (a rich sub category of inventors) because they contribute sohugely to national invention totals (Le Bas et al., 2010) and tend to produceinventions that have more economic value (Gambardella et al., 2005; Gay et al.,2008). Converging empirical evidence has established the significance ofprolific inventors (Ernst et al., 2000). Previous studies of prolific (or âkeyâ)inventors have focused more on the firms in which they work or on the industriesin which the firms operate. Narin and Breitzmanâs (1995) seminal work on thetopic is based on an analysis of only four firms in a single sector and a recentpaper by Pilkington et al. (2009) uses only two firms. In contrast to these studieson small samples, we use a very large data set which includes thousands ofinventors in thousands of firms from several countries.ArtykuĆ przedstawia nowe spojrzenie na rolÄ indywidualnych wynalazcĂłw w procesie tworzenia innowacji. Wynalazcy indywidualni stanowiÄ
element centralny procesu twĂłrczego. Innowacja nie jest produktem firm i organizacji, wymaga indywidualnej kreatywnoĆci (Rothaermel i Hess 2007). Badanie koncentruje siÄ na analizie pĆodnych wynalazcĂłw. Wynalazcy tej kategorii majÄ
najwyĆŒszy udziaĆ w generowaniu ogĂłĆu wynalazkĂłw (Le Bas et al. 2010) o wysokiej wartoĆci ekonkomicznej (Gambardella et al. 2005). Poprzednie badania kluczowych wynalazcĂłw skupiaĆy siÄ analizie firm, w ktĂłrych pracujÄ
lub w branĆŒach, w ktĂłrych te firmy dziaĆajÄ
Vers une économie post-TRIPS. Quelques repÚres et analyse préliminaire
In this paper we analyze the main economic consequences for the developing countries of the existence, the working and the evolution of the patent system in the context of TRIPS. We define the so-called post-TRIPS economy as the new system of international economic relations modified by the strengthening of intellectual property rights (IPR). We provide. a survey of theoretical and empirical literature dealing with TRIPS, the evolution of IPR system and the capacity of development. The effects of the strengthening of intellectual property rights on technology transfer are addressed as well.L'objet du papier est d'analyser les conséquences pour les pays en voie de développement de l'existence, du fonctionnement, et de l'évolution du systÚme de brevet tel qu'il est maintenant structuré par les TRIPS (au sein de l'OMC). Nous définissons et analysons l'économie post-TRIPS, comme nouvelle structuration des relations économiques internationales modifiées sous l'effet du renforcement des droits de propriété intellectuelle. Nous fournissons un survol commentée de la littérature théorique et empirique sur les TRIPS et sur l'évolution du systÚme de propriété intellectuelle et les capacités de développement. Les effets d'un renforcement des droits de brevets sur les transferts de technologies sont également abordés
Vers une économie post-TRIPS. Quelques repÚres et analyse préliminaire
L'objet du papier est d'analyser les conséquences pour les pays en voie de développement de l'existence, du fonctionnement, et de l'évolution du systÚme de brevet tel qu'il est maintenant structuré par les TRIPS (au sein de l'OMC). Nous définissons et analysons l'économie post-TRIPS, comme nouvelle structuration des relations économiques internationales modifiées sous l'effet du renforcement des droits de propriété intellectuelle. Nous fournissons un survol commentée de la littérature théorique et empirique sur les TRIPS et sur l'évolution du systÚme de propriété intellectuelle et les capacités de développement. Les effets d'un renforcement des droits de brevets sur les transferts de technologies sont également abordés.TRIPS;brevet;développement;transfert de technologie
La diversification technologique comme processus ambidextre. Une analyse empirique sur un panel de Firmes multinationales
Nous partons de l'hypothÚse que dans tout processus de diversification technologique la firme à la fois explore et exploite de nouveaux champs de connaissances technologiques, elle est ainsi dans un processus ambidextre. Le but de la recherche est d'examiner si ces deux formes de diversification technologique se retrouvent dans les stratégies d'un grand nombre de grandes firmes et d'expliquer pourquoi une firme adopte plutÎt l'une que l'autre en recensant les facteurs qui jouent en faveur de l'une et/ou de l'autre stratégie. L'analyse est fondée sur une base de données de brevets européens possédés par 294 firmes multinationales sur deux périodes de temps (1988-1990, 1994-1996). Nous définissons 3 indicateurs de diversification. On montre que la population de firmes qui se diversifient fortement dans leur base de connaissance (exploitation) et qui se diversifient également fortement en dehors (exploration) est la plus élevée. On montre que la diversification dans la base de connaissances et que la diversification en dehors de la base de connaissances ne sont expliquées ni par la taille des activités de connaissances, ni par le niveau d'internationalisation technologique (aprÚs contrÎle par le pays et le champ technologique principal). Ces premiers résultats apparaissent prometteurs et l'analyse peut faire l'objet d'améliorations.Diversification technologique;ambidextrie;firmes multinationales;base de connaissances
On Firm Growth and Innovation. Some new empirical perspectives using French CIS (1992-2004)
In the paper we wish to examine if the firms that innovate know a higher growth than the firm that do not. We use diverse waves of CIS for the French industries over the period 1992- 2004 and carry out different models and new econometric methods (quantile regression). Our main findings are that innovative firms produce more growth than non innovative firms. The estimates show that the results are robust to the different types of models that we have implemented. Process innovators are more productive in terms of growth than product innovators when OLS and Random effects models are used. The reverse is true for Fix effect model and quantile regression. In the three growth equations estimated by GMM the coefficients related to innovation product are always higher. Our study does not give definitive results with respect to the magnitude of the effects of the type of innovation on firm growth.Innovation, process and product, firm growth, CIS
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